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Let It Be

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

A month or two ago I mentioned that I sang “Let It be” with a band while on a cruise last February. Someone here mentioned they would like to hear that. I forget who it was…Qunicy or Vocalist dad….not sure. But I said I would do a version.

Anyway, I made a couple of recordings of it but wasn’t satisfied with them so I put it on the back burner and eventually forgot about it. It seems that this is one of those songs that I love to sing and while singing it, I’m very happy with how it feels and sounds. But when I listen to it back ….not so good! I’m never satisfied with it. I ended up recording another version of it yesterday and liked it. Until I listened to it played back…:D

But screw it, maybe it is what it is. So not to break my word; I did say I would post one. Here it is and as usual it has a little of my flavor added. For this song, just a touch. I didn't change it much.

I posted “Sweet Jane” yesterday and today “Let it Be.” That’s enough of a break from my usual style….next it’s back to normal. I have two blues numbers waiting cued up and ready to go. Allman Brothers. ;)

Ok..here we go. "Let It Be" (The Beatles)


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Tommy,

I like it, very nice.:) We all get to hear the songs created by the forum members but I wish we got to see the whole picture. We hear passion and emotion in voices but I know that is only part of the experience. I can imagine that when you and many others on the forum are singing your songs that there is real emotion in your facial expression, body language ect. That is why I love to see every ones live videos. Now, I have a question for you. You mentioned you and your better half’s big day coming up soon. You plan on singing Thank You by Led Zeppelin. Is this going to be a big party or just a little romantic get together for the two of you? I think you have some time to find a band and set in on some of your favorites and show her what you’ve been up to lately. Heck, you might as well put your own band together. Didn’t you say you play a little harp?:D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Vocalist.

RE: Thank you. I put it on a CD and it sounds pretty good but too much (to close) to the original melody. I'd like to do it over and add my own vocal touches to it. But in answer to your question I am only planning on getting her in the car for a drive and then throwing the CD in. No parties :)

However in September (the month of our Wedding anniversary, I will definitely sing it at karaoke.

A little harp? All harps are small ...hahahahaha.

Yes I do...but not that well :)

Thanks for commenting.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Glad you posted it Tommy, I enjoyed it. I really like practicing this song as it slaps you around through the passagio and some light mix headvoice in the chorus also. The two words I have to focus the most on are Speaking "words" of wisdom and "There" will be an answer. Getting the vowel right on "word" with the proper air balance is critical for me. And I just like the way McCartney says "there" which I keep working on trying to copy. But it's a fun song to sing and challenging for me to make it similar to his version. I don't usually try to imitate precisely but would love to get some of his tone... being one of my favorite singers.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Quincy. Yea, I usually keep the basic (original) version in my head then play with the sounds and notes to see where I can take it. Sometimes it's just jumping and hoping I land on my feet. :) My trouble part seems to be the high parts of "let it be, let it be, let be yea let it be" Connecting the high "be" to the "let it" that comes before it.

Sometimes it's a breeze and sometimes it just doesn't work to my satisfaction.

I love singing this though and especially coming back to the vocals after the break. The whole feel changes for me and I feel i sing it better at that point.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Just now got a chance to hear this. Well done, again.

I am so used to Paul's choirboy voice that I didn't know what to expect from you, since your voice would fit in better with The Band, Allman Brothers, Canned Heat, etc.

But you did this well. I think your biggest problem in not liking your own version is that you, too, were thinking of Paul's voice, rather than your own. But you did great, nevertheless.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks, that's good to hear :)

I think my biggest thing is that I think my ear is too good for my own good!!:D

I tend to hear off pitch notes and "bad spots" when no one else seems to hear them in others' recordings as well my own; especially my own. Which causes me to dislike many of my own covers so at some point down the road I end up make a new recording of songs previously posted.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Here's a funny thing for you. I am singing differently today than a year ago, or two years ago. Mainly by getting out of my own way. And yes, it is tempting to go back and re-record those but I would rather move on. And here's the funny thing.

With some others, I have shared those files and they will hear something that sounded like a problem to them and diagnose me as if that were still a problem when what they are hearing was present, that time of day, a year or so ago. And is not present, today, 9:09 am CDST 06/10/2012.

Which can sometimes make me hesitant to post an old recording. Or, might still hear the same problem, namely, me singing a Dio song (for example) and not sounding like Dio and wanting to give advice to help me sound like Dio.

I am like you. I am going to sing something in my own voice, which is not always appreciated by others. And that's okay, for I have had plenty to work on, such as pitch accuracy, delving into my own mental quagmire, etc.

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