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Guys, what do you think of voice??

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi guys,

I was just wondering what you guys think of my voice and what could be improved? I know it is far from alright right now but you guys do seem to provide the right advice as the last time i got feedback, i did notice a change in my voice for the good once i covered your feedback.

Chest voice:





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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Actually, to me they both sounded like chest, just different variations. The first one sounded stronger, although it was almost like you were speaking rather than carrying a melody. Then second one sounded like chest but very airy and light. Something that helped me was when I stopped thinking of chest voice and then moving up toward head. I now start up top. Everything is from top down. So I don't go up to head, I go down to chest.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for the advice! Much appreicated! With the second one, i was trying to play around with my voice as i am still not too sure what my mixed voice. I have done re eddited one with what i think is my mixed voice and chest voice:





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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Tone is good, but I think you need to work on pitch, it's hard for me to follow the melody and you're not staying on key. I know that this is something I'm really sensitive to and it's not that relevant if you sing along music, but you posted acappella stuff so that's what I can say about it.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Tone is good, but I think you need to work on pitch, it's hard for me to follow the melody and you're not staying on key. I know that this is something I'm really sensitive to and it's not that relevant if you sing along music, but you posted acappella stuff so that's what I can say about it.

Thanks wes90!!! Have you got any tips on how i can go about learning to sing on key and pitch? Also, so do you think my mix is ok? the re eddited one that i sent after the previous one?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

There are a few ways of practicing pitch but something so simple was mentioned here by someone (I think it was slstone?) that I had to smack myself in the head....duh!

I have a simple tuner I used to use for guitar and I just plug my mic to that and go through a scale. I guess you can use a regular pitch pipe but I use an online pitch pipe. I hit "A" on the pitch pipe then sing to the tone using whatever suits me that particular time. oo or ah or ee whatever. Then make sure I get the note by the tuner.

Then Ab, then B, then Bb etc.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Also does it sound like my larynx is neutral and not too high?

Also sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but if i start practicing pitch, will that help me able to sing on key?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Actually English is not my first language so I may have used some terms not in the proper way.

If pitch is just about singing the note perfectly right than I think it's not the same as singing on key.

I mean, you can still sing perfect notes but off key. Singing on key acappella is about having

in your mind the chords and singing the right intervals between notes. I don't really know how to improve

it, but I think that playing an instrument can be beneficial because you put more attention on

notes, chords and intervals than you do while singing. But I'm just guessing.

But again, acappella is difficult even for some pro singers, I've seen the italian version

of "the xfactor" and in an interview the winner sang cappella and she started

in one key and ended half tone higher. But she is a very good singer. What I want to say is

that going off key acappella is not important if you don't do that while singing along music.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi guys, thanks for all the feedback!! Much appreciated!!

I was reading up on how to improve pitch when singing and i came across something about smiling on the inside when singing , helps to improve pitch when singing. I have been singing using this method and i must say i think my sound has been able to come out better and much clearer. I can see myself using this method when singing to bring out my sound more. I was just wondering if you guys could give me feedback, please


Chest 3b: http://soundcloud.com/user8938323/chest-3b

Mixed/middle 3b: http://soundcloud.com/user8938323/mixed-3b


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

yes Tommy, it was me who mentioned the tuner thingy. Really simple. It teaches you two things. First off it teaches pitch accuracy(the needle don't lie, at least in the old analog tuners, lol). Then once you master the right pitch, it teaches you control, which in my opinion, alot of people need work on. After you peg the tuner for perfect pitch, then hold the note for a while without letting the pitch waver. Not as easy as it sounds. That's where it helps to teach control. Then it realy becomes tricky when you try to add vibrato and not letting it waver. Some people when they go to reach certain notes almost remind me of vocal flatulence. Don't squack the note. Sing it.

So yes, something as simple as a cheap mic and a guitar tuner can teach you alot.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

yes Tommy, it was me who mentioned the tuner thingy. Really simple. It teaches you two things. First off it teaches pitch accuracy(the needle don't lie, at least in the old analog tuners, lol). Then once you master the right pitch, it teaches you control, which in my opinion, alot of people need work on. After you peg the tuner for perfect pitch, then hold the note for a while without letting the pitch waver. Not as easy as it sounds. That's where it helps to teach control. Then it realy becomes tricky when you try to add vibrato and not letting it waver. Some people when they go to reach certain notes almost remind me of vocal flatulence. Don't squack the note. Sing it.

So yes, something as simple as a cheap mic and a guitar tuner can teach you alot.


Thanks for the advice. What if i haven't got a guitar tuner? what could i use to master pitch and singing in key?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


In your chest clip, you're actually not activating much chest voice musculature at all. The cords are very loose and excess air is slipping through. From that set up, you don't have anything to mix from. In your mix clip, you're just in an airy falsetto. As far as technique is concerned, you need to find someone who will help you sing into your voice and engage your cords more. Then you will have something that you can build from. Laryngeal position isn't that important at the current moment given your present developmental stage. Worry about whether your larynx is high or neutral will not help you to engage your cords more. Once you learn to keep your cords together, then you can start thinking about laryngeal position.

As for pitch, you will want to sit down and learn the melody to the song phrase by phrase, making sure you get all the notes patterned in your head correctly. You might want to start with the chorus of the song since that repeats most frequently times, then work your way to the verses.


Hi Dante,

Thanks for the advice. I haven't got money to get a teacher at the moment as i am a student so i am just trying to learn as much as i can from the Internet. You mentioned something about me not activating much chest voice musculature, and i was just wondering if you could recommend exercises or techniques i could use to fix this problem? And also you mentioned something about my mix being an airy falsetto, i was just wondering if you could give me tips/exercises or techniques i could use to fix this problem?

Thanks for the advice!!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


Thanks for the advice. What if i haven't got a guitar tuner? what could i use to master pitch and singing in key?

You can get a cheapy guitar tuner for about $10

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  • Administrator


You can also order a Pocket Tones "Pitch Pipe" from one of our sponsors/members, Scott Rabb of Just Gotta Sing.

Here's a couple of links for your convenience :



Warmest Regards,


Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I swing the cat around the room at arm's length and whatever sound she makes, I tune to that.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm on the highway to Hell.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Seriously, though, one person said something so astounding. Half of good singing is hearing. I don't know if that ratio is correct but I know that hearing is very important. So important that, when monitoring through headphones, the near-field effect of the cans can pull a singer flat. I learned this from a guy that makes a living recording music. That's not something that I came up with.

And it makes sense. If what you are hearing is "washed out" or really bassy, you will tend to follow that.

But, what drags most people off pitch is not having a sense of where the note is in relation or harmony to everything else.

Find a way to identify what you are hearing. And sometimes, have someone else, such as a coach or even a friend or family member help identify when you are on pitch. This will also help you calibrate what you are doing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Why don't you post a whole song, also with music? If you post a short clip with a few phrases from different songs you'll never get complete feedback, because it's not based on how you do the "real" thing which involves timing, breathing and many other things that can be showed only if you sing a whole song along music.

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  • Administrator


Hopefully, you're holding the cat by the tail lest you get bitten or scratched :mad:

Just kidding, of course..... I know you would never abuse an animal, and neither would I !!!!!

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah, Adolph, I do have a dead-pan delivery. I don't abuse animals, I rescue them. My dog, which you see in the avatar, was destined to be turned into a shelter with a euthanasia schedule do of 7 days after evaluation. I've had him since he was a little over a year old. Now, he is almost 9 years old and getting gray in the muzzle. His name is Shadow.

My previous cat was Misty, named after the Harold Arlen song ("look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree"). Picked her up off the mean streets of Dallas. She lived 17 years. The cat I have now, Jade, we picked up off the streets of our little town when she was about 4 months old. Now, she is 6 years old. And she is feisty. She is more likely to swing me around the room than vice versa.

Hey Wes. Here, when singing a note perfectly in relation to the music, it is singing "on pitch." Key refers to where in the range the song is composed, usually by means of the tonic chord. For example, I did a song called "Ramble On" played in the key of E.

One can sing with a note, either harmonically or on the note that is specified. Most times when someone sings off pitch, they are either 1/4 off, or they are a minor 3rd away from the true note.

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