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How's My Singing?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys. I am a musician. I've been playing guitar, piano, drums, and singing harmony for many years. I have never felt like I had the natural talent as a lead vocalist. I have always seemed to play music with very talented singers, so I just sang the harmony. Anyway, many doors have opened up for me that have sort of "pushed" me into that lead singing role. Tell me if you think I have potential. Any honest comments would be helpful.

This is a video of me leading in a worship service recently. Honestly, after hearing this recording I was embarrassed and wanted to quit singing altogether. I am a perfectionist and I don't want to do something if it's mediocre. I am singing the first song on this video. BTW, the girl that sings the second song is amazing.

PLEASE MAKE YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS PAGE AND NOT ON THE YOUTUBE COMMENTS. The video does not belong to me and I didn't post it on youtube. One of the guitar players did.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Here is the second part of this same service. I sing a song at around 4:35 in this video. We had to move the key a half step down to flow into the song after. So I am VERY low at the beginning but then it jumps an octave into a more comfortable range. So ignore that beginning section please.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I do believe there is a thing called gifted. It’s like the best track runners of the world. By a lot of training every human being (who can walk) can run pretty fast, but there are some who have such a skeletal and muscular build that make them go faster and with more ease.

I could run as fast as a runner who was a national contestant (winner). My technique was pretty inefficient. Prior to that, I only worked on stamina, because of Taekwondo. He also had benefits: he was tall with long legs.

So, going back to singing, yes there are singers who can pick it up faster and who can probably hit notes with that much more ease. However, singing is part of art, and part of taste, and style. Bryan Adams never was a technical, powerful singer, but he most definitely is/ has been a well-know, well-respected artist and singer.

And actually, I really like your sound. Your lows could definitely use more presence, but overall, it’s solid. You could be more stable with your phrasing, but most long notes don’t sound like they are off-tuning here and there.

I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

First off, you are playing in front of an auduence. A tough audience, for they are sober. :lol: Bravo!

Last live audience I played for was in a restaurant and probably half of them had at least one shot of Uzzo (it was a greek restaurant.)

First vid and your low intro in the second vid, your vowels are impure. The difference between you and the lady is that she is singing with more pure vowels. So, you want to stick to mainly ah, eh, oh, oo. The problem is whatever accent you have may be shading your ah to aw. Not only does that provide dissonance but, for not, it is pulling you a smidge flat. Higher part in the second vid, your vowels cleared up and you sounded good.

You have a nice, clean voice, one which is really suited for contemporary folk, of which there is a large audience in contemporary christian music, from what I can understand. And I used to listen to christian metal. For example, it was nice to come to this forum and find other fans of Stryper. And I used to cover "Stained Glass Windows" from Petra. I like to think of them as an even more "christian" version of Kansas, even though, at the time, Kerry Livegren, the founder of Kansas was becoming a born-again christian. And a large history ensues fro that, another topic, another thread.

It was part of my "softer" set.

So, you've got the right voice for the genre you are in. Just purify the vowels. Your pitch is good, mostly, I just think the impure vowels are leading you astray.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi there

Well you are obviously talented and you have a nice voice. I would be quite happy to sit there in the congregation listening to you! I know what you mean about the pefectionist thing though, I find that I never quite think that I am good enough or will be good enough even if I practice. I am a bit behind you with experience though having never done anything musically since I was about 18, but a little voice inside my head is telling me I have to try to sing. This is a big ask for me as I am quite shy and up until a few months ago I could not even sing with my husband in the same house! I am now doing some singing with the band in church as well but I have only done it 3 times before and am still finding it petrifying even though everyone is singing with me, but I do have a mic so I'm quite aware that people can hear. But I'll continue with it and see how I get on. Good luck to you!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This is a big ask for me as I am quite shy and up until a few months ago I could not even sing with my husband in the same house! I am now doing some singing with the band in church as well but I have only done it 3 times before and am still finding it petrifying even though everyone is singing with me, but I do have a mic so I'm quite aware that people can hear. But I'll continue with it and see how I get on. Good luck to you!

Bless your heart. Stage fright - the condition where you are more worried about what people think of you than what they think of the song.

So, a couple of things to keep in mind.

Trust in God. You have a voice and it needs to be shared and have trust that your mission is valid. Sure, we are all imperfect. No need to dwell on it. Accept it, move on.

Second, share what the song means to you, not what your self-doubts are. You will have self-doubts but let the song breathe for itself. Be a fan of the song, as much as the audience is a fan of the song. Sing it because you enjoy the song as much as the audience enjoys it.

I am not saying it will be easy. But let these thoughts hold sway over the thoughts that say you should not share your voice with others of your faith. "Do not hide your light under a bushel," or words to that effect. Trust that God is your biggest fan and that what you do is a blessing to others.

And, of course, practice singing, as well. Good things come to those who help themselves.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks everyone. Great comments.

"Manolito" -- You are so right. Some people are just born with the right anatomy to sound amazing. For me, I have to work really hard at it. My wife is a natural singer with smooth vibrato. Every time she sings somewhere she gets asked to sing at a wedding, funeral, etc. People compliment her all the time. Honestly, I don't remember anyone every telling me, "I love your voice," or "you're a great singer." hahaha ...Maybe that's a sign... When I play electric guitar or piano....People come up to me amazed, asking about the music, asking for lessons....Anyway, thanks for the advice and I will work on what you mentioned.

"Ronws" - My vowels are something I work really hard at. I record myself singing a lot and always hate certain vowels. Then I change it around and try something new. I probably over-think the matter and make it worse.

"Pumpkin" -- I can relate to your situation very much. Like I said earlier, I have never felt like a singer. When I am playing an instrument, I love what I'm doing...I LOVE every note I play....It comes from within my soul...When I'm singing lead like in this video, my mind is thinking, "this doesn't sound good..."this is awful," etc. As Ronws said, we have to overcome this and communicate the song with passion...It just takes time I guess... I was leading worship at a church for 6 years. There was a big ensemble praise team that I just blended in with vocally. I never sang solo. About year ago, my pastor made me start leading by myself on Wednesday nights. I was a train wreck. I was so nervous. I eventually got over the nerves and just sang. Now a year later, I am at a new church singing like this. It just seems like a crazy jump for me. I still don't feel as competent as some of the other vocalist but I am not nervous anymore. Being nervous adds tension to your voice. We have to be relaxed as possible. Only experience can help you with the nervousness.

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