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It's a hard life(Queen) - Single take

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Folks, 

To me this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written by Queen.  It has a special place in my heart.  This was the first queen song I heard in my life.  It was in the year 96(yes it was that late) and I thought at that time that the was the most amazing song I had ever heard, a view that has remain unchanged over the years.  


This is an amazing performance by Freddie and to me is one of his most complete songs.  We can see the full range of emotions and tones he was able to deliver.  


I skipped the intro part since I could not get it to work in my "non-studio" setup with limited mixing skills.  I was in two minds whether to make multiple attempts and make a "cleaner" version.. But for me being able to sing a passable version of this song was a big milestone(since this song has given me a lot of grief over the years).. 


I know everyone in this forum will not share my excitement.  As always, a big thank you for those who give a listen and comment.   :)


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I think you start and end the song too heavy. In the middle, you lighten up and that sounds appropriate for this song. Something I think we all have to adjust from song to song, even by the same singer. That, and the vocal sounds very high in treble. I think that is because the reverb, which is good, is also adding high end, so, it gets a bit shrill when I know your voice does not normally sound like that, dry, if I am to judge a dry track you recently provided.


This song is right for your voice, I just think maybe you should sing all of it lighter, not just the middle. And, if possible, eq down some of the high partials.

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