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Hey everyone! Never took singing lessons, tell me what you think :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


This is the link to my soundcloud profile... There are five recordings of me doing karaoke cover versions of different songs. The quality isn't super super good, but it is ok enough to listen to. :)

I've never had anyone coaching me before, although I have sung in a Danish choir (classical) for three years or so...maybe that shows.

Please feel free to comment, and if you have suggestions for better recording equipment (i'm using the mic on my laptop+garageband) then you shall be my guest! :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice. As far as recording - your input volume on the mic channel is too hot causing you to clip the mic. Back that off a bit. I would add some eq to your vocals also - boost the highs a touch. I bet if you get the clipping and distortion out of the vocal track it will sound amazing! I'd mix it for you if you get a vocal track that is not distorted, just send me the karaoke track and the vocal track separately as mp3s .


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Cool :) Currently I don't have any vocal tracks that aren't distorted... the mic is just no good when I get to the high notes/more powerful notes. But I shall work on getting a separate mic, and plug that into my computer...i guess that'll work better.

Thanks for helping out :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Your voice sounded very good :)

The recording was a bit muffled as well as the mic overloaded, as has been said. But I understand that because I am terrible at recording myself :D

But just note that I have found (at least for me) that singing for recording and singing live differ as far as mic placement Live, there are times when I can hold a mic close to my face/mouth, and maybe move it away a few inches or 6 or 7. While recording my mic is always a foot or more away even for not so high notes. Otherwise it overloads. Well, for me anyway. Well, to be hones I clip the mic always....I stink at this recording stuff.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for the advice... i never know how far i am supposed to stand from the mic, but i did notice that when I record a song I can watch the visuals (or whatever you call it) which gives me an idea of how much of the sound is being 'picked up'... in the Christina Aguilera song it seems like the sound in a lot of parts has exceeded the borders of how much volume it can pick up. Don't know all these technical terms, but I guess that is when the mic overloads and the sound is distorted.

As to the singing part... what are your experiences (if you have any) with vocal lessons? How much improvement is realistic and what will you normally try to work on to start out with? I also don't know the definition of 'chest', 'head' and mixed voice, and what do you mean by the 'larynx' being neutral or too high?- i read about them in another thread and i couldn't quite follow, but would like to also learn from the advice you gave him :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

hey laDanoise ;>

Thank you for sharing your clips with us. You have a good musical ear, nice style and very nice tone. That being said, I think you could use some work on connecting more in your body when you sing in your low parts and don't let go as you go higher. Right now you have a REAAALY beautiful low part of your voice, and a disconected high top.

Your voice seems it's a voice which likes roundness more, and you're spreading all vowels, with a high larynx, this causes the sound produced to sound yelled and completely different from your low voice. I should stress that this is a disconected from your body kind of yelling, because one can yell perfectly find and sound as though it's all one voice. (think for example whitney, she yelled like the best of them, but from a grounded place!)

hit me up on skype sometime (Elrathion), I can give you some tips which if you practise it you can really improve alot, cse you have a beautiful instrument.

And btw I wish I had your natural gift when I started learning how to sing! Great work for comming so far on your own!

Hope this helped ;>

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

HI Elrathion! :D

Thank you so much for taking interest in me like that... that's reaaally cool!

And I completely agree with you on the advice. I feel like I can produce powerful notes, both with my lower and higher register, but I often feel as though I struggle going from low to high and vice versa. It doesn't flow as freely as I would like, although I have to mention that when I do my recordings I often feel as though I am being monitored by everyone in the building (I do my recordings at home in an old, not at all soundproof apartment) and that kind of freaks me out sometimes :§

I would love to get some more advice! Btw what part of the body/voice is the larynx? (i'm a foreigner so i don't really know a lot of technical terms).

Thank you! Again....

Btw, did another recording with a lot of high notes and a bit of growling in the end... is it the issue/difficulty i have here? ----> http://soundcloud.com/ladanoise/had-so-much-fun-doing-this

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey laDanoise

about your clip, with more vocal stamina, less grip to the voice, and beter vowels you'd sound even beter ,> You have alot of potential especially being untrained!

I'm currently training 3h a day 7 days a week to train my voice for the heavy tenor repertoire ;> Before that it was more lighter stuff and musicals I sung. I've been teaching for some years now, and I'm trying to help people get to the next level until they can afford lessons.

Since I'm holding a fulltime job as a Marketing Manager and train 2-3 hours a day on myself, it's only a few people I help who are really dedicated and serious about going forward with their voices, and also people who can't make the financial commitment yet.

I know alot about the voice, I'm featured here as a subject matter expert and been around quite some years in the vocal teaching community ;>

Anyway, if you need the help add me on skype, or if you need references for teaching shoot me a mail ;>

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Alright... i'm very interested in doing some lessons over skype. Right now I am a bit busy too with exams, assignments and such, but i'll add you for now. I'm already searching for a teacher in Copenhagen, but i'm sure it must be expensive to get a really good one... but i am definitely dedicated enough to support it financially (and my parents are thrilled, so they will probably help me out too).

Thanks again for now... geez i love this online community-thing, it's really a great opportunity for so many beginners like me - especially when people like you are willing to use time and energy on helping others! :)

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