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Trying different types of cover material

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, this review forum has been a little quiet so I thought I would load up a few old tunes and some newer material I am working on. I feel its kind of important to try different vocal characters and sounds outside of your comfort zone from time to time. What I am doing is I am going to load up a few different songs where I am working on different aspects of my voice. Sometimes when I try different styles and vocal textures etc. I discover different parts of my voice. Sometimes I try to really push the higher range or power etc. and sometimes I am working on a more relaxed high range material and then I go the opposite way and try to really work the very bottom of the range. What I discover is that the best part of my range is in the lower richer ends of my range but I still try to always work the higher stuff in as well.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah, it's been a little quiet for a while. 

I have the same approach as you, man :)  I like singers with very different voices, Steve Perry, Jorn Lande, Ian Kenny from Karnivool, Roy Khan... and when I sing their songs I always try to get in character a bit haha, and it really helps to bring out different aspects of our voices.
I'm glad that you're working on diverse stuff, man.  I already commented on your version of Lights, I'd like to listen more of your voice. Lower stuff too! :D 

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I appreciate the comments Xamedhi. When I was younger I only sang heavy rock and later on I started trying songs outside of my comfort zone and I discovered a bunch of rough areas in my voice. And also after working on these type of songs I noticed my originals where starting to have a bit more of a unique style to the vocals instead of the more carbon copy versions of other singers I had been attempting. It's almost like all the different styles overlapped and created something a bit different for me to use.

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