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Having fun with Ayreon songs, haha.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The other day I was playing around singing and recorded this. I edited it just a bit to make it more fluid and "conversational", haha

I'm not impersonating anyone and just playing around with colours and twang :P

An excerpt from 5th Extintion and Unnatural Selection:


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks geno :D! Two days before that recording I caught a cold, so the day I recorded I was "recovering" from the symptoms. Is it normal to feel the folds thinner than normal? Because that's what I felt that day. Also, I did my workout in the morning so I don't know if that lack of compression is due to the muscles being tired.

It's more likely a mix of both, probably, haha.

I have heard a lot of your music lately! I think like the first 12 songs in your soundclick plus your Frozen song, haha

I like quite a lot your style of music. You do ballads, progressive kind of rock, and a myriad of things, and your voice seems to adapt pretty well to anything.

I liked a lot your higher range, it's very balanced with the rest of your range and it feels very smooth.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Xemedhi - Colds and singing are just plain weird. Do you take any decongestants? They can definitely thin your folds. I generally stay away from cold medicine. My voice seems to be ok for the first couple days and then it starts getting low and then I can't sing anything.

Your "lack of compression" sounds really good. Is that not normal with your voice?

Thanks for checking out my songs! I'm glad you like what you hear.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well, the other day I was sounding like this

So that's why I wonder. And also, I took two pills of cold medicine, the first and second day with the cold. So you're right, maybe it was that.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It sounds like you are singing too quietly and your tonality hasn't really developed. If you aim to go for a clean tonality, then that is good, but it has to have strength behind it as well.

If you aim to cover the singers on 5th extinction you have some more work to do especially in making your voice more versatile. Also, you might want to work on your phrasing a bit more as well. If you are covering a song there are two things I can strongly recommend to do..

(And despite mimicry being the single most productive method of human learning many people will tell you not to do it... I would say do it, of course... But it's always a good idea to take anyone's advice skeptically.)

1. You should listen to what the singers are doing tonally.. whether it is 'angry' 'sad' 'desperate' etc.. These rasps and subtle things are more or less a by-product of the emotion put into it, which makes singing more like a form of acting combined with harmony.

2. You have to listen to the phrasing of the instrument. Any great guitarist, saxophonist, pianist, etc. Has a strong grip on musical phrasing and it's importance to the song. Yet vocalists tend to overlook and neglect this area of practice when it is one of the most important parts. Even with an untrained voice, phrasing can, to some degree, make up for it.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I agree with most of the things you said, except for the phrasing. Could you tell me what did I do wrong in there? I am a very musical singer, and I learn veery well all the tempo inflections and nuances singers do. Now, on the emotional side itself, yeah, it's hard for me as I discovered my headvoice like in November, haha, and I've been working non stop on compression for more power.

I know it's a capella.. but if you hear the original, what tempo and melody differences can you notice that I passed by.

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