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Everything posted by kalapoka

  1. Hey Ron listening to it now. Honestly it sounds off at places. May be you could bring this 1 key down? Bach is too good and hits stupifying high notes in the choruses. Maybe you could transpose the song to fit your current range. keeping it honest, no offense bro. take care.
  2. Nik - i listened to Mad World and to me it really sounded very good. I don't know why you are so conscious about your voice. forget if any one ever said negative stuff, there are people like that out there, you just gotta ignore them and move on. I thought your voice on mad world sounded very good and solid. I wish i had that type of heavyness in my voice. lol...
  3. Thanks a lot Michele Its an important issue that I've never been aware of. Will listen for it from now. To Jonpall & Michele - Any tips on how to get distortion/rasp? or may be you can suggest me a good book/program? I've gone through the chapter 'distortion' in the CVT book and there's just way too much information in there. I can't process it. I can get the very rough black metal/death metal/scream distortion but can't seem to get a slight rasp as needed by these songs. Where can I learn this? Thanks for any tips you might have...
  4. Oh WoW! Thanks Jon!!! You are dead on with your comments, and these 2 pointers will be really helpful. I totally agree with you about the power/un-clean and attitude issue. Now a new challenge - RASP! I have NO freaking clue whatsoever on how to get it, but I am surely gonna try it. You are also right about intonation - I will post my intonation problems and question in a separate thread. I am so frustrated about it man... but thanks! yippie! (now off to fix the issues mentioned...work work work!)
  5. You know what Ron, i am much better on my high range than my low range. I am always shaky on the lows...I can very easily hit male tenor Cs and upto G5s in my strong head voice but I haven't built a strong lower voice yet. It must have developed from singing along with high voiced rock singers as a child. I think most of the time i am in mix but I can't be sure as the mixed voice is something I can't really point out when I hear it. As you may recall from a post somewhere else here, I was asking questions about the mixed voice and some one posted a clip saying this is a good use of mix - and that clip was me singing lol (IRONIC!!! and FUNNY!!!) I am looking forward to the other forum regulars to hear their comments and improve from there... thanks for the compliments man!
  6. ron, just curious, why are you using his real name and not Bon Jovi?
  7. So I finally gathered courage to record myself in my home studio...a small clip of this arena hit singing with a backing track...its in the original key, although it isn't as near as difficult as the songs that you guys regularly upload! I used a bit of eq, reverb and compression in my voice cuz am still not confident enough to record myself completely naked..hope you guys won't mind...also used a bit of doubling in the intro and the choruses to try to make the sound close to the original... let me know what you think? Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/8x1amy peace!
  8. hey ron...i was pleasantly surprised. you were hitting the dio notes alright...i am not sure if you were doing those in a light heady almost strong falsetto type way or not but they sounded good! I felt you could've sung the song as it was originally instead of changing it. good work!
  9. Hey Ronws! thanks a lot for the kind words!!! Fahim
  10. yah i guess its my stupid office network and its various security measures...:@
  11. hey man...the melody is good...waiting for your full version of this...vocally I think you might need to open up your voice a bit more in the lower parts...the higher parts were ok...i am not expert just a beginner as well so i dont know if my feedback is any help...keep at it man! Fahim
  12. Hey man...heard the clip...there were some audio problems with it with your breath making short bursts and also the quality was fairly low...may be you can upload a better version? all in all your voice seemed okay to me...sometimes a bit too nasal for my taste and sometimes a bit constrained on the upper notes...may be you should look into these areas. being frank and honest man, hope you didn't take it personally. Peace! Ashique M. Fahim
  13. Jonpall, thanks a lot for your compliments...coming from you, they are big to me! Right now I still have some self awareness issues left (it's in my psych...trying to get rid of it slowly) so am taking small steps...I will post something the way you mention soon when am ready...one thing about the accent is it probably will stay becuz english is not my first language...and you are the first one to point this out...I will look deeper into this and consult with some of my american friends and try to fix it... funny thing about the high scream...lol...I didn't plan to do that...I just went for it in the heat of the moment and suddenly realised there was the CEO of our company along with our senior people sitting in front row....lol...and I immediately cut it short hahahaha... thanks again man, i really appreciate it. Ashique M Fahim
  14. Really liked your advice & outlook on singing. thanks! Ashique M. Fahim
  15. hey everyone... performed a 2 song set for my office people last sunday at our new headquarters...these are full of mistakes...I was quite nervous as this is my first gig as a singer (previously sang 1 song as a guitarist in 2008)... but I had a fun time and the crowd had fun too.... hope you guys can give me some pointers! A hindi rock song from a bollywood movie 'Rock On' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6IpNpqMEk8 Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooRutMBf5Co Ofcourse, these are not the toughest songs in the world to sing but i wanted to take small steps and also make sure the crowd enjoyed so picked popular numbers... eager to hear anything from you guys! regards Ashique M. Fahim
  16. Andrew...i think i am not learned enough to comment on which styles you should follow...I will let the experts comment on that. Personally, I would decide which style I want to sing in, and then try with everything I have to learn that style. I also think I have a weaker voice than is needed in rock but I will not try other styles because my heart is not in it... Ashique M. Fahim
  17. Don, I am listening to your tracks as I type. I don't know why you ever left singing. I am really loving these! Have a GREAAT SHOW!!! Fahim
  18. Steven, Ofcourse!!! This is exactly what I wanted from you. Thank you on SO many levels! The detailed feedback will be very helpful for me. About the PA, in our country, usually the bands don't own the PA/sound guy...usually the venue or organizer will rent something and therefore it is usually all messed up...you can understand our predicaments cuz we're a third world country and we try to make best use of what we can afford... I agree with the standing up point, now even more that I've been trying to learn about the voice. In this band, the main singer is the girl in the middle and I did only 2 numbers, so I'm to the side. I'm the main axe guy. These days I am practicing standing up with a mic stand at home. I have heard House of the Rising Sun very briefly, will check it out in details. Right now I am a bit shy to record anything and put up for evaluation. I will post something as soon as I get some more confidence Thanks again Steven, it really helps a lot! Fahim
  19. Hi Aldertae, the wasted years cover is pretty good! I found you to be constrained just a little bit on the high notes, but other wise it was a very good cover! Of course Bruce is not some one easy to touch, but I think you did a good job! I didnot understand your question in the end... Fahim
  20. Jonpall, I really liked the tone of your voice. You should definitely keep doing this. I liked the slight rasp/distortion in the Billy Idol song as well! Analog, the twang you are talking about - is this the same as using a pharyngal resonance? To me (i am NO expert, just a beginner) it sounds like the same effect as using the Nay Nay Nay exercise...am I correct? Also one more thing, and definitely NO offense meant, in the Pride clip, when you sing the song, to my ears it sounds a bit like Yelling (i might be totally wrong here) ... can you please explain a bit more if you have time? I am wondering if one could sing a 1 hour set if one sings like that...worried that you may lose a lot of energy very easily. (again, i might be totally wrong) thanks for the knowledge! Fahim
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