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About Heithinn

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  1. I think the over all theme/story is good. Your second verse is the "redemption" which makes the following choruses seem out of place. Your rhyme scheme is also a bit repetitive, you're using an AABB throughout the entire song. I would recommend switching up the rhyme scheme for the verses and chorus (AABB verse, ABAB Chorus or something) and turn the "redemption" verse into a Bridge with a revised redeemed Chorus. I also wouldn't use the face/face. You've also got a 5 lined verse.. and then a 4 lined verse, it's not evenly distributed. I also just don't feel like you're paining a good picture or digging deep enough. Go to Youtube and search for Pat Pattison - he's the Lyric writing teacher - among other things - at Berklee and has TONS of free vids on youtube about lyric writing, phrasing, etc that will REALLY help you. Vocally it's very stagnant - but that could be in part to the repetitive nature of the lyrics. Also seems flat in tone. Although there is no music even vocals follow a specific scale or set of notes (not really in a chromatic way, but the scale is like a "family" so you use all the notes in the "family", some of the notes used were flat and/or out of place. GENERALLY sad/low/emotional songs are done in a Minor Scale. You've got drive and passion, don't ever let that go, you'll need it to push forward. Definitely look into a vocal program - Jaime Vendera's "Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition" is cheap ($30) and covers just about everything except the Theory & songwriting end of it. We'd all like to think that if we're singing with our heart "we don't need no stinkin lessons" but really, you can't be a doctor without schooling, shoot, you can't even work at McDonalds without training so what would make anyone think they can be an effective vocalist without training? I also like Per Bristow's program, but that's a little more expensive. You can find free places on the internet to learn the basics of Music Theory and Songwriting which will help a lot with structure, layout - even expanding vocabulary. There are also many free online rhyme dictionaries and thesaurus' to find those words you're looking for. Good Luck and don't give up!
  2. Sounds like you're doing well so far. If this is the style you are going for I would recommend looking into Jaime Vendera. This is kind of his teaching niche. Well, he teaches all styles, but he's the vocal coach for the dude from Dream Theater and Myles Kennedy from Slash's band/Altar Bridge/the movie Rockstar - SO people of this style tend to gravitate to him. I purchased his book Raise Your Voice (an easy $30) and out of the half dozen "popular" vocal programs I've done I find his to be the most complete and easy to read and understand. Keep up the good work, the only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself! Good Luck!
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