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Posts posted by Keith

  1. I saw priest last year. I have seen them 5 times before. But, last year, Rob's voice was the best i have ever heard it. It sounded almost like he had taken opera lessons. A lot of his singing was clean and operetic, yet powerful. I am not sure he lost anything. He may just be getting better lol. The scream in the chorus of Blood Red Skies pierced the stratosphere. I was in awe the whole time. Not sure what Rob Halford you guys are taking about lol. I guess we all have bad days / bad shows. I sang a show last year with the flu. I could barely stand up there under those lights for the 45 minutes that were required. And my voice sounded like crap lol. But, to me, it was better to just do it, than to cancel.

  2. Here is the first cover song I have tried since my little injury. My studio monitors are dead, so I hope is sounds ok. I tried the first and second verse differently (as far as technique). One of them pulled chest, and the other did not. I am really not very familiar with this song, so I hope that also I sang it right lol.


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