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Everything posted by Max

  1. Thanks guys, it was one of those times when it doesn't come out right, even it sounds ok, I wasn't really feeling it. Ron, that's a really positive piece of feedback, thanks very much, I'm always worried about sounding too much like other people so it's nice to hear you think I have my own sound, which is something I'm having lots of fun developing. Thanks again for the comments. Max
  2. Hi guys, here is a really quick and dirty cover of wrathchild by iron maiden. I think it's one of the worst things i've recorded but i thought i would post it up anyway because it's good to reference your own bad performances now and then. http://soundcloud.com/maxswinton/wrathchild Hope you enjoy, feedback welcome. Max
  3. Thanks very much indeed guys. Olem i think that is probably the best compliment, thanks very much, feels great to know that someone is enjoying it. Max
  4. this is really good, you make the high parts sound easy. good job man, i am definitely going to give this one a shot.
  5. Hi everyone, Here is my cover of we will rock you by queen. Recorded in one take, lots of fun if completely ott for the song. Hope you enjoy it, comments appreciated.
  6. Well thank you very much for the comments everyone, appreciate it. Tommy I agree with you, this one is a little too screechy in places but I think the main reason for the melody being lost is that i haven't listened to the song in probably a year and I've never sung it before, which is not an excuse, just an example of me being far too unprepared! Ronws, you, speechless? Surely not Enander, thanks, and i can assure you there is no tampering! Keith, thanks very much, that's a big compliment, now go and dig your mic up and keep on singing. Max
  7. Hi everyone, here is a little bit of me singing who made who by AC/DC. Never sung this song before, but it's one of my favourite AC/DC numbers so I wanted to give it a shot. I've also included the isolated vocal track. Hope you enjoy it, comments and feedback very welcome. Vocals only: -vocals-only Thanks for listening, Max
  8. Nice, sounds good, God luck and keep posting.
  9. Thanks Dougie, yeah you were right, good suggestion. Thanks Lord Adon, just keep practicing and you will figure it out I'm sure, I'm still figuring it out, just keep going.
  10. Yeah been thinking about some whitesnake, thanks for the suggestions.
  11. It depends what i can find backing tracks for. I used to be all about singing as high as I could, but it's not my strong point really. I think I might do some AC/DC and of course endless Dio.
  12. Enander... we both know there is no way I am going to do any of those songs better than you, in fact there is no way I'm going to manage any of those songs full stop, my voice is just not cut out for that sort of prolonged high pitched singing. Nice try. Perhaps we'll just have to leave each others balls alone.
  13. Thanks Keith, I didn't mean to say that you were saying I was a clone, it's definitely a massive compliment to be compared to Dio. I'm sure you could do it if you practiced for it, but you have a great voice as it is, and totally different to mine I think. Thanks Tommy, glad you liked it. Anyone have any suggestions for songs I should cover?
  14. Ha, Keith I have nothing on Dio, and I definitely need to steer my voice further away from the Dio sound I think, even though I don't think I sound very much like him over all. Whats happened is that up until fairly recently I couldn't really do distortion very well, and being a huge fan of Dio's roar I tried to emulate it and ended up discovering a lot of things I couldn't do before, and I am very much in the learning stage of singing, experimenting with all the noises I can make etc. I definitely don't want to end up a sub par Dio clone though.
  15. Ha, thanks Enander, definitely not awesome but I'm fairly pleased with how this one came out, working on more as I have the time. Max
  16. Hi everyone, Here is a portion of Love is All from Roger Glover's Butterfly Ball. I have always liked the song and it was a lot of fun to cover. Again, it's not the whole song, although I promise one day I'll do a whole song and upload it, just need to find the time. I hope you enjoy it and of course all feedback is very much welcome and desired. I know it's quite out of time in places, oops. And here is the isolated vocal track if anyone is interested. Max
  17. I like the sound of your voice, I'd like to hear you sing more and with more power etc, you sound like you are holding back here, maybe from nerves? Don't be shy, the more you let people hear you the more you will want to just go for it, the worst that can happen is you make a horrible sound and we all do that from time to time. Max
  18. I actually really like the sound of your cleaner voice, I think if you mixed more of that in it would be really cool.
  19. Enander, you have a really cool voice, and you have absolutely no reason to apologize. If I'm being tough on you, I think that you could benefit from some more dynamics in there, soften it up here and there so that your ultra heavy notes don't lose impact. Your screams are insane, I wish I had those notes. Just so you know I am taking this as a challenge and I am looking forward to kicking you so hard in the balls, vocally speaking, that you can't stand up straight for a week. Max x
  20. Thanks again for the comments guys. Enander, don't worry about it, I love the fact that you recorded your own version for us to hear,this forum is all about the singing and hearing each other is essential if we are going to comment on each others stuff, we are all trying to get better and a good dose of enthusiasm and excitement is a great thing. you have a great voice, your high notes are insane, I wish I could do that. It's interesting to hear how different voices can be with the same material. When I said over singing what i meant was that I was pushing to hard, singing to loudly, in order to try and compensate for the fact that my monitoring was rubbish. Having said that I understand the other point of view expressed by Tommy and Ronws and I think that in some situations there are people who hijack for their own gratification and they were right to comment on it if they felt that was the case here. So, no one worry about it, nothing to forgive. Dougie, I love that song, I will definitely do it, nice suggestion. Also Enander I want to hear you do the end of flight of icarus with the scream.
  21. Thank you tommy and olem. Enaander your version is cool, your voice is much more evil sounding than mine. Olem, yeah, I feel like at the moment because I don't peactice enough my voice has not really settled into a groove that is consistent. Like I said, I'm over singing massively on this recording because I had my recording set up in such a way that I couldn't hear myself as well as i needed to, which I think I've fixed now. No excuses though, I fully intend to get better and work on beefing up my voice throughout my range. I think that in the past I had always just assumed my natural voice liked to be quite high, but I'm finding recently that actually it works better in a more medium range. Anyway this week my goal is to put some proper time into recording a full song as well as I can, thinking about infinite dreams. Max
  22. I can't even here your voice so it is impossible to tell + it is a subjective question, all sorts of people with all sorts of voices are lead singers and there is no technical benchmark at which point to say, yes, you can be a lead singer. Do you want to be, do you feel like you could be? those are the important questions.
  23. See, your distortion is a lot crisper and sharper than mine, your way is probably better. Been listening to some of your stuff, you have a great voice. Max
  24. Thanks very much guys, glad you enjoyed it, when I'm in a position to get into a band I'll definitely try and do so. Enander, unfortunately I don't know how to really describe what I'm doing so I can't really be of much help there, it feels sort of like I'm pulling the sound back from the front of my mouth to the roof of my mouth at the back, but I have no idea how to explain correctly what I'm doing, it's all just intuitive and trial and error. I agree with your comments about flight of icarus, the higher notes could do with some thickening up. I think that there is a lot of over singing going on here as well, usually I can get really thick mid high notes, need to tweak how I record i think. Your voice is insane, you don't need any distortion advice from me, and it's clear that we both add distortion in a different way to one another, your voice has much more of an edge than mine, mine is duller. Anyway thanks for the feedback, will take it into account for the next one. Hopefully have a full song up soon, Max
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