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Posts posted by Enander

  1. ...and it's not metal! Haha!

    I've practiced my softer voice quite a bit, and I'm rather happy with it. So I started producing an electro pop song with a 80s vibe. I added an "electronic" sound to the vocals, which I find was quite fitting! :) Sound kinda robotic! Perhaps it's wrong type of forum, but it's quite a large leap from my usual style of singing.


    Can't seem to get the clip embedded, so:

  2. The great singing (as usual) aside, this is something that many vocalists ponder.

    I do believe that head will give you longevity, because stretching chest takes it's toll on your stamina pretty quickly. So, I can totally see why performing artists prefer such an approach.

    With that being said, it's a matter of taste and interpretation, and I think some songs really warrant a chestier sound.

    If you're asking me which route I believe you should take on this track; head! :)

    But if you mean in a more general sense; both, so you can choose!

    I'm not a pro, so I could very much be wrong, but I can't see how either approach will hamper the developement of the other.

  3. ronws

    A tall and proud southern gentleman! :cool:


    Haha! Thank you! My neighbours haven't said anything. Will be interesting to make my next one though, since the new tenants/students moved in this weekend. Perhaps they'll enjoy it! :) I'm still better than the trumpet man in the house, I guess! Haha! :D

    Olem Hey! Thanks! :) Would be nice to just have something in the side for fun. Perhaps one day I'll find something/someone that fits me just right! Nothing too serious, just an outlet that results in something some people might find enjoyable.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6Shc0F0TNw

    Felt it was time! I know how most of you feel about my grit, but it works well for this "noble" cause! :)

    The pic-sound-sync is crazy though. It jumps in and out of sync (especially in the beginning for some reason), but I can't understand how some parts are in sync and some not. In the original video that I recorded everything was just right.

    If it gets on my nerves too much I'll probably take it down. So if it's gone you know why! :)

  5. Timbre, dynamic and your own twists on the phrases (which show great musicality) are excellent, to say the least! Haha!

    I bet you're inspired by Ryan Adams, so I understand that it might be a conscious act (aesthetics), but some words/phrases strike me as a tiny bit too muffled/sloppy enunciated. It's a tough balancing act, and of course subjective, but that's the only "bad" thing I can write about! :)

    But all in all, extremely good! I've listened to it like 5 times, and that speaks for itself! :D

  6. Enander, this is a big blooming community, it has been for 5 years and will continue to be.

    I heard your CIT, I thought it was cool.

    For your part, I think you are being a bit too sensitive... relax.

    Are we done now? I get it, Im not a perfect angel... Enander... move on bud... Let's have the fun you are advocating...

    Yeah, and I want it to stay that way, that's all what this is boiling down to!

    You're dead wrong! Haha! My skin is as thick as leather. Otherwise I would have been typing much worse things than I did... or even worse, stay silent.

    Either way, yes, we are done! :)

    And you shouldn't feel accused; no one is a perfect angel.

  7. Cool Enander, I actually like your post and the points your making. It strikes me as totally non-biased and objective and fair, even your concerns about my communications and fumbling about... seem fair to me.

    Unfortunately, it is a real grey area for me... If we just keep it to feedback that is marginal or critical... sometimes it doesn't bother me. Like the comments about the micro seconds of this note or that being slightly off the key of Am or what ever... I really don't care, it seems petty and nit picky to me... but I appreciate Manny's analysis, it is interesting... but I think what we all learned from that was, ... it didn't mean that the production and performance was bad? It turned into a discussion about accidentals, suspension notes, deceptive cadences, etc.. which I thought was really interesting and educational for people.

    What makes me loose my poise and then sometimes embarrass myself in a post is when someone is just rude, which happened a few times Chris and Lord Adon... I don't need that and don't have to put up with it... or composes a 10 paragraph roasting that goes on and on and on... when clearly, the production is not a piece of shit. I mean seriously, the thing is pretty good... it doesn't deserve a two page roasting by some 15 year old kid with no life experience or little to no singing experience. I don't want to sound arrogant, but I know that a lot of these posters are young people with big opinions and a LOT of life to live, and its for those same people, that I produce this content and hope to serve and inspire. So when I get a belabored roasting from people i don't know anything about, that have no experience and on and on... it just isn't appealing.

    I don't know if my status influences people's decision to post or not... I'm inclined to say no. Exactly my point above, I don't get the feeling that anyone that didn't like it was holding back... and I don't think that those that do like it are kissing ass... I think its really sincere. I believe members feel pretty free and clear to post what they want here, even for me.

    I get your point on the "challenge" post... but I believe it is the right thing to on many levels. It neutralizes those that just want to roast me and at the same time, it includes and invites everyone else to participate. As an educator, its excellent... it essentially is a homework assignment for all of you and this point is not lost on me. I am perfectly aware that my challenge post is a learning experience for people and at the end of the day, that is what I do for a living... I am an educator and sometimes inspiration for students of singing... I think I did my job with this post... Im not a diplomat, I'm not anyones best friend... I am an educator... so, if you don't like the production and performance, then give me some credit for creating a forum that brings people together and content that brings people together and stimulates discussion for an educational experience... and then I ask, on that merit alone, that I am treated with some level of respect, ALWAYS. I'm paying the bills here, literally... some of you that don't suffer from a case of xbox generation entitlement, get that.

    My job is not to be the singer for Deep Purple, its not to be the world's greatest singer. My job is not to be a diplomat or to be anyone's best friend. My job isn't even to be the most polite person in the room... as far as this forum is concerned and this tribute tune, my job is to be an educator and inspiration for all of you... or at least some of you... I did my job and it was a job well done.

    Well, I wasn't out to "get" anyone, just voicing my concerns! :)

    I can see where you're coming from, and I can also understand why you "launched" the challenge.

    However, it felt to me like it was some sort of retort/a mean to expose someone's lack of merit. And if I felt that way, what's to say no one else did it as well?

    My point is, if it becomes praxis to intimidate people into proving their merit, to justify critique, it will probably be very quiet around here.

    I truly believe that every bit of critique can end up being something good.

    You said it yourself; Manny's petty and nitpicky comment led to an interesting and educational discussion.

    Now, you probably feel like you got the short end of the stick, and I'm not blaming you. I too feel like you where receiving way too harsh critique at times, but whatever you may say, I still believe that your position here comes with a lion's share of authority and status. For good and for worse though, I'm afraid...

    You said your job is to be an inspiration. I admire that and understand that you mean it within the frames of singing, which worked on me (I sang it didn't I? Haha!), but as the founder of this forum you could be an inspiration to others how to act as well.

    I'm obviously not saying this to lecture you, but because one of the reasons I like this place is because everyone gets to have their say. I'd hate to see it change, and therefore nips this in the bud.

    Of course, I might be wrong; perhaps there's no malicious intent behind the challenge at all, but, as I said, if I felt that way, what's to say no one else did it as well?

    Only by voicing my concern, can we sort it out!

  8. This topic was the first one I've read that contained drama (that I didn't instigate haha) on this forum.

    Interesting in many ways, but mostly because it shows just how different people are.

    I'm almost certain that some people wouldn't bother to type a comment if it weren't for Robert's status on this forum, and while we're on the subject "status", some of us are expected to put out some extraordinary stuff, which in turn probably makes the listener more "nitpicky". While, on the flipside, people with status can feel like they don't deserve any "bashing" from "underlings".

    (I'm not insinuating anything about Robert's version of Child in time)

    I can understand their pov and I can understand Robert's pov (even though I think he went bit overboard at one point. He seems to agree though, since he edited or deleted some posts. Everyone can have bad day!), but what I really don't like is that there seems to be an attitude that came along with "make your own version then!".

    While there is some truth to the sentiment itself, they way it is/was seemed to being said just feels wrong. Is that what this forum is about? If you can't sing it yourself you'd better keep silent; your opinion is worth nothing?

    Granted that knowledge in the field you're assessing is a necessity sometimes, but I can't see how that's relevant here.

    Also, how many would actually have the guts to sing it themselves believing that they're probably in for a barrage of harsh critique as they fall prey to petty revenge?

    To be frank, that was one of the reasons I sang it myself (but mostly because I like a challenge or two :)). Trying to dismiss someone's opinion in such a manner is not something I approve of, and I'll gladly lead the way to prove it's an ineffective way to deal with criticism.

    I'm not going to lie, I expected to be slaughtered just to assert Robert's dominance (not necessarily by Robert himself, but others that look up to him), but I'm glad I was wrong!

    Well, at least nothing was written... I can only imagine what some people thought when/if they heard my hasty, unprofessional rendition. Haha!

    NOW, I understand that there could be an esoteric aspect to Robert's singing that not everyone here can perceive, which can be frustrating to him and his "kin", and (however I may feel about it) I can understand that there ARE some "unwritten" barriers between some members here, which make opinions unwarranted.

    It's just sad that it just that; unwritten.

    I believe Robert himself came up with the best solution though: not posting it under "Review & Critique My Singing." Some part of me understands why it's still here (the discussion that followed is probably good to let loose), but another part feels this should've been deleted, and reposted in the proper section, the same day it spurred drama.

    I apologise if I may have insulted anyone. It was not my intention. It's just that I didn't like what I saw. I believe that everyone can and should enjoy and review art in all it's form, and felt I had to speak my mind!

  9. You're proud of this, just like you should! :) You sound great!

    So, to contribute more than just compliments, I'll give you 2 points of critique! :cool:

    1. A fast vibrato is all fine and dandy, but sometimes (especially at the end while singin "rise" higher and higher) I feel like you overdo it juuust a bit. I don't know if you realise it (hence why I bring it up), but it sounds more like staccato than a proper vibrato... at least to me!

    If it's your style, disregard my point and carry on! It might just boost your attention, since idiosyncrasies is often something that fans will cherish.

    2. I'd feel bad if I didn't give you a heads up; the growl at the end is not good! :D As a death metal connoisseur I sure know my growling, and your song is too good to let such an abomination be part of it! :)

  10. Olem

    Haha! Tjena!

    Yeah, the falsetto things (both keeping it simpler and putting some meat behind the second part) I can do, but the timing is beyond me! I just can't grasp it! Haha! :( I can set up a metronome and do my own thing, sure, but not sing like Gillan. Gillan's singing rhythm is so different from mine. Add that to all the syncopes in the track and you'll get a confused Enander! :D

    Then again, I haven't listened to the track so many times. Might come after a few more spins!

    I'm sorry to say, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going anywhere with my singing! I.e waste my singing talent, if you will! Haha!

    I've heard people say that they'd never "go pro", but as soon as they get a chance they snatch it.

    I've had the opportunities as well but declined. I don't mean to brag, but it wasn't just from some random garage bands either. I've got offers from bands touring Europe and being signed to major labels.

    My point is, I know how I react when the chips are down and what my heart really wants! :)

    I've got other talents (if you can consider me a talented singer) than singing you know! :cool:


    Adolph Namlik

    So, you're like the guardian, or warden, around here? Haha!

    Yes! I'm very content to be an amateur. I can do whatever I want whenever I want with my singing! I can also refuse to do whatever I want whenever I want! Haha!

    Me not sounding like an amateur is mere luck! Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while! :D

  11. Adolph Namlik

    Thank you very much, Adolph! :)

    I didn't know my post was copy-pasted into another topic. Good to know!


    Haha! Are you as verbose (I mean that in a good way) IRL too?

    I'm usually the same way! Haha!

    I rarely, if ever (can't remember), record myself singing the same song more than once, but perhaps I'm going to do it this time!

    We'll see!

  12. Awesome first draft.

    A comment about the song itself (not a critique on your singing); without the proper setup from the verse there is no need for the screams.

    You have to choose a side whether you want to or not. Blind men are shooting in the street. You have to duck from the ricocheting bullets. You do not know what to do to get out of this situation.Terrible and desperate times. You need that feeling. The screaming is out of desperation.

    The falsetto cries at first would be fine because it is the beginning of the emotional out burst. Fasetto(soft crying for the people being in this situation) next wails of desparation. next out and out screaming because you just can't take it anymore.

    The verse explains the screaming otherwise the song does not make sense.

    That was a great read!

    And to be honest (and a bit ashamed), I didn't get into it that deep... but now I wish I had! Would've siphoned a lot of inspiration from it.

    You know what, while reading what you wrote, I realised that the first step of learning a song is not just to understand the basic melody, but also understand the meaning of the song. Get the artistic/emotional aspect down before you actually open your mouth. At least as a guidline.

    I will most certainly take this one to heart! Thank you, MDEW!

  13. Instead of reiterating myself, I say it here: thank you for your comments; both praise and "harsh" truths! I value every bit of it!

    It's easy to miss things, and while the more seasoned vocalists will listen with a more technical ear and give a likewise response, the less seasoned singers are usually less prone to be "stuck" in a particular technical mindset (singing healthy, energy efficient, homogenous timbre or whatever it may be) and just say what's on their mind.

    In the larger scheme of things, both sides are useful. Because at the end of the day, if you're trying to get famous, it's probably the big mass (people without any profound knowledge of singing) who will determine the outcome of it. If they don't like it, you're in for a bumpy ride. (Rebecca Black and people like her are exceptions :D)

    Owen Korzec

    As I wrote in my opening post, I agree with the second screaming part!

    And most of all, I really appreciate your tip on how to improve it! :)

    Well, this technique is very easy on the throat and smooth for being me, so it doesn't affect my stamina and it doesn't hurt.

    However, I can see where you're coming from, and I guess you're thinking of to the end where I'm getting rather gritty. To my defence, I haven't sung that high in weeks, and then I tend to overdo the grit in some places. It's hard to get that perfect sweet-spot and stay there if you haven't done it for a while.


    I totally agree!

    I'd like to be "up there", but I'm just not that good. To get up to such a level of immaculate performance with beautiful subtleties, I have to run through the song more than four times (perhaps it was five). Haha!

    Also, the timing is the hardest part of the song. Especially since I'm not that familiar with the song, so I had to just go with my gut-feeling... which in regards of timing is like playing the lottery! :D

    Manolito Mystiq

    Haha! Yeah, I thought it would make the transition into the powerful screams more exciting, but it didn't... :cool:

    It just sounds bland and unforfilling. If I would do it again I would certainly add a bit more punch to it!

    Thank you for that tone-remark! I really need to here such things, because singing softly is quite hard for me to do. Perhaps not technically, but mentally.


    You bring up a good point, I really should've kept the first falsetto part very clean! Would have been more exciting when I used more power. Also, the riffs (or whatever you may call them) wouldn't seem so recycled! Haha!


    Haha! Yes, I see myself as an amateur. I'm probably more amateur than most of you here, and will stay that way. Never had formal training, and I turn down offers to join bands. My singing will not be something I do professionally. As soon as it feels like a chore, I step back for a while :)

    With that being said, I can understand why the delay seems off-putting to you! Haha! I probably owe it to my (not so) phenomenal skills in sound production! :D

  14. I'm honoured to be the first to represent the band of amateurs this time around! :)

    Never sung it before, until I decided to record it a few hours ago, but it's in line with me practicing a bit softer/more dynamic songs though!

    You don't have to remark my "moderate" high voice. I really should've put more meat behind it. It sounded cool and "right" when I sang it, but when I came back home to really listen I didn't like it one bit.

    Also, I hear the spots where I'm pitchy, so I'm aware! :)

    https://app.box.com/s/rnvyzb38loijcb670snl (and no, it's not the whole song. It's more or less the same thing after the screams, so it wouldn't be anything new to display from my part. I feel my time is better spent on other things :))

    I have a feeling I'm in for a sour treat! :cool:

  15. ronws I see you and your cat's (may her rest in peace) point! Haha! :) And a part of me agrees (obviously) and thanks you for pointing that out, but I'd be a fool not to heed the recurring critique; "too much, man!".

    Granted that this might not be the right forum to display such a extreme voice, but I'm certain there are lessons to be learned here. One of them is not to make the gritty voice my "number 1 approach" to things (which it is at the moment), but instead start off softer and then apply some roughness.

    Hey Chavie!

    Hahaha! We're only in July and I've made your year! Time for me to stand tall!

    Jokes aside, thank you very much! :D

    Well, it's actually the first time I've recorded anything like this... and probably the first time I've actually really sung in that manner. Didn't really practice either, so I guess I started out naturally!

    To be frank, I had my mind set on being massively criticised for my feeble attempt to sound "beautiful". Haha!

    Sounds a little weird that you "can't even use it"! I'm having a hard time believing it. Put something up! :)

    Yes!! At least there's one who digs my short rendition of Rainbow in the dark! Haha!

    I'm sure there are people who think otherwise; that you sound more in control! :)

    But, again, thanks!

  16. Holy (insert profane word here) !!! Flow My Tears was absolutely gorgeous. Out-friggin-standing. I played it back three times.

    I do agree with the others who said the distortion was a bit much in the Dio clip, though. It almost comes across as a Dio parody. However, that's not to say everything else about it wasn't good.

    I'm glad you liked it! :D

    Haha! The notion of me mocking Dio is fun, but probably also apt. I really need to get my head straight regarding this excessive grit, and for every time people keep "bashing" me about it gets the easier to remember!

    Thanks, Validar! :)

  17. ElWin

    Thank you very much! Means a lot do get some nice words regarding my softer voice because I have to build some self-esteem on that matter! Haha! :D

    Well, I came in contact with this song for like 10 years ago when my english was considerably less developed, so I had to translate most of the words.

    Regarding Rainbow in the dark, I know I just roared through it. Haha! With more practice I could probably constrain myself more, but at the time I have to "keep the fire burning" to perform "well".

    It's a recurring problem I have with singing overall. It's a hard song to sing, so I haven't been able to incorporate a more dynamic approach yet. I know it might sound strange to some that I find it easier to grit my way through something than just singing clean, but I don't know...


    Thank you! The same thing I wrote to ElWin is applicable here! To step down is a greater challenge for me than it is to step up.

    All in all, I just put up Rainbow in the dark for fun!

    Jeff Abbey

    Hm! I don't know... aside from my whistle register (which I can't actually sing within), the highest note I've record was C#6.

    (the end scream)

    They make dog whistles based on Enander's voice.



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