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Everything posted by Validar

  1. We need a headbanging icon for moments like this. Well done, amigo. Well done.
  2. I thought this was really good, actually. Great tone and a nicely controlled vibrato. If you ever perform this in front of a crowd, I do believe you will get a very positive reaction. I have to agree with Ron about the false modesty issue, though. It has always irked me, although in your case, you could be legitimately unaware of your own ability, who knows? However, also keep in mind that no one likes a braggart, either. This doesn't mean you can't be "confident". You deliver the confidence within your performance itself. Part of selling yourself is believing in yourself. So, always let your singing do the talking. People will formulate their opinions on their own based on what they hear.
  3. A bit of a departure from the stuff I've heard you do before, but I definitely dig it. It's still drenched in atmosphere as your others were. Thumbs up.
  4. Wow, this really does sound like Joe Lynn Turner. (one of my all time favorites) What you've got going on now is really strong. I wouldn't change anything. Good job.
  5. Even though Josh is a technically good singer, I have never been able to warm up to his voice. However, I decided to give this a listen out of curiosity. Though you may not be at his level (currently) from a technical aspect, I like your voice better from a tonal aspect.
  6. Damn, that was amazing. What a great melodic song.
  7. Very cool. I hear the shades of a grittier Bowie again as I did in one of your other clips. Who would have thought something like that would work in this context, but it surely does.
  8. Good job on "Who Want to Live Forever". That's not a song you can do halfheartedly and get away with it. You clearly put your all into it. I took a listen to the Stratovarius "Forever" clip, too, and believe it or not, I like your rendition better.
  9. Not that it was bad, but I liked this one better than the last clip you posted. Nice homage to Maiden at the end. Did the bass player bring an extra instrument or strings this time? As for receiving female attention now as opposed to before, in this scenario they are seeing you in a position of confidence and authority, and you simply may not have exuded those qualities before. (and yes, they do matter)
  10. I've been an Enya fan for about 20 years. I love her songwriting, and she has an impeccable sense of melody. So, my clicking on this was inevitable. You did this as well as expected. Perhaps you could cover this one day? This is one of my all time favorites of hers.
  11. First of all, the song itself kicks major ass. Way to go, Robert. Great job on the vocals, Keith. They are absolutely perfect for a song of this ilk.
  12. Well, most will tell you to seek a vocal coach, and that's a good idea. I think you certainly have potential. You picked one of the toughest Journey songs ever to sing. So, there should be no shame in not nailing it 100% right off the bat. Welcome to the site. Stick around.
  13. I didn't understand a single word, but you sounded and looked great. ;)
  14. I just turned 43, and haven't even begun to think of myself as "old". I've maintained essentially the same physique since my early 20's, my hairline hasn't budged, no gray, and I feel great. I spent my 20's and 30's in horrible fear of entering my 40's, but it's been great.
  15. I'm sure you had some initial apprehension in posting the video on Youtube to begin with, yes? But you overcame it, and you can do the very same with your fear of letting go. However, don't give yourself a "deadline". That's unnecessary pressure, which will make matters worse. I'm not sure what you're worried about, though. Do you live with others, and you're afraid of them overhearing you? You've already subjected yourself to the possibility of being negatively criticized by lacking "expressiveness", so you have to ask yourself how it would be any worse to be possibly negatively criticized for being expressive. Either way, you've already put yourself "out there", so you may as well make the most of it. Oh, and another thing, and this is simply what *I* would do for the song in this setting, but it's ultimately up to you. To break up the monotony, I would strum the chords for the chorus, as opposed to arpeggiating them. Going into the chorus with the powerful strums may compel you to "wake up" vocally, if that makes any sense. Keep at it, and don't give up.
  16. I do see what you're saying. It does seem a bit lacking dynamically. I would guess you *are* nervous, and are afraid to open up. But hell, you've stepped up by posting a video for everyone to see, and that's a big deal. That alone is "opening up" in a big way. I would also say listen to the song, but do not try to emulate Steve's tone. Look for where he's crooning, and where he's "belting", then incorporate it into your own singing.
  17. That's just asinine. John has had several critics over the years. Alexi Laiho trashed both Petrucci and Dream Theater in a Guitar World interview. Another was Mike Stone. (former Queensryche guitarist) but in a less direct way. He tried giving John "tips" while they were on tour together, which John obviously wasn't quite open to. In fact, there's a line in their song "Take Me As I Am" that's directed toward Stone. (“Don’t tell me what’s in, tell me how to write”) (shaking my head) Yeah, I bet Stone has some great putting tips for Tiger Woods, too.
  18. F'n amazing from start to finish. Wow. And yes, it's rare for prog rock bands to have commercial hits. What I find amusing is when those who aren't fans of prog criticize the bands for not putting out "radio friendly" music, and believe it's because they can't. All I can do is shake my head and tell myself they've missed the point entirely.
  19. Heh, I agree with Ron. You do sound like a slightly grittier Bowie in the middle, and it works very well with this song. I agree with Chavie, as well. Not that I have any objection whatsoever to covers being posted, but hearing a taste of the songwriting from members here is a bonus.
  20. Ok, this surprised the hell out of me. I wasn't expecting this to be a piano and vocal cover. I actually like this better than the original.
  21. I dig it. Very smooth and sultry. It's always cool to see and hear clips done in a minimal setting that turn out well. I'm not familiar with the song. Is it an original? And yes, finding someone you harmonize well with can be a pain sometimes. Back in 2009, I must have auditioned nearly 15 female singers (all of which were very good on their own) for an all acoustic side project I was putting together before I found the one I harmonized well with.
  22. Musically, this probably isn't my cup of tea, but it was certainly a cool idea and very well executed.
  23. haha, I obviously couldn't help but click on this considering the title. This is more straightforward rock than the last song you posted. (which was brilliant) Very good. You have a very distinct voice.
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