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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi! Practising my Pharyngeal voice yesterday in this Halford song. Any thoughts? https://soundcloud.com/ola73/halford-practise-1

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Olem this is a very hard song like almost anything Halford has done but your sound very good, Add background and let as hear you :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx for listening, Pekka! Yeah, i'll see if i can find a good backing track one day. 

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds really nice! Just one point that almost everyone seems to have problems with (me included): the ee-sounds.
You either under-do it (and it sounds more like an a-sound like 0:47 "malfeasance") or you use a large amount of distortion to compensate it. Gritting it up is not bad per se! Your "duty" at 0:57 is a great example of how it's used propely, but it's soo easy to make it sound to gritty (I do that as well when the melody is too low for me) like your "Into" [the pit].

The trick is to grin like a madman (http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/107/e/f/biker_grin_mask_by_skinz_n_hydez-d6214pf.jpg) and push the resonance forward to the palate. It will probably take some time getting used to because the "distance" from the other vowel placements (which are back in the pharynx) is so big, but it works fine and dandy to me.

  • Moderator & Review Specialist

Wow, wasn't expecting to see that! Very cool.

"Quitters Never Win"

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx for listening Enander and Gsoul82! Enander: Great tip there concerning "ee"s"! I will try to think about that. Regarding the word "malfeasance" it just happened that i  misinterpetred the pronounciation. I always try to sound as close as possible to the artist and the pronunciation the  artist is using. I just mimick and hope it sounds good. 

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well done!

I ´ve been listening your speaking voice in soundcloud and it´s like DrJekyll y MrHyde, hahahahaha

your speaking  voice sound so serious ... and then ...... comes the hell !!!


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, Denis, thanx for listening! Hehe, yeah, i don't know why the whole catalogue is being played.

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