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Posts posted by Bono

  1. Hi Aravindmadis, 
    Regarding your tone, let me tell you that in the technique I'm studying (SLS) there are specific exercises to build, temporarily, this kind of annoying sound that Jarom pointed. They call it nasty sound or funny sound because it sounds like a cartoon. This sound is really good (again, when it is temporarily) to remove weight to the voice and reach treble. So, I would not be too worried because you have already taken a big step to reach those high notes. Now you should focus on improving the quality of you voice to sound nicer. Sometimes, when we are on an extreme and want to find a center it is good to go temporarily to the opposite extreme just to know how it feels. The opposite side of the nasty sound is the goofy and the dopey sound, take a look on the internet, but I think it would be better if you take personal lessons.
    You seem to be a very enthusiastic person, so I think if you took singing lessons with a teacher your progress would be very fast . You can find many of them who teach online if you can not find a vocal coach near where you live.
  2. Hey guys, first of all thank you so much for the listening and comments!



    Hey Bono!


    Your vowels start to go wide and the larynx too high in your 1st passage (top notes in the song). You are making it but the tone becomes strained and shouty. You loose the nice warm tone you have in your lower range which I like. A couple of tweaks and this cover will be very good :)


    I think you are right. In fact my biggest problem at this moment is my first bridge E4, F4, Fsharp, G, Gsharp. There is a gap between my vocalization and my singing, when I vocalize I can go through the first, second and third bridge with no problem... but when I sing everything changes. It seems that I still put too much weight into my first bridge



    I would have never picked this up in a million years. Is this the Speech Level Singing stuff? You two in the secret club. Laryngeal control, no shout. I liked it Bono.


    For my tastes, I might have preferred even more shout, so I dunno what to say on a technical level as it sounded pretty controlled. But I'm not about to say 'stop controlling your voice so much' as singing advice on a singing forum.


    How does it feel in your body? I guess that's the question, if you were to follow Sexy Beast's advice and compare it to what it felt like to sing? What did it sound like to you? Very interesting.


    Thank you, Killer. I always like your comments


    The true is that I do not feel really good on the high notes of this song but neither so bad.. I mean, I´m pretty sure I can hit the note but I do not have any control of the quality of the sound... 



    Really beautiful voice. You have a great vibrato and the accent is charming. I remember one of my marketing professors telling us that a lot of people see their accent as a disadvantage, but it doesn't have to be. If you sound confident, the accent will actually make people listen to you actively and more carefully. I really like your voice. I hope you are getting out there and sharing it with people who pay you money, so you can make a living and keep focusing on your music. You have the potential to be a really huge voice once you carve out your path.


    Thank you very much for the compliments :) and for liking my voice! I´m working to give this hobby (think is more than that) the space it deserves :) 



    What? All this grief. Well, go ahead and call me an uncultured redneck. I thought it was just fine. Then, again, I don't have a need to prove myself to be an expert. I am just a guy who spends hard-earned money on good music. And I would buy this.


    And I live in a small town where people would love it if someone could sing this as well as you did, bono, in their church. No, I don't go to church but I appreciate a well done performance. Then, again, what do I know? I prefer Bon Scott to Brian Johnson with no offense meant to Brian.  :lol:


    Thank you so much, Ron! BTW I´ll send you a link to my itunes so you can buy my music :D

  3. Hey Ron! you put me in a very difficult situation because my english is no really good to explain all the way I would like to, so I`ll try to be as clear as I can... I did not mean you sounds bad or you have a problem at all neither you should sing more manly!!! I though that maybe you are using just some part of your voice, your head voice which I think you do it great and compared you with a great argentinian singer, if it was the only voice you have... for me is enough!! and should be for you too!! because you can do many things... But if it were that you have some hidden low notes I thought it also would be great for you to discover and develop!! 

    Ron, first of all wanted to apologize for delaying my response, not want you to think I was doing the mysterious. The true is my English is not very good and I have to help me with google translator that neither is so good :D
    I want you to know I'm not a professional voice, I'm a lawyer who loves music, and like many here I am studying voice, to educate myself, so I have always more questions than answers about the voice.
    That said, my views are very subjective and unscientific.
    I want to tell you a story. I know someone very close, a very nice person like you. He started taking singing lessons a couple of years ago, classical singing lessons, opera ago. At first he was treated by his teacher as a light tenor, because its timbre to speak was really high. Soon, their vocalizations its low register began to develop a lot. This caught the attention of the teacher who recommended him to have a consultation with an audiologist. The audiologist told him that indeed he was hiding his true voice, of course unconsciously. He also said it was very common in nice people, they usually speak in his highest voice because that sound more friendly. He proposed a voice treatment consisting on some speech excercises. He also recommended doing therapy with a psychologist. This person, to this day continues to grapple with this problem, it is not easy for him to take over his low and intimidating voice, he being so kind and friendly. He discovered to be a spinto tenor instead of a very light tenor, he learned to use more of his low voice, but today is still hard for him not raising his voice to a really high zone when he speak.
    This story, in addition to what I hear when you sing, makes me think that maybe you'll pass the same, and that is why I recommend a consultation with a phonoaudiologist.
    I hope I have not put my finger on a wound. I´m just trying to help, giving my honest opinion based on what a hear.
  5. Hi Ron!


    First of all I want to say that overall I liked the song.


    However, I have a few things to say.


    The first has to do with the guitar. I do not know if the guitar was very strong in relation to the voice, or perhaps by the distortion, but I found it impossible to climb much the volume of the song to hear your voice without stunning myself.


    The second thing has to do with your performance in this song. I think you should watch over the rhythm and time of the phrases to match more appropriately with the song. When you start singing I hear you a little insecure, as the song progresses better this, and I agree with another fellow who says you sound better in the high parts. The latter brings me to my final point.


    It could be that you sing just only in your head voice? If this is so, I wonder why. If it were an aesthetic choice, I would have nothing to say. In fact, as I said in another comment, your voice and way of singing reminds me of Luis Alberto Spinetta, who also told you is very famous and influential in Argentina, which makes many musicians want to sing like him (I leave a link for those who dont know him). But perhaps is not a conscious choice of you to sing only in your head voice. I have never heard you speech, Ron. Do you talk into your head voice as when you sing?. If so, perhaps unconsciously you're hiding your true voice, your chest voice. In this case, if I were you I would seek the opinion of a professional, a speech therapist, perhaps.




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