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One Last Breath by Creed

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I know I keep getting told to record something NOT while driving. I literally can't right now. No money for a studio and my house is much louder. Please bear with me until I get to the point where I can do something else. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy it.


"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I thought you did great. In fact, if you can, audition with that song. Of the songs by Creed, that one is my boss's favorite. He'll crank up his ipod station and sing the chorus. So, if you make it and they use that one for the televised part of the auditions, I need to know so that I can alert him to it.

And then, I can say, I knew you when were unknown.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

First of all, thanks for the praise. This is really the only place I share these, other than just random searches by people on youtube, so it's nice to hear some feedback.

Second, I'll make sure to post something here if I'm going to be on the show. Here's hoping.

"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I know I'm being a pain in the ass about this and I truly apologize. I totally understand about the lack of money or a place to record; I really do. But once again, if that is the case, as I said last time couldn't you at least wake up 5 or 10 minutes earlier or something and park the car somewhere to record? I think it would work so much better as you can focus on your singing. :) Also, every video you make you are chewing gum. That ain't helping bro. I hear a little fluid in your throat from either a cold or maybe the juice from the gum....who knows. But the gum isn't good man.

I really want to give a good critique but I can't. I don't think it would be fair. I think you have the potential to sing well I just don't think you are doing it right now in the car. I want to really hear you. Pull off the road, spit out the gum. Drink water (and start a few hours prior) sit up straight and really sing. That will take no more than 10 minutes. You can find that. I know about lack of time and space, believe me. :)

Right now I think you are singing a lot in your throat and at times it sounds airy. I hear a lot of "H" in the onset on "Hold me now" like you're huffing it out. But like I said, these little points may all be just lack of focus due to driving....who knows. I can't agree with Ron on this....sorry. Not bad, though. I just wouldn't say audition material yet. :)

However other may disagree. And that is why we have forums!!!! :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey, Tommy, you mean like don't do this? Don't sing while seated and chewing gum?

That's Steel Heart and the singer provided that actual vocal tracks for Mark Wahlberg's character in "Rock Star."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm not a fan of singing with chewing gum in the mouth, either. But then, I don't have albums and no one is looking for my voice in a movie.

But I do sing in the car. All the time and I can't stop myself. 1.5 hour drive home in the afternoons. Often singing Boston while doing 75 to 80 mph on the Rayburn toll road. And I'm the one driving slow.

But I would like to hear Dave on a real mic. And some real mxing and production value, even if it did not include video.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Are you kidding me? I spend three hours a day in the car just getting back and forth to and from work and that is where most of my practice is :D I have sung thousands of songs in the car over the last 23 years of driving that way. You do what you gotta do brother! I'm not saying practicing or singing in the car is bad (although it isn't the best place for good practice).

All I'm saying for this young gentleman is as far as "posting something for an honest and serious critique" it would be better if he were able to give us a more serious sample. One that would showcase his real voice. I know he can't really get us a good sample at the moment but I feel he could at least improve on what he has given us by at least pulling over and spitting out the gum.

This is beyond practice or just singing in the car or being a pro and doing it. It is about a young man looking for help and advice. Some people may wear dirty glasses all the time and get by just fine. That would be the wrong thing to do however if they were looking for comments on how well they see or looking at an eye chart! :D

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