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Posts posted by Gneetapp

  1. Hey Elvis, you got a really nice tone man! Yeah you were pitchy here and there. So what? Just re-do the song. I found the backing track very distracting. May I humbly suggest you to record the guitar yourself? I think it would sound so much better. Also when practicing, you could try it with the guitar, as this is a pretty lay back song. I think you would develop confidence and intimacy with the song, and perform it better. Cheers

  2. Hi Drewb, welcome to the forum! I think you got a good voice, and your song is pretty interesting. As I'm an old guy, I'm into Classic/Hard Rock way more than the new styles of Rock. So, even though I have no idea of who those guys you mentioned are, I sort of liked your song, especially towards the end, when it gets more powerful. If you think your voice sounded muffled on the first word, you may have to get it out of the throat, placing the resonance more in your front teeth, and probably increase vocal compression, so it doesn't sound too airy. But in the end, it really depends on what kind of sound or effect you want to use. Cheers

  3. I voted country. If we don't do it this time around, that's fine. But I have a few suggestions, if we do. 

    "All My Rowdy Friends" by Hank Williams, Jr 

    "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" as recorded by David Allan Coe, though he did not write it.

    "Redneck Mothers" by Ray Wylie Hubbard

    Granted, these are outlaw country songs. 

    ​How about "Train Train" by Blackfoot? Is it considered Country music?! If not, I suggest "I can't make you love me" by Bonnie Raitt... yeah, I'm a Rocker :bang: with a soft spot for romantic songs, suit me... :P 

  4. Hi Nick, welcome to the forum! You got a nice voice man. You sounded very relaxed, and were probably letting too much air bleed through your vocal folds to create this effect. The problem with singing this way it dries up you folds quickly. So, you may need to use a bit more vocal compression to keep the air from escaping. Cheers

  5. I'm not a pro or anything but I believe what is happening is the higher notes are being belted instead of using a strong head voice?


    Just offering my thoughts. I don't mean to offend anyone.

    ​Hi MagicBus, I didn't get which higher notes are being belted instead of using head voice, in the cover by Kaige (the original poster), or in a different version  by another band that you mentioned? Cheers

  6. I can't describe exactly what Sexy Beast suggests technically.  Except to say that the "feeling" of singing too forward is slightly different from "singing slightly backward".  When I sing too forward, I literally feel as thought the source of the sound is in front of my mouth.  Moving this sensation slightly backward is what I think SexyBeast is referring to.  

    Understanding this is one thing.  Putting it into practice is very very different.  Like I mentioned in my reply to SexyBeast, I have to unlearn certain things in my singing style to be able to accomplish this and train muscle memory to react slightly different. But I think i can do this and I am excited to try out songs with a more belty feel 

    ​Hey Aravind, I may be mistaken, but I think the configuration/technique is called C.L.B. - Cry like a baby (or cry like a brat).  :P

    Just cry your way through the chorus man! Don't be afraid. Cheers

  7. Hi Aravind, I gave the first listen yesterday, but had no time to write anything afterwards. So, I just gave it another listen, and I got to say man, You have improved your singing so much on your own, that is really fun to watch all your progress in your journey. This is a really hard song from QUEEN, so congrats for facing this challenge. I really like your tone in this song, as you were able to dial down the nasality to a minimum. Still, in the choruses you still have a shouty quality. I don't think you need to change the key. Sexy Beast just gave you the Secret Formula to sing not only this song, but many others. You got to do the same configuration you did for "Too many bitter tears are raining down on me" and apply it to the choruses. I am probably wrong, but you might be using "the cry" to achieve that configuration. If you do that in the choruses you will not sound strained a bit. Great job man! Keep on Rocking!

  8. Hi Gneetap, thanks for the reply man.

    You are right, I sung so softly because it was even harder to hit the higher notes when singing louder. I am also not sure I really understand support, because when I try it (working those belly muscles to create some pressure from 'below') it sounds more like a annoyed person shouting at a Walmart clerk than singing, haha. How will I know when I do it the 'right way'?

    ​Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Support can be hard to get going if you didn't learn it properly. I won't try to teach you how to support, as I am no vocal teacher or an advanced vocal student. But if I may offer you a piece of advice, you should try to: 1) get lessons with a good coach, and there are several really good coaches here in the forum. And if you are into Rock and Hard Rock, is even better, because almost all of the coaches here are also fans of this style. 2) get a good singing program/method. Also here, there are a few very good choices, and Robert Lunte, the owner of this forum has written one of the most (if not the most) complete and comprehensive singing methods The Four Pillars of Singing. You should do one or the other, but if you can do both, your progress will be even faster. I'm telling you this as a friendly advice from someone who took a few lessons, but is working really hard by himself to learn and train the correct techniques to improve singing. I tell you this, it takes forever to do it by yourself, and very few people succeed, because you can fall into so many traps that you need someone with experience to guide you through this maze of information in a journey of self discovery (your singing voice). Cheers 

  9. Hi Gneetap, thanks for the reply man.

    If I ever can sing it in the original octave I will be quite glad, haha ... I got a very low voice naturally. I recorded the singing with a (unfortunately) cheap dynamic microphone connected to a Line6 UX1, which was USB-wired into my PC. I think it (the mic) may have too high impedance for this kind of interface ... Could this be the case? Anyhow, I only get a very soft signal out of it and have to 'software amplify' it afterwards. Any hints (other interface/mic amplifier?) on that?

    ​Hi Wakawaka, does your interface have a gain or trim knob? You may have to adjust that so your signal doesn't have to be amplified too much in the software. But be careful not to overload the signal either, or else you will have the signal clipping. I think that for basic recordings any dynamic mic should be ok. Oh, also, make sure you don't have Phantom power on, in your interface. If your microphone is a dynamic it won't need it. Cheers

  10. Hey Wakawaka, I liked your timbre man. You know you are singing 1 octave below the original, right?! I also liked how you changed the melody just a bit in a few parts. May I ask you how you recorded this song? Because the volume of your voice seems to fluctuate throughout the song. I think that maybe because you sang this song so softly you didn't support accordingly, and that might be one of the reasons of the fluctuations in the volume, and sometimes on the pitch. So, by your description on the top, and the way you chose to sing this song, I assume you struggle to sing the high notes of the songs you like. It that is true, and you are passionate about singing, even with no professional intention, I think you should invest in learning and training vocal techniques. You already have a good voice, you just need to learn the right techniques and practice. Cheers

  11. I liked it MDEW! Although it still needs some polishing, the song and your timbre are a good match ,and you sounded relaxed. I have to ask if the guitar chords were all right, because sometimes it sounded as if the chord need to be something else. It was just a sensation, I don't know the chord progression for this song. :P

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