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Posts posted by MDEW

  1. I'm not going to make a comment on the technique. You were both very very good.

    I had never heard the song before listening to the two of you and I didn't understand the need for the screaming.

    I listed to Deep Purple today. I realize you are working on technique with this song. The pitch and intensity

    are spot on. The song is about being pissed off and scared and trying to get people to open their minds to whats going on. Thats what all the screaming is about. How can you see these terrible things happening and not scream your head off at the world. With Deep Purple I felt that.

    Think of some of the bad crap going on in the world. Get a little worked up about it. And THEN record this song. The Technique and the notes are there. Let the emotion come through. The technique will take care of itself at this point.

    As I said you were both great the way it is. But do this and the song will be *&^% AWESOME!

  2. Maxrose ,

    You seem to be trying to sing things way too low. If you have a guitar or piano or some kind of keyboard start just listening to individual notes and trying to match your voice to them. Do not try to sound like anyone else at this.

    If you have a guitar just try to match notes on the second and third thickest string only to the 5th fret. These notes are closer to where most people speak. I am not a teacher . If any thing hurts stop it. You have a long way to go but don't give up.

  3. I first tried Adobe Audition a Paid for Program. Looks really cool Has all kinds of effects. When I recorded with that eveything came out all muffled. I used Audacity a free shareware program. It souded just as clear as with my 12 track except for the clipping that was due to not being able to hear playback while I was recording to laptop.

  4. I had to send the backing track from my computer headphone jack to my 12 track recorder. Then I had to send the completed recording from the headphone jack of recorder to microphone input of my laptop. I used Audacity to record the signal to my computer. I could not hear any playback while recording to Audacity. I had to record it 3 times before I got a passable recording. It sucks being poor.

  5. I Totally missed out on Queensryche, WhiteSnake, DIO... During that era I was playing in local honkeytonks. Sometimes 4 nights a week. If it wasn't on the top 40 country chart or on a jukebox I didn't hear it. If we were rebelious we played Lynyrd Skynyrd. Anyway Had I actually heard these bands when they first came out I also would be a fan.

    I wanted to participate in this thread because you all seem to be such fans. I did not think that I would do the song justice but I wanted to show that I was willing to try new things even if I might fail. I did better than I thought I would but I also had to re record it a lot of times and finally I said good enough for now.

  6. Thanks Ron. I was using headphones.

    I never heard that using headphones could cause a person to sing flat.

    I sang a bunch of different takes messing with the mike settings and I noticed that with each take I would go flat in different places.

    I had been messing with this song for a while but that was the first time I actually tried to record it.

    I know the mechanics of support and breath management but I have major problems with it.

    While I had my recorder out I thought I would try to contribute to the Queensryche thread. I can understand why you all like Geoff Tate. Being a deep baritone you can almost feel what he does to sing the higher notes.

  7. Your voice is awesome! I wish I had half the talent.

    I preferred your version. The only thing that I personaly didn't like about the second version was the pause after Dust. But that is only my opinion. Some people may like the second one better because of that pause. I would love to hear the total song with that version.

    But still both versions were AWESOME!

    Thank you for sharing those. I was hoping you would.

    Were there any words of wisdom from Gino that you could share with us?

  8. I had my recorder out and thought I would take a few minutes to give this a shot.......6 hours later......I had to cheat. I haven't listened to Queensryche too much. My wife loves Silent Lucidity so she put up with me today. Today is the first time I really listened to this song. I got the backing track from Youtube. I will not be leaving this at soundcloud for too long.

    I had to record a couple of verses at a time because I kept forgetting the melody and the words. I mean no disrespect to Queensryche or any of you. Listen at your own risk.

    Critique is welcomed.


  9. Ronws Double dog dared me to do this. So here it is.

    Let me know what you think. I do know I was off pitch during the chorus. If there is anything obvious that I am doing wrong let me know.


    I will be taking this and the other songs off soundcloud soon. So give the others a listen and let me have it. I can take constructive criticism. Thank you.

  10. Thank you Ronws. So far one of the best lessons that I have learned here is get out of your own way.

    I am training more. I have stood up to my band members and demanded my songs.

    Talking through the reasons that I do what I do has helped me to remove the roadblocks that I put up.

    I know that it is me and noone else that is stopping me.

  11. Sorry I missed this one. I like it.

    I didn't hear anything off as far as vocal technique.

    When it comes to the blues the only advice I would be able to give is feel what you are singing.

    Think back to how you felt when you were being accoused of something by someone who was hiding things from you. Use that emotion to drive the song.

    That's just general advice. I did not hear anything missing in this song. Great Job.

  12. There's a thread here about Michael Jackson and Seth Riggs in one of Michaels songs he was having trouble with a word starting with the hard Ka sound. Seth suggested he try it with a softer Ga sound. You can also try K-ah-nd of man instead of Kind of man.

    And yes I do believe that in the skynyrd version they were tuned down a half step from standard. I always have to retune my guitar to play along with it.

  13. The not wanting to get loud thing is in my mind not anyone else. I know how I was when others were playing loud music that I didn't like. I would be a hypocrit to put others through it.

    Another thing is they always want to hear Gospel. I don't mind hearing them sing Gospel music but I prefer other types of music.

  14. Very Good Tommy. It's just that one word in the chorus. Simple "Kind" of man.

    I 'm sure others here will be able to give you suggestions. I loose it right at the start of "Simple" and it goes downhill from there. Maybe you just need more support on "Kind" That would be an A4 if the song is in the Key of C.

    Most people use a boatload of support on that spot in the song. Otherwise it sounded great to me.

  15. I am aware of my support issue. I have been working on it. Yes I am straining on the chorus but not as much as I was last week. Also I am sitting down recording and its past 11 at night with others sleeping. Not an excuse just fact.

    Yeah I am also working on vowels until recently I did not know how important they were. My whole family sings but self taught We are hill billies. Mostly Bluegrass and gospel.(mostly my parents aunts and uncles).

    AS for taking lessons I have Seth Riggs DVDs,Roger Love, Brett Manning.

    Mainly I am grabbing things here and there and training in my car on the way to work.

    I'm not trying to make it to the Rock-n-Roll hall of fame, but am going to be singing in front of the public weather they like it or not and I would rather them like it.

  16. I have to admit that I am a 49 year old virgin to bands like Queensryche, Soundgarden, Whitesnake, Judas priest.... I was in a local band playing bass in the 80's. Playing in local honkeytonks. Everyone I knew was more into Lynyrd Skynyrd. I spent today looking up these bands on youtube. I missed out on a lot of good SH.. I will defenately be checking out more.

    Keith....Ron you guys ROCK! Keith you can definately do those high parts without going light, and it would kick things up a couple of notches in an already killer cover.

    Ron to me that was Awesome, some words I couldn't understand but I don't think I'm supposed to anyway.

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