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Let Her Go by Passenger voice critique

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi everyone!

New singer here, started singing about 6 months ago and currently on the AAproach program. Here's my cover of Let Her Go :)


Definitely looking forward to any improvements/critiques given. I know my voice breaks certain part and it's not smooth at certain notes (especially the end) but this is my best recording so far.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Dennis,

It is sounding O.K. You have a good sense of pitch.

Even though the song is soft you still need to add some energy to it. It is hard to explain but if you give the same type of energy as when you are telling someone to do something the notes will become more solid and full. You will have less trouble going into the higher parts at the end of the song.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I was not really meaning about going off pitch...... More like going from a whisper to a loud tone. The jump in dynamics can cause you to miscalculate. The louder parts may seem too loud so you cut back on that and run into other problems.

You can sing strong but soft at the same time, then when the song does get strong in the higher parts you do not have to change your strength just the pitch. As I said it is hard to explain. It has to do with support.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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