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  1. You need to work on your pitch. I played your cover along with the actual track and even your key is off. I'm not sure if you were singing with headphones on or not, but if you weren't try it that way next time. Hearing the track and trying to match the key/pitch is a good way to train your voice. Kudos on the effort, but you need to work on it.
  2. Very good. A little too "breathy" to me, but very good tone and pitch. You must be happy, because I liked it :)
  3. Work on your breathing. This song is almost one constant breath in the chorus and you sound like you're running out of steam during those parts. Off pitch to start. You correct it a bit towards the middle but then lose your pitch again towards the end. As for the mix, bring up the backing track and tone down the volume of your vocal track. Good energy. Keep at it and you'll get there.
  4. Didn't really care for the first version. Felt too "happy". You were a little off pitch at the beginning but about halfway through you pulled it back and the pitch seemed to improve. But overall I just wasn't "feeling" it. The second version was MUCH better. It had a feeling that felt truer to the lyrics. You voice seemed a bit strained while you went toward the low end of your range but it felt right for the song. The guitar playing was very good, as always. Overall a very good effort. That one is a keeper :-)
  5. Umm, I'm not sure what you're asking here because that clip sounded pretty darn good. Do what I do and just sing. Yo're going to drive yourself nuts trying to do it the way others tell you it "should" be done. If it sounds good (and it does) then to hell with how it "should' be done. Do it the way you do it. If people like it then your doing it right.
  6. Nicely done. I wish I could understand the lyrics (I am Japanese after all, well half) but I never learned the language. Good tone, nice feeling. Overall just a good job. Kudos.
  7. Felipe, it's interesting how we have very similar tastes in the music we like to listen to and sing. This is one of my favorite tunes to sing, and the one that really gave me confidence to sing in front of a group during karaoke one night (the tequila shots may have helped, too!). For the tune, it was a good job. I liked how you hit the high notes. I would suggest trying to give it a bit more rasp and "gut" feeling. Otherwise, keep on rocking! (and yes, you definitely had a Paul Stanley sound. Maybe you should try a couple of KISS tunes next?)
  8. I'm sorry, but I just have to be honest. That was bad. As in not good. At all. I don't think that song is anywhere near your range. I'm just being honest, so please don't take this as an attack on you or your talent. I've listened to other tunes from you and they were much better than this so I think it is your choice of material. This is not an easy song so kudos to you for the effort, but it was not successful.
  9. Here's my cover of John Mellencamp's "Hurts So Good". Lemme know what ya'll think. Thanks! Eric https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140458649/Hurts%20so%20good%20mix.mp3
  10. I still can't believe I'm in a band! At 44 years of age no less! I can't wait to get a full recording to post up here. We practiced at the drummer's house this Saturday. I'm still blown away at how good these guys are. More so at the fact that they want me fronting their band. We're doing a little bit of everything. Bryan Adams, Mellencamp, The Kinks, ZZ Top, Alice In Chains, Journey, Foreigner, Seger, HiM, Badfinger, but the MOST fun was doing an impromptu version of Def Leppard's "Let it Rock" which led into "High'n'Dry". Totally unrehearsed. I mean, it was never even brought up. One of the guitarists just started playing the intro during a break and then the drummer picked it up, then the other guitarist, then the bass player and I kinda looked at each other and we started in. It freaking rocked! Man, I was on a music high after that. Something about singing with a real live band that a backing track just can't replace. I'm hooked. Now we just need a name for the band. Any suggestions?
  11. It sucked.... :P just kidding. It was pretty good. I like that you did it "your" way. Other than what was posted previously I have nothing to add. Seems like you know what to do with it. Keep on keep'n on Ron! Eric
  12. Good range and tone overall. You were more than a bit flat throughout the song, however. Nice range at the end, but you may want to practice giving those ending high notes a little more power. Your voice is very good. I'm not sure what genre you usually like to sing, but I think your style of voice is very well suited to Country ballads. This version of Faithfully had a definitive "country' feel to it. I'm not sure if that's what you're going for , but I liked it. Eric
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