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Male Cover of "On My Own" from Les Miserables

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello! I'm new to the forum but I've been an avid YouTube member for a few years now and I'm trying to make youtube a more serious thing for me and am trying to grow my audience a bit. I put together this cover and video and I was wondering if you guys could let me know what you think! If you do like it, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel because I will be posting a LOT more so you can see those as well and continue to critique!

Thanks guys! I look forward to some responses! :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Good tuning and articulation.

The sound overall is a little thin, like you need more support. Others are better qualified than me on this.

Pronunciation of "gone" in the phrase "when he's GONE" sounds like "gawwn", need to work on dipthongs. Similar issues throughout.

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you very much for your informative critique! I have realized how bad my support has gotten actually after posting this and am working on it avidly! Thank you again! (:

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Actually, I liked your version.

The only technical thing I had involved your other video where you explain what was going on leading up to this cover song. The word "irregardless" is incorrect. It is "regardless," meaning "with no regard" to whatever. For example, one could say, "I had a cold but sang well, regardless of my illness."

I know what it's like to freak out over laryngitis. Gave it to myself, twice, being a imbecilic, I was.

Anyway, I think you have a nice tone of voice and I could see you doing theater. Have you thought of switching to that major? Or is the communications major a cover so your parents think you are learning a trade and you can minor in theater?

At least you are in NJ. It's not too far to get to NYC, Broadway, even slightly off-Broadway.

Pursue that. You're young, strong, and now's the time to strike while the iron is hot. Plus, you will find coaches and other talents in there that can give you pointers along the way.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

OMG! Bless your heart, you're too kind! Well, I did theatre in high school for 4 years and I obviously miss it very much! I tried for the musical theater major at my school but my audition was sort of a bust and I wound up not getting in. Maybe I'll try for it again, but I don't know. I do LOVE being a Radio/TV Major though because I love the process of putting a video together. And I get that "irregardless" note in real life a LOT, it's a bad habit. lol. I appreciate all your kind words so much! It makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time. If you want, you should subscribe to my channel! I just put up another video and would love to hear what you have to say about it! Thank you and have a blessed holiday season! :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well, maybe, you should audition at another school. I don't know how many in your area offer theater programs. I'm not at all familiar with theater programs, in general. In high school, I was a guitar geek with old, miniscule equipment, compared to others.

I went to college a couple of times, majoring in EE (electrical engineering. Made good grades in that, breaking grade curves with abandon.)

In college, there was a collection of us outlaw musicians and a friend named us Translucent Blue Plexiglass (I have no idea why, other than frustrated hippies, I guess.) Then two branched off and became Trident to compete in the Chang Your Life festival in Dallas, Texas. Next year, tired of the chewing gum jokes, they change to become Magenta and compete in the Change Your Life II Festival. They sounded like Rush, emphasized by the fact that my friend, Jeff, sounded eerily like Geddy Lee when he sang.

Mostly, I just get away with singing in front of people who don't run me off. Again, I am tall and look like a Hell's Angel that cleaned up for a court appearance. They are probably just waiting for me to go away of my own accord.


But I think you have the right voice for theater. You can project. Have a lock on lyric baritone, where most of the hero roles are.

Another friend of mine who does theater and church musicals has noted that baritenors, baritones who can sing a few high notes, get cast more easily than tenors, even.

To me, you and theater are a perfect match. I could see you absolutely owning "Beauty and the Beast." And of course, ole Les Mis.


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