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Everything posted by Singingnewbie

  1. I'll make a more general comment about your agility, to me sometimes you speak the words somewhat slowly. A very good example is your cover "The Trooper", you speak the words slower than the studio version, try to up the tempo of the song up for 10-20bpm or even more and see if you can keep up with clear articulation.
  2. Thanks for ruining my dreams Bay... now thats what i call "mean"
  3. Yes i find it hard to make a Dickinson sound and to be honest i am the opposite of him, he has almost natural rasp and most important a full voice while i had a bit hard time adding tone and rasp to mine. Also great suggestion on what i should cover according to my voice. When i have the chance i'll give it a try again with a more powerful approach. Edit: I just saw an e-mail from soundcloud about copyright stuff Our automatic content protection system has detected that your sound "Iron Maiden - Wasted Years Cover" may contain the following copyright content: "Wasted Years" by Iron Maiden, owned by Sanctuary. As a result, its publication on your profile has been blocked. Blablabla... Now thats a huge compliment... come on guys, do i really sound that much like Dickinson? :D
  4. Bay, come on, i think i sound ok to post the cover, its listenable, it probably won't be some kind of torture, not pleasure either. I do need and would like to hear any critique to sound great, not ok. Ron i tried to upload the karaoke track mixed with my vocals about 4 times but it reaches 100% and then say "Ooops couldn't upload the track!". I will try again but to be honest the vocals only sounds better to me, i obviously need to dig into Audacity. The part "don't waste" you mention was a failed try to change the melodic line to a more powerful one but i didn't hit the right note. I actually thought i was spot on... :mad: and the "years" was also fail to add power, maybe should be more conservative and stick to original melodic line. Adoney i didn't understand what you mean for the phrase and the 'reaching' sound. About the breaks, yes i haven't stabilized my highs. Thanks!
  5. I think i sound ok so i decided to upload it. First time recording, mixing and editing so sorry if sound has inconsistencies. Couldn't add a proper reverb so i left them simple. Theres also the "dry vocals" in case mixing is too bad for you or you want to hear vocals only... Tell me what you think! https://soundcloud.com/singingnewbie/iron-maiden-wasted-years-vocal-cover
  6. rowns The point of a review or critique is to make things better for the future. If we all ignore the mistakes or lack of "X" thing and don't criticize them, we are gonna hear, read, see, eat, touch the same thing as people did thousands years ago. Criticism is the way to go from my point of view to make everything better. There are many types of criticism, Hey ronws, you suck buddy, quit i didn't like it that was great but you could improve on "this" and "that" dude because of "this" or "that" and blabla i liked it that was excellent you were great on "this", and your "that" was excellent blabla I stick with the middle one cause very rarely i hear an error free home recording and yes missing the beat for 0,1s or going half a semitone off the note, or whatever subtle it is - according to ones ability - is something you can improve so if i hear it i will write it. Peace
  7. ? :| ? Sorry for triple post but don't know how to add many quotes in one post, make it one if you can.
  8. Actually butchers part was flawless i could say and very few if any parts could improve (according to my personal taste ofcourse). For the rest of the discussion there are things i don't understand... on the other hand there should be a "Showcase" section or something like that, free of critique, just to present our work and i am not kidding. You are right, now i re-read the initial post you are not asking for a review, my bad to start this, sorry.
  9. I mean step over his words, when his word starts yours start too and the syllables are on top of each other until the word ends, not doing exactly what he does. On some parts i can hear something like time difference between lead and backing vocals. Mixing was fine btw. Butcher i'm sorry you can't or don't want to understand my point of view. Don't take what i write offensively. I feel like writing at the "Tell Us About You" section. I don't understand what the pity is about but thanks for the advice. I don't take whole day to write a review, i just listen to the song and re-listen many times spots i didn't like or i think they are "objectively" wrong (i don't have the best ear i have to admit) or i think could improve. That takes lets say 10'. You are asking for critique, i am trying to provide with what i can understand about music. Also i do my critique and at the end i write a comment on how i liked it generally which is like a grade to understand better. Just keep that last comment as a critique. You don't like either my critique or my way of expressing it, roger that, you won't hear from me again. You lost your bet , i'm not good at singing so you can stop being jealous! I posted two songs before half a year and got my critique, it was around what i expected bad singing, out of my range and more. The reason i don't post covers is that i have a -great- teacher to review, critique and correct my singing real time and i am at a point where i can correct my own mistakes by recording. Hope i reach the point where i will need others to show me my mistakes. I don't believe you need someone better than you to judge you, sing in public and watch the peoples behavior, that gives an estimation of where your singing stands. Vast majority can't sing better than you and heck i dare to say even better than me. If they start changing direction to avoid you means you could say like "Hey go sing better and come back to judge me"? If we were at a team sport and played at the same position and i judge you for something then you could say, "Do it better before you correct me" though i don't support even that attitude, it is more acceptable. At last i remind you, you are at "Review & Critique My Singing" section, at your own will. Don't misinterpret what i'm saying or take it offensively. Man, that message took me about 40' to compose and correct, i could've nit-picked 4 songs by now. I'm gonna have some hard time sleeping tonight :P
  10. Since i started nit-picking im having the best sleep since years, i think doctors should prescribe it for insomnia. One might want to be judged tightly and another might want to hear sugar words and applauds. I don't know what you want and how you take my words but from my point of view the better the singing the harsher the critique should be. That explains me apologizing and my critique-o-meter.
  11. Great! If only you could match the harmony wording better and it is the 2nd voice that has to follow the leads wording (eehm ronws ). If both vocals were done at the same time, ok but if you got butchers track first and then added yours maybe you should "study" his wording and follow. Butcher the first scream after chorus was a bit off and weak, ronws you did very good job at the 2nd scream and general backing vocals. Sorry i might be harsh but you know i am nit-picking. All in all very nice!
  12. Should we review the song or only focus on the question? I hear mostly falsetto (airy head voice) and some head dominant airy mix. On "I will always love you" video you could do some belting, at least a lot heavier than what you use here. Cant give you any advice but did you try at a heavier, more edgy tone or this was your only attempt?
  13. I would like to switch between airy and more clear edgy voice to give emphasis on certain parts, specifically: all you dreamed (of) / wish to you (joy) / and almost the whole second part. Too much delay/reverb for my taste and you changed a lot the melody line, not always in a bad way but there were spots that were too much. Though the song is ok for the runs and trills i think you kinda overdid it. You have a classical tone on few parts that don't work that well for me with the rest of the performance. Its apparent you have - a lot of - skills but i think you need to put them together better.
  14. Annoying song, clicked to see how it could be covered and finally had to hear it 3-4 times :mad:. Pitchy and flat at few places, the weird high head voice is "cool" but starts out of tune. Nice overall, harmonies added to the cover.
  15. Havent heard the original. I would like more power/roughness/edge/light to medium distortion in your vocals especially in the first minute and in the high parts. Pitchy here and there but good performance overall.
  16. Search for Daniel Formica and Phil Moufarrege videos about pitch. They are both great, practice and don't worry, you'll get it!
  17. It does sound like a baritone. You ask us if you should continue singing? Ask yourself, why are you singing? To me it sounded nice, there are things to improve but generally nice!
  18. It sounds nice though i didnt like harmonies, not they were bad, i just didnt like them. I dont know what genre would fit your voice, you want to sing what you like or you want to sing to be liked?
  19. I havent heard the original song and im just a newbie so take my opinion for what its worth. There are noticable pitch issues, lack of power and expression. Sorry if i am being harsh. Btw how long youve been singing/trainng and how?
  20. Hm, i didnt know we have passagio up there, i was wandering why around D5 i have troubles but E5 and C5 are quite easier, so i guess thats my first top passagio or something like that? Sorry for going off topic it seems interesting!
  21. For the phantom. Very nice! The whistles at the end were unexpected and well executed. If i was to be nit-picky i'd say that the "aaah" at "the phaaaaantom of the...." where too bright for that song. I guess it was a choice and not incapability of darkening them, i just think it didnt suit that much.
  22. Some pitchy notes and i didnt like the improvised melody at some parts, also you could cut out some breath from the beginging, example "hhhhha remember you said" to "hha remember...". Thats just my thoughts. Generaly very good.
  23. Not bad at all, its just different. There are some spots to improve though. Vibrato, holding notes a bit longer, using breathy voice on some parts to add color to the song and also i think you left out/rushed some lyrics. It wasnt my style, i am more a "stick to the original unless you mastered it" guy, but i think it was a good cover :)
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