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Felipe Carvalho

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Posts posted by Felipe Carvalho

  1. I would love to hear some critique good and bad... Felipe, bring it xD

    lol hahaha xD

    I took a listen today to the whole song. Its sounding fine man, your voice is a bit higher on this one than on that previous video, which is a good thing.

    The thing is, I think there is a huge room in there for development, not in the sense of "learning how to sing" but to really take command of the songs. For example, even your voice being a bit higher placed, it is still comming too low on a few spots (closed vowels kinds of sink it back down) and it could be more open and strong, your tone is very interesting and its still a bit "veiled" from us. Its not huge changes but working on details, I will not pinpoint "errors" as its not my point either.

    Does it make sense to you? For example, the same phrase that did not come so well on the beginning, later on, you nail it, so what is the difference between them?

    I like the song ideas, and this:

    I'm not used to getting female attention "in real life". I usually pick them up online but... I had several girls on me and took the prettiest one home hoho... I LOVE THIS!!!

    Is all the review you need :P

    Keep the work going! ;)

  2. Keith as george pointed. Vox too loud and the highs are weak... I think it could be better...

    I found even the lower parts more pleasant to listen in your previous take, dunno if its the mix or if you changed the approach...

    Sorry man, but I think you can do better...

    BTW what happens in those highs that makes you open like that? Its like everything is comming well and then you just do something... I recall you got it well on Silent Lucidity, but after that it kinda went way...

  3. Rob thank you for your words man! lol this thing of better or worse is quite strange, I mean its your song, this is just a cover. I like your version better. What would you change?

    Keith yeah! On this kind of song I can let lose more of my tendency to do this exagerated thing, I just love it :). Gonna listen to yours with care and drop you a few lines about it!

    Tnx again all you guys and girls, and those who just listenned too :).

  4. thepianoman well, relative pitch seems to be fine, the problems are happening because its still very unstable (lack of conditioning).

    Its not nice to listen to right now, working on technique it should improve a lot.

    How long its impossible to say beforehand, each person is unique and will have a different reaction. What I can say is that if you forget about how long it will take and focus on the quality of what you are doing each day on each exercise, results will come.

    And what I can assure you, is that time will pass no matter if you train or dont, so... train :).

    GL! I also recommend that you take sessions with the instructor, THIS will make the difference on the process and can accelerate things.

  5. Did not like it man, the problems are the same of the other songs, although this one is a bit easier than going for Pantera.

    Are you working with a teacher? Are you trainning? Do you have a plan of trainning ahead of you? It will not change just because of a positive attitude.

    Anyways, chest voice is still very weak and you break when you go higher + strainning. Not working...


  6. Owen, mostly registration and the details. The last chorus is where there is more work for me. Easy to miss one passaggio point and shout it. So I mapped it all, had the lyrics printed and with arrows pointing up and dow, no surprises this way.

    Its a great study of pretty much everything.

    On the recording/mixing thing, the tracking is the only thing that matters for someone recording at home. If its well tracked, you can do something good from it, and it will be actually hard to mess it up. If its poorly tracked, you will need a lot of experience to deal with the material and try to make it acceptable. And if you had this experience, the tracking would not be poor to begin with :).

    My only tip is that, melody and tempo/timing are the two most overlooked things, and it just so happens to be the core of this thing we know as music :P. Remember that we sing on vowels and record paying close attention to bass and drums. Follow their lead.

  7. @ronx thanks man!

    @mdew yeah! Took a while to get it going. Tnx man!

    @gina so glad you liked that, to me its where all the fun is :P. tnx gina, I will surely listen!

    @george haha tnx! Do so, its great!

    @Owen Wow man, thanks! Yes Ive done it mostly in one take, 2 actually, before and after solo. But before that, quite a few sketchs that were all copy/glued were made as I studied it haha, as analog said, the zen-engineering thing. I do hear a few problems too, mainly inconsistency of a few things, and errors, but I thought it was sounding good so, decided to not tamper anymore.

    Really glad for your words, it was very rewarding in many ways already, :). Thank you!

    @jens haha tnx man! Naked is more sexy :P. Kidding, I do get what you are saying, and I think it could be done, but I also think this was more honest to what I can do currently. Gonna take a listen to your version too man, missed it, saw it on the TVS thread.

    @ronws last post, I did feel it fits the context well, not so sure I would change it if I could do what Jens propose.

    Thanks all, and thanks Rob once more :)

  8. Hey Mivke, I think its sounding ok man. But I feel it could be better.

    The approach on the song, in my opinion, would take more advantage of your tone if you brought it more strong and deep, as if issuing orders, and also relaxing more and taking more advantage of dynamics. Your voice sounds open like this, but I still think you could relax a bit more and let it be even more forward and strong.

    I like what you did with the interlude towards the end. Sounding quite nice there.

    On the verses, more attention with timming, and also pitch. Maybe a previous addiction? Map the whole thing on the guitar ;).

    And then, to me the least important, but I think it should be mentioned, the lower "you", and the one that is in the passagio. I heard them kinda "in between" head and chest. The one near the passagio specially. My advice, choose one and go for it, I would use chest in there, no doubts, so just support and go strong.

    The later ones, had the right intention of register, but it did not come so well, more work on head is necessary I think, the focus spread too much. OO is tricky, needs to be placed high and forward and will try to sink it down backwards.

    Hope its helpfull, not an easy song, but the evolution in the voice to me is obvious, keep working and studying! :)

  9. Very nice :)

    Take advantage of that posture, you will have to let go of correctness a bit, makes sense?

    I dont know how you were instructed, but consider the postures you have as based in a vertical opening, a very round and noble sound, try exchanging vertical for horizontal, exchanging noble for rude/vulgar. Dont overdo of course, but it will sound more popular.

    Thing is, what do you want to do? I would not mess with placement alone if you are trainning to sing classical music, cant your teacher give a hand?

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