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Posts posted by Elvis

  1. Hi guys!

    Lately im not active on forums as i have alot going on. I dont really practice singing and my "range extending" is put on hold...but i cant just stop singing all together..

    So i did a small cover of a Whitesnakes song..

    Hope you guys like it...ther are some errors but im fine with them.

    I wanna know how you like my timbre..and does the distrotion at places sound good :)





  2. 54 minutes ago, Gneetapp said:

    Hi Elvis, good to see you back here man. I have to agree with Rob, you are doing this to fast. I liked the timbre for rock and hard rock songs. You have to pay attention when you descend, because it sounds you are flipping to falsetto, you can hear a click in all three attempts. The 2nd one is my favorite BTW. Keep on rocking!

    thanks :)

    just the notion that i was in full voice to begin with is a big motivation to me...

    + i am really sick these days...sore trhorat, cough, and speaking way way low...i can sing down to C2 now xDD cuz of being sick ofc xD


    thanks again..will try to record again

  3. 2 hours ago, Martin H said:

    Well, it does sound fine....what do you think and how does it feel? It would be best to include you singing a song or snippets from a song.

    i dont have a clip of me trying to sing like this but i will try to do it tomorrow..

    in the mean time ill present you this,,


    this is a Rainbow - Temple of the king cover from 3 months ago...notice the A4 at the end and how bad it is...

    at that time i couldnt do the sirens as you hear them now...thats why i am wondering do they sound Full and convincing



  4. 3 minutes ago, Martin H said:


    Vocal range in regards to? Or more specifically, what are you trying to accomplish using those "sirens"? 

    Bassically i want to know if this sounds "decent"...is this the sound that can grow..is this the right way of singung higher.

    What im trying to do is add lyrics to this.. and it does work but is unstable.

    In other words, would you say this is falsetto or full voice?

    I cant explain it very well but i hope you ca  understand martin. 

  5. So after a long long while i returned to singing and even tough i sang this last year, i wasnt really practicing in a strickt sense of that word.

    But some good things happened to my voice.

    I will return to forum in pursuit of more vocal improvement.


    I wanted to share a small clip of some sirens up to C#5 for your reviewing. I understand this is far from perfect but this is something i havent been able to do before.




    I just wanted to know if im on the right track to gaining vocal range or am i just shooting in the dark.



  6. Elvis, I thought it was really good, I have no idea of how to improve it, unless by practice. There was one moment I can remember that you sounded a bit strained on a high note belt. I would have to go back and listen the song again to check the time. Cheers

    yea that A4 in the end...that note is crazy for me...sometimes it just comes out and sometimes its impossible.. G#, no problem...but A4 is like a brick wall


    Thanks bro :)

  7. Hi guys,,, Long time no see...

    Here is a cover of a Rainbow classic...

    It was impromptu recording..just plugged the mic and tryed.. That A4 is still so hard for me but i think overall i sing much better now..Range didnt really increase but quiality in general i think is better.. 

    All tips appreciated!!  

    p.s. comment on my tone and timbre a bit...im interested how you guys like my voice


    p.s.2. ignore the backing vocals...i am tryig to get a hang of harmonies...i couldnt remove them later cuz i deleted raw vocals and had just the mix left..tough one at the end of first chorus i preety nifty xD



  8. Thanks for replies guys.

    The thing is i can siren up to E5 in "full voice" or lighter full voice. So i tried learning songs that at least goes up to B4 cuz up to A4 i can sing and dont have alot of trouble singing songs like that. And i wanted to try and actually SING songs that goes above A4 instead of sirening all day long.

    In this clip there is alot more problem than i ussualy have. For example that "made of STEEL" that was soooo wobly in clip jens used as refference but ussualy it isnt that bad. 

    Ill try doing a full cover using tips i got here and will give it some time to record it properly just to see how it will turn out in mix and maybe get a feeling how it all sounds with music


  9. Hey guys. Ive been working lately on songs i couldnt tackle before. Essentially anything above A4 is a huge challenge to me. And even stuff up to A4. Not even mentioning tone and other stuff.


    So ive started to learn Catch the Rainbow by Rainbow (Dio). It goes up to B4 and i guess thats just enough to gove me quite a challenge.


    I recorded some clips of the chorus just so you guys can help me out a bit. Im not sure what im doing wrong but obviously i am doing quite a bit if it wrong.

    Here goes 2 clips. 1 shorter and one longer but both preety short just so you hear what im doing to phonate that B4.


     Longer: https://app.box.com/s/f2c4obcky5nvye9111urhl3bmg6c844l

    Shorter: https://app.box.com/s/syj5mirc27sbeu2ugvuf4tp2mm84xry2


    Would appreciatte any help. Take note his is after a few take so even some other stuff is wrong but im primarly interested in that B4, but do comment on as much of it as you can.


    Thanks guys!!!!

  10. I see you have many issues that i once had Ant. If you want we can get on skype and talk abit about vocal training i may shed some light on it so you proggress better.

    Also when i said issues i didnt mean vocaly i meant in understanding and interpreting theory :)

    hope you accept a skype invite. We can discuss our super secret project ;)

  11. Ant let me chime in. What i was doing and made ALOT of progress was this.

    10-20 min of resonant tracking - T&T and T&R

    10 min~ of doing sirens with various onsets - but i always go for either light mass or belting stuff...so i either do D&R and A&R,,,,, or P&R and Q&R (Q&R is both high and low mass depends how you use it)...the reason why i separate my high mass and low mass each time i practice is because it sometimes puts me off balance to do both, i get confused and start doing stuff incorectly.

    10min-30min~ of fun exercises like groove, blues, staley, and anthem of reverie, also minor scale is also preety good cuz its a bit unconventional but gives a great insight how to apply scales to singing, cuz most of the time metal/rock songs are in minor keys (mostly E G and A) so some of these notes sit there in a manne it would in song melody.

    By now you should be decently warmed up, and now you should sing. Singing is so important. I would say 70% of the ingrained knowledge and progress you get from singing USING THE PRINCIPLES OF GOOD TECHNIQUE YOU DID EXERCISING.

    If you do this as much as you can you will be golden in no time.

    P.S. i know all these posts here can be daunting, when Robert writes you an essay you dont know what to make of it.

    My advice is, to try as much things as possible and find out what works good for you then DEVELOPE your own routine after a while. But always experiment, you never know what good can come out of "tips" here and there.

    Also my routine is really straightforward and should be usefull to you also.

    BTW SINGING IS NOT COMPLICATED..people are..it took me 7-8 months to find out what to expect and what everything means.


    Esspecially good breath support. If you let your throat do everything for you you will get tired in 10~ min, and thats not how you will be able to do any show, esspecially with higher register stuff. What good is singing high when you cant sing more than 5 seconds without lossing breath and collapsing.

    2 goals im working for

    -applying good mechanical and respiratory techniques (all in 4 pillaars) (takes about 3-5 months of good training to get a hang of it)

    -strenghtening the musculature to be able to carry those high notes without blowing them open (also included in pillars)(takes 6-12months)

    AFTER that you are still not done, by a long shot. you just actually started, now ahead of you is a LIFELONG proccess of refining and preserving the vocal health.

    NOT TO MENTION ART and SINGING that you also have to train and make "anthony sound like anthony".

    Hope i helped. Cheerios!!

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