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Everything posted by Nicogratouille

  1. Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror https://app.box.com/s/fm9ofjfrmi2xh12viwmt James Ingram - Just Once https://app.box.com/s/ajzxb8lyo746fmu7v1fz Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke https://app.box.com/s/cp8eg9r2u0plkm417cme Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On https://app.box.com/s/rzvjlrooyuqfp18cadie Tell me what you think! Nick
  2. Not really. You don't have pitch problems and I agree with the others: you have a good voice ! I would suggest you sing along to her recording first (and other favorite artists), then find a good karaoke track and do the same. Don't sing too much acapella for now. Nick
  3. Sounds good Jonathan! You are not pulling head voice down. This is definitely a mix. However it sounds to me like your larynx is sitting slightly high so you're loosing some depth in the tone compared to your low notes or I might be wrong, well I'm still learning This sound would be great for Bruno Mars type stuff! Nick
  4. Sounds good Felipe! Seems to me your strength lies in the more intense passages (here your voice really shines). Maybe you should work a little more on your lower dynamics? Nick
  5. Haiduc, Tough song to sing! Have you heard about vowel modification? You need to narrow your vowels a bit, at least for now. You are too heavy: vowel splatting, larynx coming up, often a little flat or scooping on high notes. Narrowing your vowels will bring you more towards a mix, making it less shouty and easier to sing. Hope this helps, Nick
  6. Even in a jazz context this would be considered musical wanking... He plays way too much. Nick
  7. The jazz guitarist ruins the song in my opinion! Next time tell him to go and practice somewhere else Nick
  8. Hi Keith, it sounds a little under-supported to me, not legato enough. Try to sing the melody on a lip roll first and then add the words I hope you'll see what I mean? But yeah, good job Nick
  9. Support is simply regulating airflow and lip rolls are good for that. Don't see the point in doing them on one breath for as long as possible. I believe that what you want to build is coordination, not muscle. Do them on descending major arpeggios: 8531. Airflow should be steady, sing it like one long phrase not 4 different tones. If you want you can repeat the arpeggio 3 times like this: 8531358531358531. Nick
  10. Thanks for listening MDEW Actually I have a hard time singing with a backing track... Get into the song and all. So I usually sing acapella or when I'm lucky with a band! Not anytime soon I'm afraid... I was just trying to get some attention here Nick
  11. Sounds good! The chorus can still be perfected in my opinion but all in all I'm impressed Nick
  12. Well it's not bad! I think you got a good voice but you strain a lot on higher notes or more intense passages. You should get some lessons and work on your technique. You seem to be very young so if you really want to sing do it now! Work hard and at the end it will pay off. Nick
  13. Hi! Here's a little cover of this classic song. Just started practicing it yesterday and here's the result. Hope you like it! https://www.box.com/s/rezlbxz2769tof0sfor0 Nick
  14. Ok I'm no expert but I'm hearing a squeezed, high larynx type of sound. Also, the falsetto choir doesn't work in my opinion. All in all it's not bad. There's a lot of good things in your voice so keep on practicing! Nick
  15. I think you got pretty close to Marvin Gaye's sound especially on those opening lines. Your low range sounds a bit nasal to me, and somewhat different than your higher notes. Like you're using 2 different voices. Good Job. With some practice I think you'll be able to nail this Nick
  16. I like it! Especially the higher parts. Don't know how to put it but the lower parts sounded less precise to me, less "perfect" for lack of a better word. Nick
  17. Yes I know, I'm not particularly fond of that last note! This is one of the many tricks my voice plays on me Thanks for listening Nick
  18. Thanks Gilad, nice to hear people like it! I'm always hard on myself and hear a lot of flaws in my voice. Gina: You are so right! It's a bad habit I have and actually I just uploaded a new cover where I'm doing the same thing! I'll keep that in mind next time I sing something. Nick
  19. So I decided to record a little bit of this song see what it sounds like. What do you think? https://www.box.com/s/8jmt4q9l4h0nfoqvcmyr This is the first try because after that the interpretation kept getting worse... even though the later takes were better from a technical standpoint. Nick
  20. Thanks for listening Gina . I don't see what you mean about the diction though. Any particular spot? Nick
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