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Everything posted by ElenaHouse

  1. Hi Everyone! In this video I sing "Signore Ascolta" from the opera "Turandot" by Puccini. My dad had a great time making it look like I was walking up the steps to the Forbidden City.
  2. I would like to share my video of me singing "Think of Me". Special thanks to Ben LaRouche for being the Phantom and Julien Neel for singing the part of Raul The Viscount. I hope you like it.
  3. Thank you Igor! I'm blushing. Just wondering, can you understand Czech and if so was my pronunciation any good?
  4. In this video I sing "Song to the Moon" from "Rusalka". In the story the song is sung by a water nymph so we went out to a nearby lake to film the footage. We also caught great footage of a full moon with clouds passing it from our back yard. Then edited them all together. Story: Three wood-sprites tease the Water-Goblin, ruler of the lake. Rusalka, the Water-Goblin's daughter, tells her father she has fallen in love with a human Prince who comes to hunt around the lake, and she wants to become human to embrace him. He tells her it is a bad idea, but nonetheless steers her to a witch, Ježibaba, for assistance. Rusalka sings her Song to the Moon, asking it to tell the Prince of her love.
  5. Happy Valentines! I just uploaded my "May It Be" from "Lord of the Rings". I hope you have fun and enjoy my Elf ears as I dress like an Elven Warrior.
  6. Thank you everyone for the kind words! David. What do you mean by "sing a bit more forward"? Thanks for the help. ~Elena~
  7. Here is my first new song for 2013. It is Ave Maria Mascagni and was filmed using the Saint - Gervais cathedral in Paris, France during my visit there with my vocal teacher, Mr. Didier. It was the perfect setting for this song.
  8. Thank you for your kind words. Ah yes, Montserrat Caballe's performance was very similar to Angela Gheorghiu's. Here is Caballe singing Poveri Fiori.
  9. I love the emotion Angela Gheorghiu gave to her performance of this Song. I tried my best to copy that performance. I hope you like it.
  10. Thanks Jugulator and Ronws! I looooove Sarah Brightman! Not only her voice but her fancy elegant cloths in her live performances. If you haven't seen Mirusia Louwerse sing I think you might like her. Here are two examples.
  11. Hi everyone. I will re-uploading my videos one per week. Some of you have seen my previous videos. Please give them one more look as I am trying to build my new YT channel. I will also be making new videos, like always, and uploading them with the others. Here is my Ave Maria - Caccini. Please enjoy.
  12. Thank you so much @Foreinger. I had 30 videos up on Youtube before it got closed. I will be uploading my Opera and classical videos about one per week. I hope you can Subscribe to my new channel and see the old and new ones as they go up. My new channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/MissElenaHouse Thanks again. ~Elena~
  13. I just got back from giving my concert in Switzerland. I'll be making a video of it as soon as the producer mixes the music. It was such a great experience! All the musicians were great to work with. I am getting around to starting my new Youtube channel since to old one was hacked. Here is my latest video from the soundtrack "Misty Mountains Cold" from the movie "The Hobbit".
  14. My email was hacked and they caused my Youtube channel to be suspended. I had 6,000 subscribers and now I get to start all over. Please share my new channel. http://www.youtube.com/ElenaHouseTV Thanks Adolph.
  15. I just had to practice that "say no" process during a skype rehearsal with my concert producer in Switzerland. The producer wanted to add more singing but I had to tell him that what we already set out is my limit for my age. If you hadn't heard about the concert I put the info in this Vlog. It's pretty exciting. They found me through my Youtube channel and are flying my whole family to Switzerland for me to be the main singer in their Christmas (Winter Solstice) concert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_fHPNe0Wyw
  16. Digress, please digress. I had no idea Renee Fleming sang in "Return of the King". That's so cool. I used Renee Fleming's videos while learning "Song to the Moon". She's so good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch7RKTlqs2A
  17. Hi guys, I just uploaded my rendition of the Hobbit movie theme song "Misty Mountains Cold". Filmed on location at "Rock City" Tennessee. That place made the perfect Dwarven mines. Also ... don't worry... there were no Dragons harmed during the making of this film. LOL UPDATED LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0VkoVlM4b4
  18. Hi everybody. I hope you like my "Signore Ascolta" from the opera "Turandot" by Puccini. The story, set in China, involves prince Calàf who falls in love with the cold princess Turandot. To obtain permission to marry her, a suitor has to solve three riddles; any false answer results in death. In September 1998 the opera was performed for eight nights at the Forbidden City (北京紫禁城), complete with opulent sets and soldiers from the People's Liberation Army as extras. I did my best to copy that performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7B3Sft5wFI
  19. Hi guys! I had so much fun making my Phantom of the Opera - Think of Me video just in time for Halloween. It's not scary but we do have the Phantom in it! This video is a collaboration with Julien Neel "the one man barbershop quartet" http://www.youtube.com/user/trudbol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD1jGKfWfSo
  20. Hi guys. "Ave Maria - Caccini" is a much recorded aria composed by Vladimir Vavilov around 1970. It is generally mis-attributed to Baroque composer Giulio Caccini. I hope you like it. ~Elena~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mwoj1kqdMM
  21. Thank you guys! I love fantasy stuff so that made this the funnest video I've made so far. :D
  22. Hi guys. I hope you enjoy my cover of "May it Be" from "The Lord of the Rings". The best part was I got to be an Elf again! Even my friend Sonya Thompson from the "Walking Dead" joined me as the other Elf. I used a different reverb on this one to give it that mystical feeling. Thanks for watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzFRwGveSU8
  23. Chavie : I've been singing for just over a year and have been studying classical singing for 5 months now. I'm so happy with my teacher. My voice gets better with every little technique he has me work on. Thank you so much Tommy & Keith.
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