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Let it be by Beatles - review my vocals please

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi guys so im just about to buy The Four Pillars Of Singing and i wanted to do a small clip where im singing Let it Be just as a "starting point" to see how im proggressing. Ill do a few more in different styles just so i can really track my progress.

I had no formal training or none whatsoever, im 20y old and really passionate about singing, and i just started singing 2-3 months ago after playing guitar for like 5years...

So if u can throw a lil critique on me here. i know this kinda sux and i can do even better right now but i wanted u to hear how i sing ussually without giving too much effort in it so you can get the sense of my AVERAGE singing without really giving it my 100%.

Btw: im not ussualy that shaky on that A4 in chorus but that is my highest note so sometimes i screw it up...

also ignore that falssetto in the end, i wasant gonna post this at all but i figured what the heck :PP


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Good job overall. Your C4-F4 range is really solid with that being said here are some things you can start working on:

Pitch accuracy/control in your lower range. If you train with Rob one on one he will really help you with that.

You are closing your jaw too much on the word "let" - again if you work with Rob over skype he'll help you fix that vowel since it's all over T V S training. However, this is my own opinion, be careful of overdoing the F1/H2 he talks about that that vowel tends to bring out - it can cause problems if you rely on a strong presence of it and let it make the sound fly forward. But if you make sure you PLACE that sound backward toward the soft palate more and more as you ascend it will mix in some headier overtones and you'll be fine.

For the high A you just need to open your throat more vertically (don't splat to a loud EH though, it should still sound LIKE an ee) and push down with your support more, the complete sensation is like pulling down the larynx and the diaphragm in tandem and very important, that placing the sound back sensation too. That's what Rob means when he says "don't sing higher sing deeper" - high notes don't feel like a reach or like projecting across the room, it's a very unintuitive (at first) covered sensation that's best to learn from a teacher.

You will also have to be able to sing around the high Bb or B before you can perform the high A consistently. The reason that note is inconsistent is because it is your highest and that is true with everyone - you need to extend your range and make it your not-so-highest note in order to nail it every time, so I really emphasize training pulling the full voice up high for that reason. You can definitely learn to stay in M1 (your speaking/calling out to someone voice) up to the C5 if you train correctly - not that you shouldn't train lighter too - you actually NEED to train both if you want a balanced versatile voice, so developing the strength to carry M1 up high AND the finesse to smoothly back off the sound into M2 if you want, is a prerequisite to really OWNING a note.

Lastly you'll definitely have to work on turning your falsetto into a more connected head voice. In a way where you CAN lean into the head voice if you want to or further into a heady mix (however, it will end there and not be able to grow into full chesty mix unless you train pulling up M1 on the side and train to gradually pull off the intensity so it can connect with the head voice as a mix, that's why we do both), but then if you just back off from head, there's your falsetto. Instead of having to let go of all your musculature to get the sound and losing control over it. If you train the head voice stuff with Rob from a standpoint of finding a falsetto coordination that will grows stronger in musculature and depth, you will build some extra beef onto your head voice that allows you more release and control once you back off into falsetto again.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well ill first try to work with "pillars" (money issue) but eventually ill grow into skype lessons. And thanks for your amazing response, just by trying to apply some of the things u said i had an easier time singing the song and performing a bit better. Im really excited about my "journey" and posts like these really gets my motivation sky-rocket

Also that falssetto was really a "fun" thing that i didnt really put any effort. I think i have a preety solid fallsetto, i can actually go up in falssetto preety smoothly without any evident break ascending and decsending. But i get what u mean

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounded pretty good to me. A couple of wobbles here and there.

I can never deside to sing that second "let it Be" in the chorus with Falsetto, soft head or just belt it. Thats O.K. I think Paul sings all three at different times any way, But he can sing what he wants, he wrote it. :P

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