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Everything posted by Max

  1. this is really, really nice, you have such a great voice.
  2. Fantastic singing Fredrik, glad you're back at it, looking forward to more.
  3. You sound a lot older than that, I'm 25. I don't know, do whatever you like, I know what you mean, need to change it up now and then.
  4. MMMMM, your voice is really nice, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? That's not a good critique is it oh well tough shit.
  5. Thanks very much Tony, glad you enjoyed it. Great work on those tracks by the way, they sound really good, hope you plan on doing more. Max
  6. Yeah that sounds much better, sounds like you know what you are singing now! Good work.
  7. Ha, yeah I'm guilty of that as well, I jump in before I really know how to sing the song! I don't think your vibrato is bad, just if you wanted to make more of it you could. Looking forward to more.
  8. Hi George, I love this song, great one to cover. I think you did a good job on this one. I like the tone of your voice, and you sing it with energy and attitude which I like. I think that the phrasing and delivery could be smoother, it sort of feels like you are reading the words off a sheet of paper at points. Also your vibrato could be developed I think, depending of course on what you are going for. Overall good work, main thing is that i liked it. Max
  9. I like honest feedback. honesty I'd good, I'm not going to lose sleep over negative comments, and if they point something out to me that I can work on then great, because I think as singers we all have specific ideas about how we want to sound and can end up focusing on certain areas of our voices while neglecting other areas, and we don't realise we are doing it. But, for me the main criteria for judging someone's voice is if I like the sound or not, and it's that simple.
  10. Thanks guys, felipe I think I understand you, I will definitely give this one another go and try and work out the kinks. Thanks for the feedback. Max
  11. Thanks very much for the comments guys. Definitely got a lot of problem areas I need to work on, some hoarseness, over singing, too much distortion, pitch, etc. Thanks again for the comments, more stuff soon.
  12. Thanks George, got there in the end. It's just a karaoke track off itunes. Yeah, there are definite pitchy parts in this, I'm bad at that, + I have a blocked left ear today which isn't helping much. Thanks for the feedback. Max
  13. It should work now, I'm really sorry abut this.
  14. Hi, here is my cover of run to the hills by iron maiden. I had a go at this one a while ago, but gave it up, but when I woke up this morning I really wanted to give it a go, so here it is. https://www.box.com/s/cnv7yy55ru55q01cezu7 Comments and criticism welcome and appreciated. Also, I know that GuitarGeorge has just posted his excellent version of this song, so I'd like to apologize for posting mine so soon after him, it's was entirely co-incidental. Thanks for listening.
  15. I think this sounds really good George. Technically it is solid, but I'd like to hear you be a bit more expressive with it, if you know what I mean.
  16. Adon, that's true, but I think we should do our own thing now. Dios voice was built over years and years of singing. I want to one day have a voice that people want to imitate, and that means letting my own voice come through, even if it's not as good as those that inspired it. And yes, my vibrato is a bit unreliable, I don't consciously do it and it tends to be faster at the beginning of phrases.
  17. Hi guys, thanks very much for the comments. Ron, I definitely dont want to sound like Dio, I just like his voice so much that when I sing one of his songs I end up doing an impression of him. Felipe, thanks for the critique. I'm not sure what you mean about wavering in the opening part, but I do know what you mean about wavering for the rest of it. I don't have the ability to pull off this song yet, certainly not at the level DIo is doing it. I feel like I'm at a point where I have a relatively strong voice, but not strong enough for material like this, and I'd love some advice on how to proceed. the main thing for me is like I said, I'm trying to sound like DIo, which kills my own voice. again, thanks for the comments, hopefully get some more stuff up soon. Max
  18. Thanks very much, yeah Dio is my favorite singer but I can't match the fullness of his voice. Yeah the phrasing is rushed in places definitely. Thanks, the gritty sound is something I'm working on, wasn't working well today, kept slipping out of it which was annoying. I think when I over think what I'm doing I stop being able to do it. Here's a cover of rainbow in the dark I did a while back, much better Dio style vocals I think. Thanks very much for the comment.
  19. Hi, here is me singing the last in line by Dio, I condensed it a lot because I didn't have time to do the whole thing. This is a song I find incredibly hard to sing, I just can't make it sound good throughout. So anyway, there is massive room for improvement here and also it's not a good song to show off my voice really, I just like it so much I wanted to try it. https://soundcloud.com/maxswinton/the-last-in-line-1 All comments and crticism welcome and appreciated, thanks for listening. Max
  20. Hi george, good cover, with room for improvement. I like how you sang it, you did your own thing with it and made it different to the original. I think that the high parts need more power, you sound stretched on some of those notes, which is understandable given the song. Really good job overall though, it's a hard song to sing.
  21. Hi Marcus, I think this sounds good, the distortion is nice, I don't think it's too much at all, it fits well. How are you doing the distortion, can you describe it? Max
  22. I liked that a lot, good stuff. Might have to do a version of this one now.
  23. Thanks very much guys, appreciate it. I wish I hadn't lost the rest of the song but oh well. breakin, I do tend to sing quite loudly, I'm singing pretty loudly here and the energy level is right up. I always try and make sure that it's controlled and I have enough in reserve to decorate any part of a phrase. I'm not using up the breath I've taken in, it all gets released at the end of the phrase. It takes me a little while to get into the groove but after 5 minutes or so, my voice clicks into gear and on the good days it feels elastic. I don't think when I sing, which is why I enjoy it so much, it's just intuitive and all based on sensation. Again, probably not enlightening at all. Thanks for listening.
  24. Thanks for the comment Adon. I'll try and explain what I'm doing, but I don't know the technical terms so it might not make any sense. Basically I'm singing in full head voice, supporting all the time. I'm keeping my throat open and pushing the sound into the front of part of the roof of my mouth, and from there I push and pull it back and forth for distortion and edge etc. At the end of phrases I flip my voice into a little breathy pop by letting out some air, sort of releasing the support. Really though I'm just going for it and not thinking about, just being in the moment and singing. I know that's not very helpful but I basically learned to do everything I can do by just making noises and singing songs. Max
  25. Hi everyone, I was working on Michael Jackson's earth song for a while today, and, somehow managed to delete the entire thing. Before I did that I exported an unmixed section of the song, the end part, which I'm uploading to salvage something from the whole thing. http://soundcloud.com/maxswinton/earth-song-ending-1 I like parts of this one, it felt really good to sing, relaxed and easy which is always nice. Comments, questions, and criticisms are all very welcome. Thanks for listening. Max
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