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  • TMV World Member

hello, im alexis im 17 I love singing so much, I downloaded a app called smule and I sing quite alot on there and I do recordings but no one ever really listens to them.

so I would like to know what some one thinks about my singing?

ive never had any singing lessons so this might sound bad but :4: 

https://www.smule.com/recording/barbie-i-need-to-know/797109399_1924350924 ( im the girl singing)


https://www.smule.com/recording/phantom-of-the-opera/322713094_1919446248 ( im the  girl)

https://www.smule.com/recording/phantom-of-the-opera-all-i-ask-of-you-_tonybs-version/64186387_1879142298 ( im the girr haha I think you get it :D)


I know there is a-lot but if you could listen to some even just one,  I would be extremely grateful.

thank you 

Alexis x

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