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Felipe Carvalho

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Posts posted by Felipe Carvalho

  1. Hey man, listenned to both, your voice sounds ok, but the MJ impersonation is comming too much, in my opinion, its fun to listen but really because you got that very well, the question therefore is: What you want to do? Impersonate or sing?

    Since no backing track is there, really you can do whatever with the keys and call it your interpretation. Still, because of what you did on the chorus on both songs, you took away the energy and broke the idea of the song, so I dont think its good as it is, Billie Jean was comming cool until the pre-chorus, and then it dies without energy.

    Impersonation comming ok. Singing, nope.

    Its not that there is nothing special on your voice, you are simply not doing anything that brings interest. Can be worked with study, and to be clear, MJ is the ultimate source for this kind of thing. You are copying his accents, tone and even the way to breath, but missing the really good part, his musicianship.

  2. Hey Nick tnx man ;)

    Hard to say, I think its a combination of everything. Its been 4 years since I did that one. My english is comming more naturally surely, just by writing here ( I write as if I was speaking it in my head lol) I feel it improved a lot. Jon pointed me a few times that I still slip, and I try to pay more attention to it, so slowly I am learning.

    And well, I perceive that there is more effort in there too, so no worries :)

  3. Sounding quite cool Witti. What a nice voice!

    My advice is to bring the interpretation work of the first verses to be more consistant like what is happening on the second verses, beginning at 1:10.

    Compare those verses with the beginning of the song, the later approach where she comes more soft is much more interesting to hear, and sets a nice contrast with the chorus, not to mention that the phrasing ideas in there are much more compelling too. The beginning is comming a bit linear, dont you think so?

    To me sounds quite good, if you guys can figure something on the beginning to catch the attention right away, it will be awesome.

    Tell her to send more! :)

  4. Jugulator thank you man! Glad you like it

    ronws tnx for your words man. About full moon, I dont remember reading that, but its non sense, not to sing metallica or anything, voices are unique, you have to learn how to use yours to fit the song. If I had saw the comment, I would point it as BS as I try to do always. Trying to sound like others is naive

    Whats this thing on classifications man? Not even my teacher would classify my voice at the time this was recorded, raw stuff... Dont trip with this stuff, it makes no sense at all!

    devaitis hey man thanks! Haha I will try, it will be a great study, awesome song.

  5. Hello! Well, overall it does not sound bad. Many things actually you captured very nicely, on a few spots, at least to me it feels you know what you have to do, but your voice is not responding accordingly, so yeah its a technical issue.

    Still, on the second half of the song, you didnt have the same confidence of the first part. I dont think its a technical issue, do you have it clearly on your mind like you have the first part?

    It does get the attention from the start, liked it up to the first chorus.

    More importantly, you display a lot of musicianship, and your voice is really interesting to listen to, very distinct tone. Dunno how and where you are looking for a teacher, hit me via email if you need help. Should really nurture it, lots of potential.

    The best you could do on the moment to deliver the song better, is to define it better in your head beforehand, I think it will improve a lot. Including definning the marking of the phrasing on the beat. The first chorus was gonna be awesome but on "say" you missed the beat, and it kinda lost that "tight and suffered" feel. Do you understand?

    GL! :)

  6. I like the riff on the beginning :). To me its awesome.

    The vocals are killing the music indeed. Need energy in there man.

    A coach on the recording session would probably make you scream it and then you would take a week to recover from the abuse :P.

    The only fix that exists is trainning. And agressiveness is something that you will only worry about much later. So two choices. One is teacher and trainning. Another is hiring a producer and a vocal coach to make the recording work. You may learn something from the later but will not make you sing superb out of the recording.

  7. knack took a listen man. Right now does not sound good.

    The main problem is that your intensity and timmings are off. So your voice is being produced low, airy and without energy. From this a lot of problems follow but this is the main issue. You seem to have a notion of relative pitch but your voice simply isnt following what you want.

    You have a lot of work ahead, so well, good instruction and hard work is the way to go. GL and keep sending material as you train :)

  8. leonor, I dont understand, is that you or the sample you used to follow the idea?

    I think its walking to the right direction, but listen how unnatural it sounds right now. As if it wants to brake.

    Support it more, and lower the focal point behind your front teeth, spreading it a bit. Aim for comfort and natural sounding, must be pleasant to listen to.

    I really advice a teacher to work this man, the ajustments are very small and you may be actually very close to defining it correctly.

    Keep what you have going of course but dont consolidate ideas using scales or any of the sorts.

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