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Everything posted by donduck12

  1. https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/iron-maiden-wasted-years I know that the quality sucks but i think u can hear me even with the noise in the background,what do you think ?btw I started singing 2 months ago
  2. Thanks for the feedback,I wonder did the voice overall sounded pleasant and nice ? And did the high notes sound bad ?
  3. Hm,maybe you should work more on saying the words correctly,I hear French in your voice lol But that doesn't matter alot,you have emotion and you have a nice tone while singing :)
  4. Hey,I don't find myself competent to critique you but I can tell you that I really like the sound of your voice .Btw I think there is a problem combining music and singing,myb I'm wrong.
  5. fixed version,hope it is better now,link is updated,tell me what u think,thanks in advance I should also mention that I'm 16 and started singing about a month ago https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/iris-goo-goo-dolls
  6. https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/iris-goo-goo-dolls here is the link,it works now,and thanks rnows :)
  7. https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/iris-goo-goo-dolls Here is it,sorry if I post too many covers here,feedback would be nice,does it sound bad?Thanks Link fixed,does it sound like a tenor? :)
  8. Hey,recorded myself playing piano and singing,how does it sound?I should also mention that I'm 16 and started singing month ago.So critics are welcome btw i want to fix that thing when im going another love for the third time in the ref. its like d4 - e4 but i have a problem with it singing on that vowel,any tips about that ? http://picosong.com/CUFe/
  9. Does anyone think this sounds well ?I'm really not confident in myself,so just tell me do I suck or it somehow sounds well,It would mean alot ,both of these answers :rolleyes:
  10. Hey,what do you think about this ,does it sound well?Be honest to me.Btw i was playing the guitar too so i was not 100 % focused on singing ,I should also mention that I'm 16 and that I started singing month ago.Does it sound like a tenor,baritone ?Thanks in advance and sorry for the quality,it's not the best https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/wish-you-were-here-pink-floyd
  11. I know,the timbre matters,range doesn't mean anything,but sorry,what does "goosenfarbe" mean?I never heard that till now :D
  12. Thanks,do you think my voice sounds well here?Does it sound like a baritone or tenorish?I know that doesn't matter at all if you don't want to be a classical singer,but it's nice to know :)
  13. Hey,just recorded myself,I know i missed a note in a first verse but im too lazy to record everything again,how do you like it ? I should mention that I'm 16 and that I just started singing. https://soundcloud.com/someonesomewhere123/the-man-who-sold-the-wolrd
  14. Hey dude i really like your cover So where can we find something to read about orrendo canto and how to make that sound,what muscles are used and stuff ?
  15. I've been playin piano for like 8 years but started to sing a few days ago so I'm total begginer at singing. Do you have any special critics,what should I fix or something ?Thanks for the replies.
  16. Hey recorded myself again,check it out and tell me what u think,started singing few days ago lol
  17. Thanks for the replies again.Can someone answer will singing from my diaphragm instantly give me some range when it's learned correctly and is it possible for voice to change alot after its settled for 5 years (im 16)?My music teacher says that i finished the voice changing and it will only mature and change a bit till 20's.Just check the audio i sent and answer me these questions and I will stop being borring with my newbie questions :P
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