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Everything posted by Singingnewbie

  1. Well you are having lessons for 6 months, havent you discussed it with your teacher that has been hearing you all that time? I dont really believe there can be given any advice to be applied within few hours and work over your training of 6 months. I think its more of a mental issue than correct technique, also you probably havent sung in front of other people and thats why you dont feel comfortable? If there are any people you have sung infront of them before, at the place you are singing, then imagine you are singing just for them and mantain eye contact mostly with them and on neutral things, look a bit upwards, look at the speakers, at posters/curtains etc. Last i have a feeling that its only your coach that wants you to sing, did you discuss it? You knew that days/weeks/months before? I would be skeptical with that kind of attitude. Not saying good or bad just... :/ Btw you sound very good, no need for any advice that you might not be able to apply and make things worse. All i can say is if you sing there as you did in the recording you will do fine. *Edit: Sorry i just read the last line you wrote, you should tell him, if you havent, that you dont want to go and discuss it. If you did and he insisted then i think its time to weight the pros/cons he has and consider an alternative. He is there for you, not the opposite, encouragement is good, presure is not.
  2. A small sense of nasality and breathiness dont know if thats what you aimed for, very nice!
  3. At 1:25 where you say "something about..." the next words that go higher sound a bit weird and also the first belt, at 1:33 sounds pitchy to me but the next at 1:37 sounds spot on. I have not the best ears for pitch so it could be me, is it a chromatic note or something, a pitchy note or hearing problem?
  4. You miss the beat in a couple of time, one or two pitchy notes, not the best breath management in other spots, and your backing vocals only towards the end had the weird thing you mention in one or two spots, the main voice is very nice. Generally the biggest flaw i'd say is the low quality sound and by that i mean it was a very nice cover, pitty it was like what... 4kbps? :P
  5. Your sound is nasal generally but i think i like it when you go higher, if "i like it" seems too much for you, at least i think its nice. I didnt spot any pitch issues but i have not a good ear for that, the 2nd time i heared it i noticed here and there you are out of the rythm for very small amount of time but it was audiable. Thats a very nice cover so i tried to find mini spots to mention or as they say nit pick.
  6. On the first, the mic a bit low compared to where you hold it in the second video. I dont know how it affects you performance when you are forcing your head down to reach the mic but take few secs to adjust it, also on the sustained note theres a tiny bit of inconsistency. Also in the last song i think there are some rythm problems especially in the first singing bars, then its ok. Generally very nice!
  7. Very nice, at 2.32 i think it would sound better if you didnt slide to the note but hit it straight. I cant tell what i dont like about that slide but it just doesnt fit for me. I liked the fuller voice towards the end.
  8. You could add a scream an octave higher or a fifth/sixth depends on how you'd like the melody, before the solo or even after it. Also the solo could be a bit more melodic, just throwing some ideas.
  9. Only flaw is that vocals in some parts are up to half a second later off the beat.
  10. A bit pitchy in some parts, a bit nasal, a bit out of time on some spots and very nice overall, i really like it.
  11. It says user not found, i can hear songs from other users though, maybe somthings wrong with your account?
  12. You were pitchy mostly flat but the high notes of the song were not that much, you have very nice color in your voice for a tenor. I think i hear some nasality too. You slide to the notes very often, i think its ok to do it in some parts of the song but doing it almost in every phrase is not good at least for my taste, you can hit them straight so try to. Also you say "Aaah-yes ive always been..." that "ah" doesnt work, you could go "Yyyyyyes ive always been..." better. I get the feeling you are "afraid" to sing and you sound in a bad mood - the songs that way but apart of that - i cant express it, numb maybe? Sing more freely i'd say. Your sisters not boring, its a nice addition to the atmosphere of the song, if only she were a couple metres - 6,6ft - further cause she was kinda loud. Very nice color once again, if you didnt say id guess you are a baritone. Need some work but generally good.
  13. At the begining i thought it was lip sync, later in the song i realised you actually sing. Very nice, i wish i was a newbie like that Nothing to add :|
  14. There are pitch issues and i noticed you cant keep the pitch on a long note. Your voice is airy, you make it airy or its "natural"? Thats what i hear.
  15. Made a soundcloud account, new links available. Halfjack i am thinking that you are actually lucky you didnt hear them Jugulator and IronZeppelin very useful advices, thats what actually i was told a year ago from my teacher (sing easier songs and not go over F/G4 without him) and i thought he was being over protective for my voice or underestimating my abilities, now i understand it was me being an idiot. I'll try to upload something lower in pitch but almost all songs i like are at least near if not over A4. Maybe ill just transpose them and see if they sound decend.
  16. Thanks for the feedback, yes i had a lot of fun! I probably yell a lot and i think that could be from the difficulty of the songs. I will try something easier and softer, i just get excited with this kind of songs. My teacher had told me that too about a year ago but it seems i need a reminder once in a while.
  17. Hi, i made two covers, i chose two songs i like and have fairly easy melodic line. The microphone in the trooper was near enough so it clips a lot, when the vocals start, lower your volume because the music is much lower than my vocals. It is a 2nd take because i didnt press the record button the first time , sorry i messed the lyrics up. Big city nights is first take and i wasnt planning on posting, i recorded only to see how i sound when i have "burned" most of my voice and was recorded after singing 4 times the trooper. I didnt feel any pain or strain (something noticable at least) while singing but after few hours i feel my throat burns, probably because of the distorion. I dont feel like this using "normal" voice but now i can talk and sing ok, only without my very highs C/D5+. I did a ~15' warm up before i sang, i could go up to D/E5 head voice or light mix fairly easily and up to G5 with some pressure. In total i lasted around 35-40'. *Forgot to mention, gradually i start feeling like my larynx is rising and i have a feeling like i am swallowing, something like choking and then it is impossible to access C/D5+ with either chest or head. The Trooper: https://soundcloud.com/singingnewbie/the-trooper vocals start at 0:25, the original Big City Nights: https://soundcloud.com/singingnewbie/big-city-nights-cover starts with vocals, the original Feel free to comment and give any advice you can give. Thanks!
  18. When i do rasp/distortion and go too hard my next day isnt great and more rarely the day after too, so if you say you pushed it with a rock band i suppose there were songs you used distortion which could explain the difficulty, my thoughts.
  19. Was it the first time you did that sequence? I mean the performance you said and next day that specific song? Sorry for double post but when i tried to delete and make the two posts one it says something like "The whole topic will be deleted, warning!" So i shat my pants and let it as it is... :|
  20. I didnt mean to say that you lazy or something it was just to expres my point of view! I suggest you read basic music theory, i dont have anything specific to suggest but check wiki for a general picture and then focus on the material you need. I guess you dont have guitar or piano so you will need a virtual one to see and hear where is what. Then you can check what your vocal range is at youtube and find plenty exercises from warm up to advanced stuff, for now i would suggest you a video series for a warm up and breathing exercises. For me breathing exercises, a good warm up and compression can lead to a healthy vocalisation. Breathing exercises 4 parts: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-SeSL9WdVBoare Warm up 4 parts: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EPFnWss1rww Compression : http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w1kjffaEdX8 In both channels you will find very valuable material to watch until you get bored. Thats what i found most helpful for me, there are dozens good vocal coaches but it just happened for me to stick with these, you should check others and find what suits you. Also if you can afford i would suggest thinking about taking lessons for someone to "guide" you... or you guide him heh joking. I cant help anymore, good luck!
  21. You are correct up to a certain point about the natural thing but hard work without talent > lazy talent. If you dont have it naturally you need to train hard to reach high level and the opposite, i will express it with an equation: 1=work*talent the higher the natural ability the lesser work required. I bet you have been singing for many years am i right? That is training actually but your warm up was probably lighter songs to start and the harder ones were your exercises. My point of view is not everyone can run 100m in under 10" but everyone can do it under 11" maybe they need to train more to achieve less but i believe it is possible to get really close. Vocals also can have blind spots and a talent comes factory equiped with a torch while others need to search their way out.
  22. Nice, you got a bit airy voice yes, few parts are off pitch but thats minor problem generally i liked it. You get fatigue with twang but not when singing airy?
  23. I hope i didnt know anything too and be able to sing like that - well i hardly know the basics but you get the point. Only thing i have to say is dont try to fix wats not broken, dont take lessons dont read articles and stuff, you might get confused and even worse than you are right now. Yes you can improve and know your stuff that way but also start wondering about things that you are already applying and get confused. What you know is enough! You have a great voice unless i heard a wrong recording, i heard the first song i found, "Rumble on" if its you i dont think you need any correction/improvement to what you have been doing so many years. Quit smoking to improve your health if you want but for thats all you "need" to do. I am a newbie in singing as my nick says so maybe dont take my words so seriously.
  24. Agree with the flatness but i also hear pitch problems, lack of edge (airy tone) and some nasality. I dont know the song though.
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