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How is My Voice?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello,I`m Robert from Romania, I have 22 years.
For me it’s first time when I do that.
If you cant tell me about me voice..it’s not important if are only critics.
I don’t know anything about music, but want to sing in the future. Never say never:)
Sorry for English :)

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  • Moderator & Review Specialist

Hello,I`m Robert from Romania,i have 22 years

For me it’s first time when i do that

If you cant tell me about me voice..it’s not important if are only critics

I don’t know notting about music,but a want to sing in future,never say never:)

Sorry for english :)



Just listened. I didn't know the song "Story", but I saw that you also recorded "Hero", so I listened to that one too. It's good that you have the "never say never" attitude. You have plenty of time to turn singing into a career. The mistake people make a lot, and I blame the media for this, is that you either make singing into a career immediately, or you don't make it at all. They'll have you believe, if you haven't been singing since you were a kid, you've got no chance. And they'll develop these made-up stories about people to fool you. You can work on developing a different career that will support you while you're getting your voice ready for a career. You've got a lot of time.


As for your voice, there are some things that need to be worked on. You are singing as if you're talking, but the two are different. You likely haven't learned how to use your diaphragm yet. You need to learn that, because, if you keep singing through your throat, you're going to ruin your voice. Work needs to be done on pitch as well. You can fix all of that and still have a career in singing though. If you really want this, you just need to practice everyday and it's going to come. It's just like working out. Like I said up there, you have a lot of time. There's no reason why you can't develop an amazing voice by your mid-20's. Want bigger arms? Do arm exercises. Want a stronger voice? Do voice exercises. If you want to know how to practice, post a thread in the "vocal technique" section saying that you're a beginner who is trying to find out where to start.

"Quitters Never Win"

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