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Help me with my voice (bohemian rhapsody & dream on)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys, I need help with my higher part of my register primarily with controlling my voice so

it doesn't sound shouty, and I'm also wondering how to apply more twang to my voice, and how to access those twang

Here is some demo what do you guys think:

Thanks in advance :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Are you purposely trying to sing this song in this high range? I honestly feel that you would sound better if you took it down a key.

If you are singing this on purpose then I would recommend cover the sound more as you are a little to bright right now. Also I would recommend doing lots of slides so you don't go into that disconnected falsetto.

Other than that I would say just stick to the basics and do a forum search of my posts maybe you can take something from them.

Good Luck :)

"verum ipsum factum"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Your letting the notes deflate before they are ended. That is, you are putting good breath in until you get to the last few syllables of the phrase and then are dropping off. Imagine the note continuing past the end of the note.

It sounded to me, and I can be wrong, that you were in the right key. But, with whatever mic you were using, there is not as much bottom end as maybe Freddie Mercury has, idk.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I see, yes i did notice that i end the note too quickly, and this was recorded on my mobile phone so sorry lol

Are you purposely trying to sing this song in this high range? I honestly feel that you would sound better if you took it down a key.

If you are singing this on purpose then I would recommend cover the sound more as you are a little to bright right now. Also I would recommend doing lots of slides so you don't go into that disconnected falsetto.

Other than that I would say just stick to the basics and do a forum search of my posts maybe you can take something from them.

Good Luck :)

I don't know i thought i sang it in the original key, but i could be wrong so sorry lol, yes i have been having some problem to connect those falsettos what exercise do you suggest? and what is covering and how do i improve on that? thank you very much guys

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I see, yes i did notice that i end the note too quickly, and this was recorded on my mobile phone so sorry lol

I don't know i thought i sang it in the original key, but i could be wrong so sorry lol, yes i have been having some problem to connect those falsettos what exercise do you suggest? and what is covering and how do i improve on that? thank you very much guys

My favorite exercises to help blend the range are lip rolls and slow sirens. Do the lip rolls for about 20 mins throughout your range, then siren quickly from the bottom to the top of your range quickly. After you have mastered doing the siren quickly you need to gradually start to slow it down. As soon as you are able to navigate your whole range without a break you can begin to lip roll the song.

Covering is just vowel modification which helps with resonance. When doing sirens start with an AH vowel the gradually change it to AW as in awful the gradually change that to UH as in above. This vowel change directly influences the position of your larynx which will help to keep your throat open.

Try this and post a clip.

"verum ipsum factum"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I try to do your tips, and here is my clip of me singing Mad World in which i try to do a more connected falsetto:

I'm working on producing the higher notes more softly right now, from that clip above did i do the falsetto at least decently? :lol:

thanks for your time and critique

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I try to do your tips, and here is my clip of me singing Mad World in which i try to do a more connected falsetto:

I'm working on producing the higher notes more softly right now, from that clip above did i do the falsetto at least decently? :lol:

thanks for your time and critique

That was a nice clip. You stayed very connected!

I'm so happy/excited for you...Keep up the good work!

"verum ipsum factum"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Aside from what everyone else said, work on your enunciation, sometimes it's hard to understand what you are singing. The second clip you posted was awesome by the way.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Another way of covering is to lower the larynx, similar to when you yawn, though another way to lower the larynx and cover is to lower the jaw and more specifically, the tongue. This i because the root of the tongue is controlled by the same muscle that controls the front of the larynx. This also produces a covered, sometimes, boomy sound.

At least, that's how it seems to me. And a classical coach I had consulted with. No, I don't sing opera, though he thinks I should. I can't seem to get away from this rock music thing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Another way of covering is to lower the larynx, similar to when you yawn, though another way to lower the larynx and cover is to lower the jaw and more specifically, the tongue. This i because the root of the tongue is controlled by the same muscle that controls the front of the larynx. This also produces a covered, sometimes, boomy sound.

At least, that's how it seems to me. And a classical coach I had consulted with. No, I don't sing opera, though he thinks I should. I can't seem to get away from this rock music thing.

I like prescribing the yawn because most people tend to take it too far and depress the larynx with the tongue which creates a muffled sound.

"verum ipsum factum"

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