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attempt at bluegrass...pleeeze critique!

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Hey bluesguy,


I enjoyed your recording... its really raw and feel authentic... hard core blues!   ;)


Your tune could benefit from a little more articulation. Its hard to hear what the words are, but i understand that may be part of the style your going for.


Do you have a voice coach?


BTW , I liked the Neil Young "old man" as well... 


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  • Review My Singing Membership

Thank you Robert....no vocal coach. I just really started to try to sing. I've accepted the fact that I don't have a strong voice....I don't know what style I'm going for...just trying to be me, I guess. I'm just trying to get to the point where I might get a "passing grade" at an open mic or really just be comfortable singing at a bluegrass jam. Am I on key? Thanks...

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  • Administrator

On Key?  Mostly, on pitch... only sometimes. Key and pitch are two different things... but no foul. You need more experience and some training... not a tough thing to take care of. Consider investing in a training program. I have one titled, "The Four Pillars of Singing" that is quite popular, but there are other good programs as well.

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Thanks...I will explore....difference in key and pitch? I'll check into that as well. I appreciate your help. Are these things that can be learned to where my voice would be passable?


Just for comparison....the below is my first attempt at songwriting...more of a fingerpicking folk song?


Which style is better, if either?


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