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Hope you guys like this cover of Latch (Accoustic) by Sam Smith :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I really love the color of your voice. Nice clarity and kind of a chocolatey sound. Are you open to some feedback?

The Aspiring Singer
Resources and inspiration for aspiring singers - from beginners to professionals
Twitter: @theaspiringsing

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Great control in your upper head voice. I think you occasionally tap into a really great resonance in your upper head voice. I'm not talking about falsetto. I'm talking about your true head voice. There are a few times when you achieve a really nice "ping." Right around 0:26 on the word "try" is a good example. I think it would be beneficial for you to try to tap into the physical sensations that you are feeling when you sing that phrase. There are other words on similar "ah" vowels and on the same pitch where you don't achieve that same resonant ping. When you sing "boundaries" just a few seconds before, the sound isn't the same. I think your goal should be to aim for the sound that you achieve on the word "try."

One way that you can do this is through vowel modification. The vowel on "try" and "bound" of "boundaries" is essentially the same vowel. It's an "ah" vowel. In order to achieve the right kind of sound and the right kind of resonance, you want your vowel to be taller and skinnier on the inside. Experiment with the "ah" vowel and see how many variations you can achieve with "ah." You can make it dark and cavernous, or bright and nasal, and every where in between. You'll want to try to get a brighter and more nasal sound. Notice that when you sound dark, you'll get a yawning sensation and everything in the back of your mouth goes very round. Notice that when you sound bright, the back of the tongue placement will be a little higher and the back of the mouth will be a little skinnier. This the desired goal.

Ultimately, achieving this kind of coordination will help you bridge the big jump from the highest falsetto note on "now" at 1:01 into the notes that follow afterwards. With each repetition of the chorus, it sounds like you're not sure when to break from falsetto back into your modal voice. The goal is that we want that break to be almost imperceptible. You'll want to smooth out the transition from top to bottom. You can do this by strengthening the bridge that happens between the modal voice and the falsetto voice by using vowel modification exercises. You'll want to practice bringing the chest voice up into the bridge, and also practice bringing the head voice down into the bridge.

Separately from all of that, I'm guessing that English is a second language for you. The reason that I say that is because there are some tongue issues I hear. Mostly in the front placement of your tongue. It sounds like you draw the tongue back from your teeth, and that may be a language pattern. Try practicing some scales with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. I mean really stretch your tongue out of your mouth. Try to let the tip of your tongue touch your chin. This will just help to pull the sound out of your mouth a little bit more.

Let me know if any of this helps or if you have other questions. Great singing!

The Aspiring Singer
Resources and inspiration for aspiring singers - from beginners to professionals
Twitter: @theaspiringsing

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I like what you did and just now, am amazed at the simple power the internet has brought us. When I was your age, the only way for people to hear me sing was if they were in my audience, namely anyone nearby when I was singing in any particular place. A party, a club, a campfire, whatever. Now, we can hear and see each other across time and space and that is way cool.

Anyway, Adolph, one of the admins here, knows all about helping getting your video on the media network here, what I still call the "main page." If you don't already have a page there, it is easy. Give a valid email and whatever password you want. Just like what it took to get in here. Chances are, your video will be featured.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

oh wow! THANK YOU SO MUCH for that critique :) I've never had someone giving me critics like that. So helpful, and i really appreciate it… I will for sure listen to your advice, and will practice so that I could get better. And yes, English is not my first language, although I'm fluent with it.

Again, thank you!!!

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  • Administrator

How do I make one @ronws ? Where should I start?

Thanks for the info!

You did fine creating your profile page, Joshua.

Your video is now Featured on the "Social Home Page" :cool:

Warmest Regards,


Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • Administrator

Thank you Adolph!!


My pleasure, Joshua :D

Check my comments on your profile page please :cool:

~ Adolph ~

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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