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Me singing an original song! (Review)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Here's a song I wrote, I love to sing however I always find myself really hating how my tone sounds, is there anything I can do to make it sound more appealing? Like trying different styles? I know I also have other things I need to work on, but tone is the most iimportant to me because it's usually something that can't be fixed.

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  • Administrator

Hi, Hats off to writing a nice original like this... it kind of reminds me of George Michael or something like that... nice touch.

This could benefit from a bit more twang vocal mode... or more adduction of the vocal folds... it is a bit windy perhaps. This is mostly up to your interpretation, but perhaps getting less wind and more real tone, would give you more colors to work with.

On this part... 1:11... every time you go to this interval, it is pitchy... it needs to land more solid... One of the contributing factors with that is that you are scooping to the note. Scooping like that a few times feels like an embellishment and its ok a few times perhaps, but when you do it on every note, in the same part... it is a symptom of just not executing the note properly.

A stronger compression and better respiration in your voice will go a long way... 

It sounds like you don't train, do you?  Do you have any training content and are you working out?  Your voice sounds weak... 

What I mean by that is NOT... you voice sounds bad... NO, actually, your voice sounds good... you have a lovely voice and you should be singing... I want to clarify that point... but it sounds physically weak because your not training.

Hope this helps. 

Also, please upload a picture to your profile... thanks.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Very good song and you have very appealing tone as a singer. That said I would differ to Roberts advice. You have a super nice tone but could develop  into a really SUPERIOR singer with a little hard work. I remember being told by an old teacher that I had a good voice but I could have a GREAT voice if I was willing to work. Hard work is always good advice but not always what we want to hear, lol. I would say you are off to a good start as having a nice and unique tone is a singers secret weapon and you are well armed. Nice composition as well. Your voice also conveys a very intimate quality that works perfect on this type of song.

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