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Everything posted by Dr.Evil

  1. Well, i listened to this aria few more times , czech language is relative to my, though it has a lot of differences, but i can understand it pretty well. it's a beutifull and sad song of a mermaid, who loves a man and asks the moon to tell, where her love is and to remind him about her. I don't know what is your native language, but i can imagine, that czezh language is realy hard to speak, as one of slavic languages it has some sounds, that are absent in english, franch, german and other languages, such as 'Ц', 'Ы' 'Ё' and learning them must be as hard, as for me learning the sound 'TH' or learning the difference between 'V' and 'W' . Anyway, once again - beautiful voice, great singing.
  2. I understand. As for me, my next try will be on saturday. It's always loud in my home so don't realy get much time to record or even just sing, but now i asked my boss to change my chedule and he agreed, so from saturday i'll have much more time to sing and record. I also bought a synth so i'll be able to practise at home not only on singing lessons, it'll be delivered tomorrow, i can'wait :D
  3. Well, i didn't realy hear any strain. I didnt check if it's realy Bb4, but i sang with it and it feels that it is. It sounded pretty strong.
  4. I think it would be great, it gives guys with lower voices a chance to do this cool song too, without torturing themselves and their voices.
  5. I did couple of tryes, but it didn't sound well and i realised that i can't handle it on my own, so i asked my teacher to help me to learn a way to do it well(hope it's not cheating). I gave him your version and a backing trach DJDeth gave link too, and he told me that they have different tonalities, yours is e-minor and DJDeth's backing track is a-minor, and now i see it's correct, so i wonder, should i try to scream for an a5 or stick with your version, which is more possible, but i don't have backing track in e-minor, may be i'l find it soon, because by now i tryed to do it in higher key and it's hella hard... But, lower key can be a problem too, because the lowest not would be like b2, and that's hella hard for me too, so i wander if i didn't bite more than i can eat, well, there is only one way to find out...
  6. Wow, that's a ;ot of attention to my person . I'd recommend you all to save some fuel for the next records, because now it starts to look like 'Hey Doc, i was just passing through, decided to remind you once more - you sing bad ' About eurovision - i never watch it, it's just too much for my nerves and ears.
  7. That's true and there are such signs, sometimes they include 'Enter Sandman' and 'Ironman' :lol:
  8. We all are, as buddists think , and by the way - beware, i'm already learning the song . Cheer up!
  9. Insane song, i love it. Where did you get the backing trak?
  10. :lol: Keith's voice has nothing operatic in it, which in this case isn't bad. I don't like operatic voices singeng non operatic songs.
  11. Actualy i just said, that higer notes are better than lower, not that they are great. And of course i understand what you mean, but it's just a lot of times i have to choose between exercises and singing one of my favourite song the way i can , and i like singing so much, that i often choose the second option, though i know it's wrong . By the way, i just downloaded the Child In Time backing trach from youtube , gonna start practice and defenently record it. Not hoping to win the competition, sometimes it's just fun to take part.
  12. My ipinion is that being honest is the best thing you can do. There is an expression in my country, which says: 'bitter thuth is better than sweet lies'.
  13. :) I understand you wery well and of course you'r right, and yes, in this record the highest note was a bit screamy, but that's because i wasn't quite well that day and the moment i began that note i felt, that it's going to fail, so i added some pressure and lost my position. And those notes in chorus are in pitch, in te verses a lot are off, because i realy don't have much contoll on low noes yet, and those are realy low for me i must say. The lowest i can get is H2, but it's realy silent and much airy, the normal sound starts about F3, some power appears at G3, G4, i guess, is the bridge note, G5 the highest i can get without screaming, A5 is a lot screamy and H5 is a pig's scream .
  14. No, Tom, you understood me well, there is not much of a language barrier, because i once knew english quite well, it's just a matter of losing skills without practice, but i will restore mi skills realy fast here. I realy don't use vowel modification and my teacher says nothing about it, but that's may be because i'm just a beginner and he doesn't lead me to high notes yet (i do it without him ), where it should be usefull, as i read, but i sing a lot without him, sometimes i scare him with some heavy metal song, which he doesn't like. I guess he has more of classical approach to singing, though he is not teaching me classical singing, just pop/jazz style, though i want rock, bit there are no one there to teach me rock-style singing . As you could hear in my record (if you've made it to the very end, where the high notes are) there is no vowel modification there at all. My teacher says that i just have naturaly much more developed upper register than lower(which is quite unusual because it's usual that person has his chest voice developed much better, especially untrained person), and i sound much better when i sing in upper register, i have much more controll there, more power.
  15. I'm glad that some people finaly listened to my record , and i never said that i'm singing good. As i said in the introduction topic - i am a beginner, but, you know, one doesn't have to be a cow to judge the taste of it's milk , and i'm a 'beginner cow ' from this point of view. Don't fear that i'm to sensitive to critics, because everyone say that to me, and you didn't hear me 6 month ago and i began working with a tutor only 4 month ago. Igor is great without a dobt, considering his experiance and age and, of cource, his natural talant. PS: i aint going anywhere, and: YOU WILL HEAR ME SING GREAT.
  16. Well, it's time to let you hear the evil genius of the forum :cool: . This record of russian pop song https://www.box.com/s/6ee66be32dc20ea3b0b7 (hope the link will work) was made by me for fun, actually just to tease one of my friends, who wanted to record it, but couldn't because he was unable to reach it's high notes. I didn't know it, just found it over the web, listened few times, opened the lyrics (which i didn't know, as you may hear). The low notes sang by me sound weak and offkey but the higher notes are much better(the higher - the better). So, enjoy, comment, criticize, throw rotten tomatos ...
  17. Oh, i just registered here, so it's no surprise, that i didn't post some song yet, thouh i posted a link to my old record in me greating topic, but it didn't work, so i posted another, but noone loked there after it, so, Ron, if you wish, you could go there and follow the second link and you will hear my about month old record acapella singing russian metal song, i'm not singing it well, but as a sample it will do for now. Soon i will do new recording, my first serious song covering in a duet with my friend, and once it will be ready i will post a link for everyone to hear it without a dobt.
  18. Hey, that's cool idea, though i dont think there will be a lot of contenders . May be i will take part if someone tell me where to get the backing track, because i don't have one and have never seen it over the web... It could be realy funny version of this song with russian-style word spelling , i'm joking ofcourse, my word spelling is not as funny, may be a bit worse than Jugulator's . I could seriously give it a try and i know Jugulator did this song long ago with bad equipment and he might do it again for us. Well, if i'll get the backing track count me in, and may be after that i will reconsider my opinion about your version:).
  19. Well, there has to be someone "evil" in each community:D. If noone will dislike there will be no reason to improve. All i said is not something i made up, i may not be able to sing as good but my ears don't fail me realy often and i didn't mean that i want to hear Ian Gillan. There are things that would sound far better with Robert's voice, may be something from Dio, Metallica, Whitesnake...
  20. :cool: gotta have big balls to do this song. Saying honestly, you showed all you got there, but i think this song doesn't realy fit your voice, which, as i hear is more like baritone-type and such voice is hard to lift at that hight, where this song goes, not even an average tenor can reach to there. You can get those crazy high notes, but thay don't sound the same for me. Just my humble opinion.
  21. Wow, you know, i was doubting that even you will be able to deliver enough energy, which is required for this song, but you surprised me once again :cool:
  22. Well, this song is way too low for you in some places, and because of this it was impassible for you to show the song's spirit(atmosphere, or maybe i don't know the correct word). With your voice it's better to do something like 'fade to black', 'ride the lightning', 'for whom the bell tolls'. Nice try though.
  23. Though i'm not a fan of opera, but a great voice is good whatever it sings. Also i must confess, that high (5th octave +) vocal parts are my weakness. So, back to the point, you got an A+ from me :)
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