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Original Blues track (light hearted)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Religion: http://www.box.net/shared/i6r810fb7apk7066nz3a

I think I am crashing the words at the end of lines too much. Any advice/comments on that or any aspect of the vocals?


p.s. I also played some of the guitar on this, the the two solos at 1'30 and 2'15.

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The vocals match the style of the song well. The only thing that comes to mind is to lighten up the vocals a tad, I think you would have an easier time going higher. Guitar solos sound good.

Good thought about lightening up - thanks. :)

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

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