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Posts posted by Xamedhi

  1. Thanks you so much guys for the input!!  It was incredibly helpful :)   

    We are going for a crazy sound. Dynamics, changes, we really want the music to be in service of the feeling. We're thinking about adding a couple of growls in there. We are inspired mostly by Karnivool, Tool, Pain of Salvation, but we have very different influences. The guy who is making the music is more metalcore, while the other guitarrist likes minimalistic atmosferic stuff. And I'm actually looking for a bassist that has a good sense for funky rythms ( Like Pain of Salvation does in some songs )

    This is a very raw and early version of it, the instrumental was recorded with one guitar, digital bass and EZdrummer.  And the voice with a cheap $50 dollar USB mic, lol. Also, the song is not finished yet, it'll probably be a long song.

    Now, related to pitch. Yes, it is VERY pitchy :( . So indeed, I have to study this song a lot. I sometimes forget what the notes were actually, as I don't hear the MIDI often ( my bad ). So yes, thank you very much for making me see that I've been a bit lazy on that side :S   

    Now as far as interpretation goes, first these are the lyrics, they are in spanish.
    The idea of the song is, that the guy who's singing, wants to do something he really loves badly... ( music ), but he has the pressure of his family that tell him he won't be any good and will fail. They want him to study something "real":


    No cambias nada                                                  You don't change anything                                    /this verse is the parents speaking to 
    Cargando el mar bajo la piel                                 Carrying the water beneath your skin                     him, telling him that his dreams
    Cae la emboscada                                                 The ambush comes down ( or drops, idk)              won't be any good, and he'll fail
    Ya ves, tu almohada no va a florecer                    You see, your pillow won't blossom                        better follow the masses


    Puedo saborear mi inconciencia                             I can savour my unconsciousness                  / this is him, confused, struggling, not 
    Ocultar mi error                                                       Hide my mistake                                                 knowing what to feel or do


    No escondas que es                                     Don't hide it is                                                             / this is him talking to his parents
    el miedo el que te impide ser                        fear that prevents you from being                                realizing that they're afraid of 
    No permitiré                                                   I won't let                                                                      chasing their dreams, 
    el veneno me afecte también                       The poison affect me too                                             which stops them from feeling

                                                                                                                                                               complete. He doesn't want it to happen                                                                                                                                                               to him too.

    No dejaré que                                                I won't let it                                                               /This one is more literal, lol
    infecte mi voz                                                 infect my voice
    no detendrá                                                  it won't stop
    mi sangre, la pasión                                      my blood, the passion



    Llevo las marcas en mi piel                               I have the marks on my skin                  / the chorus is him, again travelling through
    Palabras vacías, en gozo y agonía.                  Empty words, in joy and agony                his emotions. 
    Un lamento                                                        A lament                                                    Carrying the mark of the "followers".
    se pierde en la ciudad                                        Is lost in the city                                        Crying for freedom



    My idea is to sing it a lot more powerful, I'm training a lot to achieve the sound I want :) ( I've been only studying a year and a half only so I have a lot ahead )  But my voice works for what I need it for now.

    The line in 2:52 was just a placeholder, though. I don't know if we'll have lyrics in there or what. I like it the way it is though, but recorded with better quality, lol



    I need to work in some vowels. The higher part in " Ocultar mi error", I think is too narrow. Probably we'll have to change the word to make it more open, because in spanish we don't usually modify vowels as badly as you can do in english ( :ehem: "I'm looking at you James LaBrie, lol" )

    Are there more vowels you think could be better?

    Thanks again for all the comments, guys!! You are awesome :D  !! 

    EDIT : 

    This is how it sounds without the high part in the chorus 


  2. Hey all!  I've been working with my new band on this song. Our first one, haha.  I've done the vocal lines and lyrics ( If someone would like the lyrics I can provide them :P  They're in spanish )

    I'm asking, though, only about the singing, not the composition itself, please. I want to avoid external influence in that regard because I really feel that if people likes it, it must be something made 100% by us, haha.  Singing I accept, because I have suuuuch a long road ahead  x.x

    I'd like to know if you like the background high melody on the chorus part 1:48 ( It's too loud in the mix, but even though, I personally would take it out )


  3. Man, that is very good :)

    You're getting the hang of how the vowel and embouchure changes while going up, and you are getting how to smooth that passaggio.  Very good.

    Some suggestions :3 :

                Your head tilt to your right is a very ingrained thing, try doing the same notes,  hold them for 5 or 6 seconds, and while you are in the note nod left and right, like saying no, slowly and then increasing the speed, just to check if your larynx is maneuvering freely inside and no skelletal muscles are being involved unnecessarily.

           It is noticeable that you put a lot of attention on how you are doing the sirens, although I'd recommend putting even more attention, and doing it even slower, at least for a week or two .  Really, working slow will give you crazy control. You'll feel eveything, like a vocal Daredevil, lol   Muscle memory really is key in this :P   I'm a ballet dancer, so I know really well how muscle memory works, and how any difficulty will decrease incredibly just by knowing in your body what to do when.


         I tell you that because I noticed that you start to rush a bit on higher stuff, don't avoid it, or try to get through it so it ends quickly, haha. Our weaknesses can often become strengths if we put in enough attention and effort on them.  I'm referring also to when you demonstrated those high shaky notes, you almost didn't have any pause in between each other, it would be better to take your time, get your muscles neutral again and try to nail it ( even if it sounds shaky again, you tried your absolute best :D  That's what counts! ) . I promise if you do every single thing with complete awareness and detail, then in time, all you will have is what is correct...
          This is nitpicking, but I'm a professional nitpicker, haha. I started doing ballet when I was 16 ( OLD :'( ) and I was the weakest in my class. I have followed this philosophy of life and now I'm one of the only two students of my original class that actually graduated and got in on the ballet company. So I guess my experience counts as something, haha


  4. I like your voice a lot, man haha  It sounds kind of Andi Deris on the lower-mid range, and sounds like Kai hansen on the upper range, Very cool mixture haha  I really enjoyed this version, and I don't really think it is necessary for you to shed that much weight, man, if you can sing like this for an hour and a half with no problems, I guess there's nothing wrong.   If you are really digging the lighter timbre, then yes, but I actually think it sounds pretty cool as it is, gives you more character I guess.

  5. The belting onsents sound really well, man. Do you feel like you are in mix there? or just head?

    It's kind of hard to hear well the quality of the voice because of the recording :C 

    EDIT:  I heard Wisdom of the Kings and there it is more noticeable. You tend to do heavy phonations in chest AND in head, but you are not mixing as you could.

    As I already said in a post I deleted haha  Send me an inbox with your Skype address or something and we can have a chat about technique :D 

  6. Oh!! Totally my bad! :24:  I had Edu's voice in my head, but mixed the names haha 

    This is the short version of the song, isn't it?  Get the long one if you can, the one with the "woo, hooo! minutes go round and round inside my heead! " . That to me is the coolest part of the song, lol

    Can you do higher notes?  If you siren down>up, can you get into your headvoice smoothly? And top down?

  7. Thanks for the input, Java!!  

    Yeah, in a lot of places it sounds constricted, mostly because I'm not used to sing that low, and I haven't trained to relax in there and open while keeping the compression Work in progress, though :B  Thanks for the idea in "sobriety" I tried that early in the morning when I recorded again. I actually forget sometimes that I can modify vowels in lower ranges haha
    I'm not currently in my place, once I get home I'll take the best shots and post them, I think they sound much better :D 

    Thanks about Forever and One... btw how did you all find the mix of that track? It seems to me that in the last chorus, the voice is kind of lost because the music's louder...

    That was a pretty good vocal day, so I feel like I shouldn't take all the credit haha  I'm training a lot to be able to sing songs like F&O in a consistent way. It's one of those songs that I can sing just one time and that's it, then just warm down and rest.  
    ( It's not like I end up swollen or something hahah  It's just that it's a good enough workout on top of  other songs I may sing, my scales and stuff )

  8. Hey!!  I liked it a lot. Your timbre is pretty similar to André.  

    I suggest try to play around adding a bit more twang. More "half smile" haha, that will probably give you an easier time navigating the upper part of your chest voice.  As for the pitchyness, yeah, it was very pitchy. But if you are working on it, then I will not say anything about it :)  Make sure you listen closely and remember what he is doing and also the MUSIC :D . Train to remember where in your voice it is too.

    This way when you sing acapella you already know in your ear what music it is, so you have a note to sing over, and by remembering the exact note you need to do physically, you don't look around and search for the note you want. ( I don't know if this is what's happening to you, though, it could only be your ear, or viceversa. You could know the music perfectly in your mind and your throat not responding as you'd like... so check that :D

    Other than that... cheers mate! Keep singing Angra, it suits your voice I think :P 


  9. Thanks, Musikman!  
    Indeed those notes are generally my lowest, it's hard to sing there. I recorded the song because that morning I woke up and felt so low and relaxed that I thought it would be fun to give it a try. hahah . In fact, although I made a few mistakes while recording, I had to live with them, because if I did too many takes, my voice would have warmed up and lost that lowest note, lol

    I'm really glad you liked it, it's a tough song and a very dear one to me.

    I hope you like the Helloween cover!  I don't have neither all the chest yet to sing it like Andi Deris, and I don't know how to use distorsion for now... but I did my best with my current tools :D 

  10. Hey all!  

    As a couple of months ago I told you, I am currently recovering from a nasty episode of GERD, and my voice has never felt as before. BUT, nothing will defeat my love for singing, so I've been training the hell out of my voice.

    I remember some time ago Felipe posted a cover of this song and it was so cool that I thought I'd tackle it sometime as a challenge. I spent like 6 hours editing and mixing, haha, so I hope you like it guys.   And as a bonus, I'd also like to leave Abandoned by Kamelot . It is a very difficult song, but for totally different reasons than the other one.


    EDIT: Someone knows how to make it an embed :c ?

    In Forever and One, I mostly focus on vowel modifications. I try to keep the vowels as open as I can while curbing a lot, which leaves me vowels like AE, EH+EE and shades of UH all over the place. If you notice, almost all the more closed EH's around and above my passagio have a bit of EE, as it's pretty natural to me and it feels pretty comfortable :) 


    In Abandoned, I focused mainly on the interpretation. Using a lot of dynamics, vibrato, and Roy Khan-ish stuff, haha.  I will never have his voice, but I love how he interprets this kind of stuff.

    I hope you like it guys, and any opinion or suggestion you have I'd really appreciate it!


  11. Ah, I forgot to mention... keep in mind that those excercises where the ones that helped me find the feelings I needed to mix and match muscles inside my throat.  Those helped me discover my "mixed" voice.  I don't train that way now, I train chest and head voice isolated, and then do sirens up and down full out throughout my range.  I just found that doing those for training don't work so well on me, progress was too slow compared to other stuff.


  12. Well, the strength in your vocal muscles is already there. You certainly have a LOT more strength than when I started finding my mix, so I really think it is an issue of coordination and control rather than weakness.

    Could you please post a clip of your speaking voice?  Or singing something in your lower register?  It would help a lot.


    I recorded these yesterday to demostrate what I meant with the excercises I described.
    Keep in mind that my voice is also a work in progress ( I've been studying singing for a year and a half now ) so muscularly I am not great..  but the execution, the quality of the excercise is what I meant to ilustrate.


    My chest voice was quite weak when I started, so I had to play around a lot with my voice to find the feeling of compression and "meat" haha    This sounds can help you find that  --->  https://app.box.com/s/cc05v9bofh5p1foto92pbxvgvoaxwntj 
    Those ones I did with my mouth open very wide, vertically, and sticking my tongue out. The tongue out endorses closure.


    I hope I am of help :)   If any other singer or coach can give you their advice it would be cool.  It's always great to have a lot of diferent opinions and means of achieving a goal.


  13. Muscularly you can get a mix right now with the right coordination, what you need to find to "not sound so disgusting" is to train the control over your cords ( for sound) and over your resonators ( for tone ).  Doing excersices, whiny or dopey, will not change the sound of your voice, it is only an excercise. So if you can get results doing whiney stuff, just do it :)    The tone/timbre can be changed by adjusting your resonators ( your palate, mouth, the pharynx, etc)

  14. Like the other guys said, I would say a tenor because of the weight of your voice. Although it doesn't really matter in popular singing, your range can go up as high as you can, fachs are more of a colour thing.

    With your voice you could sing anything you want, man. You have strong headvoice it seems, and your chest will only get stronger. If you want to sing R&B, it will suit you, if you wanted to sing metal, probably you'd have to train the style ( idk if you are a metal listener ) distorsion or whatever you want to use.
    If you want to sing opera, you need to train that.  Just go with whatever you want to do :)

  15. Well, what you want to do is to keep your speaking voice active WHILE using this voice. Call it falsetto or headvoice, or M2.  

    What I did to find my mix ( a commonly used term for what you want to achieve ) was exercises like "buh, buh, buh" or "muh, muh, muh" on an octave, trying to keep a Patrick Star kind of voice. Or doing those scales feeling like you want to hold smoke in your lungs, or like you're stoned.  This will naturally keep your larynx down

    The other is the extreme, is a whiny voice, like "nya, nya, nya" or "nye" ( with an EH, sound not an EE ).. this is the opposite, and will keep your larynx up, but will encourage the activation of your "chest" muscles.  

    You can also try to mess around with your tongue out and your mouth open as wide as you can, downwards, not horizontally. 

    This mix, will be always easier and safer to achieve if you keep your diaphragm low, feeling like you are still inhaling while making a sound, and try not to expel more air than you need.

    I'm not an expert in singing, at all... but these are the things that have helped me. I hope it helps you, mate.

  16. Thanks! Yeah, the idea is to finally achieve a belty sound over all my range, haha, but for now I have to go with what doesn't hurt.  My voice naturally tends to release closure, so I have to always actively think of connecting, my voice is not used to weight.

     After all my problems my voice kind of lowered a whole step ( I like to use modes so ), like... my Overdrive is not as metallic and sounds more like curbing, and my curbing sounds kind of like neutral :/ Also all depends on the range, there are some parts that feel weaker than others, which wasn't an issue before. Most of the time when I sing around or higher than my second bridge (B4-C5), although it may sound falsetto-ish, in fact I am using the effort and energy of a heavier sound, haha, I need to be careful about that, because my folds feel really thin up there.  I hope as I keep gaining strength the sounds will get more and more meaty.

    Thanks again for the input guys. :)

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