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Posts posted by Xamedhi

  1. It's nice to hear you singing lower. I like your tone a lot on those notes. If you have a bottom, a dead end down there, your timbre doesn't hint that at all. It sounds as if you could go even lower and just sing. You could try to do some heavy TA exercises like the one CunoDante explained in one of the Vocal Technique threads, mate :P

    Also, what mic are you using? It sounds like there is some environmental reverb or something, which doesn't let us hear your voice "dry". I didn't notice any sibilance, btw. I don't use a pop filter so maybe I'm used to it, haha.

  2. I liked it a lot. I wouldn't change anything, man. It has a lot of personality and your voice sounds pretty good and pleasant.

    If you want to work on something, just do scales correctly all over your range and work all of the vowels, so you build even more control, more strength if you're feeling sometime like writing or singing more heavy stuff and stamina so you can perform night after night after night. That's pretty much my suggestion haha

    Good luck, mate.

  3. I agree with Phil. Just let her have fun.

    What you could do at this age (13 right?) I think is just to diversify her audio input, haha. Just show her lots and lots of music. From 60 and 70s rock, pop, jazz from the 50s, pop from the 80s, opera, R&B, funk and even metal from all ages. She will develop as an artist that way as she will listen and like a lot of stuff.

    She will try to imitate singer's sounds that she likes and she will build eventually a strong personality in her voice, with her own subtleties and character. By the time she's 20, she will have great technique and her creativity will be itching to make up stuff by herself, haha.

  4. Hey! I liked it :)

    The thing that I thought the most while listening to your singing is that it is a bit too much directed to the sinus, and with the palate low, negating most of your big and meety resonance. Experiment with your palate and try to achieve a big, beefy, and a bit darker tone. This way the higher you go on your chest register the more power it gains, with no added effort on the folds, just more breath support, and for this song in particular those highs would sound tons better ( For my taste obviously ). Also, for me, using that resonator instead of focusing on the sinus has helped me to build a lot more chest strength and range, so maybe it could help you too.

    And if it is an issue about shyness or something like that let me tell you my experience. Don't be afraid to make a huge sound that feels "wrong" or out of place, because it's just resonance. In my home I always tried not to bother, so I kept singing in a medium volume and when organically the sound goes bigger because of acoustic physics, I constricted, or directed to the nasal cavity, or just changed the mode (as CVT describes the sound qualities) and it was very unhealthy, because physically those things are supposed to happen and there's no way around it, haha.

  5. Hey Ron! Long time no see. I liked a lot your interpretation :P Liked your guitar and your singing :)

    The only thing I'd change a bit is my favourite part "Falling, yes I am falling" practice a bit more the exact notes there, because it sounds so cool when it's done perfect, I love the melody of this song so much :B

    EDIT: I don't mean that you're off pitch, I just mean more of a steady-"staccato"-trill kind of thing, more than a sirening up and down to the next note.

  6. Hello :)

    The only thing I notice is that the high notes in this piece, compared to other interpretations I've heard, are sustained for a much shorter time. I like quite a lot when they sustain the note just a bit longer and then siren down a bit to the next note. On the first high note is more noticeable, as you where a bit flat and in the last moment you reached the note, and as you sustained it for very little one stays with the sensation of the flat note.

    Now, as a matter of taste, probably, I don't like your vibrato; it's very caprino, which kind of bothers me a little after hearing it for a while.

    That's pretty much what I hear. :) I don't have any formal studies, no degree or anything, so take my observations just like that, observations :)

  7. Hey! The other day I recorded some pieces of songs by Place Vendome, one of Michael Kiske's projects. I hope you can give me your thoughts about the soundclips.





  8. I agree with most of the things you said, except for the phrasing. Could you tell me what did I do wrong in there? I am a very musical singer, and I learn veery well all the tempo inflections and nuances singers do. Now, on the emotional side itself, yeah, it's hard for me as I discovered my headvoice like in November, haha, and I've been working non stop on compression for more power.

    I know it's a capella.. but if you hear the original, what tempo and melody differences can you notice that I passed by.

  9. Thanks geno :D! Two days before that recording I caught a cold, so the day I recorded I was "recovering" from the symptoms. Is it normal to feel the folds thinner than normal? Because that's what I felt that day. Also, I did my workout in the morning so I don't know if that lack of compression is due to the muscles being tired.

    It's more likely a mix of both, probably, haha.

    I have heard a lot of your music lately! I think like the first 12 songs in your soundclick plus your Frozen song, haha

    I like quite a lot your style of music. You do ballads, progressive kind of rock, and a myriad of things, and your voice seems to adapt pretty well to anything.

    I liked a lot your higher range, it's very balanced with the rest of your range and it feels very smooth.

  10. Hey!

    It's a beautiful interpretation. Good job there, mate :)

    The only thing I'd like to point out is that in the melody you sing in falsetto at the start of the song, there are some pitchy points I think. I think because I don't know the song, but I hear some kind of.. thing going on there, haha

    Be careful on the low B's, as you tend to do them slightly sharp. And the low C# is sometimes a bit flat, I think. Well, minor things, but as you do that melody repeatedly on the song, as your voice is the leading melodical instrument it could become more apparent to the listener the more they play the tune.

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