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Everything posted by Xamedhi

  1. I get why you are telling me that I changed a lot of parts of the melody, I know haha.. I wasn't really caring about it really. The parts where you can clearly hear it are kind of "free", so I wanted to try that... just sing and do what came out, like, improvising on the road. I have recently found this band, these songs.. so I don't know them as well as I know for example, Dream Theater's stuff, in which I can and know every single note, nuance, stylistic effects, etc. Thanks for the advice I will keep it in mind. EDIT: I wanted to clarify, though, that when I post this kind of stuff, or my a capella recordings, is not caring much for melody/pitch ( Don't think I just ditch it out or forget it, thinking it is not important, on the contrary )... I probably know 70% of these songs by Conception, haha... my interest is more on the technical/anatomical side of things. Tone, resonance, fold closure, twang, bridging.
  2. Hey! I just finished, after a few hours of voice tracking, cleaning and editing, my first mix haha Please listen and leave a comment Dropbox: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Xamedhi%20-%20Roll%20the%20Fire.mp3?w=AACJlAezIXdZcIFEgLRAkGqfpq8zf0DChP5ggiXXyRfE3g SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/roll-the-fire-1 Box: https://app.box.com/s/su3z84y1rgmqlgyww3ec Thanks in advance for any input !
  3. Well.. that's weird because before I created the box account I was able to hear other's sounds in that page o: I put my SoundCloud too if you have an account. Otherwise, I have no idea haha I will check out Dropbox, later :)
  4. Sorry, wasn't paying attention! Editing this post, hahah LMAO Good luck in your new learning cicle !
  5. Well, first of all... put a link to the mp3, because the wav file is very heavy, haha I liked it, although the main voice sounded very breathy. Maybe that was what you wanted, but even though it is not bad in itself, the problem is that it kinda clipped or somethin the whole time on the mic. Other than that, it was a very intimate performance... you achieved that "closeness" on the song. Was that what you looked for?
  6. Second attempt at this song I am steadily getting better at it. This time I mixed it with the music, but as I could not remove the vocals I just lowered the gain so I could be heard over Roy Khan's MEGAVOICE hahah https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/And%20I%20Close%20My%20Eyes%202.mp3?w=AABzplNQzCvf0vwYB7PopS2Wh_vDjsl_blJgi_ZmOv_NOA https://app.box.com/files/0/f/0/1/f_12152344512 https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/and-i-close-my-eyes-2nd Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  7. I liked it a lot, indeed. I like your voice, man. You just have to work on your confidence and determination Don't be so hard on yourself by looking for sooo much perfection. Ones of the most beloved singers have a lot of flaws, inaccurate pitches at times ( that in fact sound awesome in certain situations, I dunno why xD haha ), "wrong" habits and stuff.... I think "you are ready", just work in your personality. You are an awesome singer, mate... with an incredible instrument :)
  8. Man, that is a tough song, haha. It is awesome though. Might give Kamelot a try again. I've been singing Conception because Roy's voice was far more younger and light than in Kamelot. He darkened his tone a lot with the years and that is kind of counterproductive for me, as I am currently working on brightening and a lot of twang. I'll relisten their first 2 albums with Khan and see what can I sing from there hehe
  9. Wow, very nice version of the song. I have only heard Johnny Cash's version, and it jumps to my attention that in yours, the guitar emphasizes other notes, like... giving it a completely different feeling. Maybe it is a NiN thing or something, idk. As for the vocals, I liked them a lot. You have a very thin voice, light and clear, so it was very different to what I am used to hear with Cash. You gave it a far more fragile feeling to it, like if you were really falling apart. I liked it, man :)
  10. Thanks! Well that is what I thought Roll the Fire lacked, more "chestiness" hehe. I think I achieved that better in Parallel Minds, and a bit in And I Close My Eyes, though on the latter one it was hard because of the constant jumping through registers, You can easily spot when I go mix, pure head, and then back to mix. Thank you very much again, Keith for your input :D
  11. As Soundcloud seems to be having a lot of issues lately I created an account on Box so I could share without any problems. Here are the links to the sounds ( Forgot to say that these are not the complete songs, it is just the first part of each, to practice ) https://app.box.com/s/9rpo4t8db8e9di0a2mhj And I Close My Eyes https://app.box.com/s/zyikotzh15b2w2zehzu1 Parallel Minds https://app.box.com/s/fqi58jqc3x0kofzvhx2s Roll the Fire
  12. Well, that is simply the high part of your range. Some people may call it headvoice ( as I do ), others might call it falsetto, or M2. There is a pretty big argument about terminology here in the forum haha The important thing that you want to know, is that that high part of your range is sooo manipulable.. You can make it sound from very airy/breathy and feminine to very big and powerful chest-sounding just like your "normal" voice. How is it that it can sound so different? Simple. How you shape your vocal tract, and how adducted are your vocal folds ( how close they are to each other ) is what determines the type of sound you get. You can DEFINITELY use any kind of sound to sing. It all depends on the song and what YOU want to sound to others. Think about Prince, The Bee Gees... or Stevie Wonder, Tom Jones, Meat Loaf. I hope I helped you to somewhat clarify your thoughts, mate.
  13. I can't listen to it :/ Seems like people's been having issues listening to my things on SoundCloud too... I hope they fix this thing soon.
  14. Well, I think I have progressed a lot in these days. Since my last recordings my voice has changed very much. I will keep going on this route as I feel it is very very right https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/and-i-close-my-eyes https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/parallel-minds https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/roll-the-fire Thanks in advance for any replies :P
  15. I agree with Ron haha You are not a newbie by any means! You must have been singing for years, isn't it? I mean.. formally, either with a coach or self-tough. hehe I'd like to hear more n.n
  16. Hey Here's an update.. I recorded it again today, two days after the first attempt. It was a bit better I think, please listen https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/gethsemane-2nd-attempt-d
  17. No, haha.. I mean, when singing airy I just lose my voice in half and hour or 45 mins... When I try to use more fold closure and/or twang ( I am still not sure about the differences of these mechanisms ) , I last a lot more, and don't "lose it" in the bad sense of the concept.. But I wonder if it is controled by a muscle or something, because after a while I start to lose compression and resonance. Sometimes after a workout it is hard for me to do a clear vocal fry on the lowest range ( although I can siren up with the same coordination to make a very small sound (vocal fry(?)) on my very high range... sounds like a dog's cry )
  18. Hey Thanks for the reply. Well I lowered it a bit, a full step or half, I didn't measure really, it was uncounscious, lol It is an awesome song Did you look for the original on Youtube? It's pretty cool. Also, you are right I want to sound thicker on my mixed voice, that's the goal.. I like James LaBrie, Roy Khan from Kamelot, Geoff Tate.. I'm currently working on that I have a question, though... I have recently discovered the effect that Twang has over my voice.. it makes it very metallic and edgy, which is totally new to me haha Does it get easier with training? I feel like that that Pharyngeal/Twang thing fatigues after a while... I was used to sing very breathy, so now I am fighting habits with an axe.
  19. Well, I still feel very influenced by the original singer of the song... it is a thing very hard for me to disconnect haha You can listen here https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/asylum-city-with-echo-no a different approach on the high notes, but thats just because of the brighter sound, as you mentioned, that I wanted. It is hard for me to apply that on a song where the singer is a bit darker and has a thicker voice.. I tend to imitate too much hehe I will work on that and just try to mix both approaches the next time I try Gethsemane by Conception ( Haha ) Ron, where can I listen some of your stuff? It's hard to find it on the search function here.
  20. Oh, thank you very much, Ron You always support us who work hard to improve hehe I like that in the forum it's not like my mom telling me "high notes are not your thing", which I hate... it's just practice and training, and you all know that. That way you guys get past a lot of things in our singing and just think that in time we'll make it. That is good. Very good. Conditioning someone is bad, not helpful at all Well, I know what sounds bad and what lacked support :/ I know also what to fix and HOW, but it takes time. My headvoice is still not consistent at all and I really have to concentrate, haha As I told Manny, what I recorded separately ( the end ) was not hard, but DURING the song it was tough, and doesn't sound good ( although on the chorus for the second time the higher parts were more supported and it sounded a lot better than the first time )
  21. Oh, that's really weird, ronws... Well, I'll email you the file Thanks for the interest, mate.
  22. Thanks Manolito I laughed a lot with your Jesuschrist joke, lol. I'd like to sing that, but I don't have the range yet, haha What do you mean by creaking? I understand also the CVT terms... but I don't know WHEN I a curbing on this song, could you point a specific sec, please? I'd really want to know. What I feel is that in my comfortable parts I can hold a constant compression and it sounds good to me, sounds consistent. When notes go higher, on my mix, I am not used to it yet, so it was hard as hell to reconfigurate the mechanisms fast. I CAN do it.. as you can hear in the end, with those overlapping voices, but I only could do that because I recorded it separately, hehe. Thanks again for the input, mate. :)
  23. Here was my first attempt at this awesome song. It's not the full song, though, I just wanted to try some editing and stuff as I am totally new to that, haha. https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/conception-gethsemane I know what I want and need to work on, and what sounds bad in here hehe But I want to hear your opinion in the matter guys. Thanks in advance :)
  24. Hey I wanted to share this with you and hopefully have some opinions and helpful input from you, guys. https://soundcloud.com/sebabergmann/winter-rose-asylum-city Thanks in advance :)
  25. Awesome video! Very original Quite a lot of hard work too, wasn't it, haha
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