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Everything posted by Chapman123

  1. Thank you. I agree, it is really more of an artsy piece. You've given many things to consider, I might write a more liberating song. 
  2.  I think I may have enough songs to record an Album now or at least a Demo Album...I'm going to start working on that. I like the concept of this one, but there's something not right...I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's the guitar after the first couple of verses. I'm thinking I might need a guitar introduction at the beginning so it's not so rushed and maybe not switch the keys as much- what do you think?   
  3. I think you're much more of an aware singer than I am though, so really I'm just a listener hear. 
  4. Oh oh...you're getting technical here...hmmm, I don't know if I'm necessarily qualified at all to answer that, but if it's something you enjoy and admire with your voice then why would you want to erase it? I'm not exactly the most keen with the professionalism of singing or you can say the most proficient methods of singing; I find a voice that is full of emotion and passion very endearing as opposed to a singer who isn't fully immersed into the song in a transcendent, compulsive way, but rather sings to persuade the audience...if that is remotely clear. On the contrary, complacence isn't always the best things either if you feel like you're not reaching your full potential. It never hurts to be able to switch between the two, perhaps practice some headvoice passaggio's which I guess is just Italian for passage. Another thing to try is just some vocal fold contracting and releasing exercises(don't really know suitable ones though...sorry)Robert Lunte, pretty sure he's the founder of this site, demonstrates some great methods which may help you. https://www.youtube.com/user/roblunte/search?query=Passagio  Your head voice sounds strong to begin with though...so really I'm at lost haha. Check out some of his videos though, he might be able to help. I'm sure a much more knowledgeable member will comment soon.  
  5. Thanks, that song is very nice; I love the arrangements and the singer's style is great. Definitely going to be adding Creed to my list of bands. It is a great stress reliever, I'm adding to my playlist as we speak- with James Taylor and all the others . Here's one for you hahahaha, here's some of my favorite stress reliever songs .   .                           I've totally bombarded this thread...oh well. Here's some great music for some people to explore, might be some new artists to some. Some of these artists I've gotten a lot of inspiration from. Suppose I should have sent this in a message instead of further burying other peoples threads.
  6. I really enjoyed the cover, you have a wonderful voice . I love it when your voice dips...it has a tinge of this haunting quality when low. Hmmm, the only criticism I can offer is that it might be interesting to hear more emphasis on the consonants or to close the ending of some words quicker- sometimes this can really help to sell that intimacy or agony in a voice for songs like these. Glottal stops I think is what I'm referring to, I advise you to research about it though because I've heard some controversial things about the technique. I don't know though, that's just me being possibly too pedantic. You can try it out and see (these tongue faces look ridiculous). Your voice is reminiscent to Dolores O'Riordan (lead singer from the band Cranberries)with your unique voice crack thing. Of course she is Irish and has more of a folk voice, and a lot more of this edginess...okay you both are very different haha, but there may be some things that you could learn from her and find interesting. I actually prefer the way you use the voice break, it's very subtle and works well...sometimes Dolores can go overboard in my opinion haha. You should check out some of her songs, it might be fun to experiment with . Take my criticism with a grain of salt though because I am no professional.
  7. Haha we always have the most interesting and deep conversations on here, you guys are awesome. 
  8. Oh most certainly, why waste the time we can remember? I'm pretty sure our first sens of awareness would be too traumatizing to remember haha. 
  9. Thank you KillerKu, that was very generous of you. I'm going to try my best to record an album this month or the following, although it can get a little difficult when balancing school work. I'm on my last year of HighSchool(thank God). I will not let excuses get the best of me though. We do have a short time on this Earth Ronws, but in another perspective we don't. I prefer to not think of my life as a narrative because that really bores me, instead I like to imagine my life more as an impression- no definitive end. I find this motivating and it can make you see things differently, almost as a self-sustaining life. My life can live on through others when I'm gone, as long as I make a big enough impression on people. It's kind of an interesting concept really, to step outside of your own head and lend it to someone else for a change; if your life doesn't mean much to you....it might mean the world to someone else.(I don't mean that in a self deprecating manner, just being realistic)
  10. Thank you ronws. Also thanks for the bluntness haha, I didn't even realize how shallow I was behaving- very childish. You're very right; you've revealed that I am being very amateur by endlessly trying to make something perfect instead of just letting it go and releasing it. I shall publish this song and some of my others and will see how it will go from there. 
  11. Thanks a lot for the feedback guys ., I think you're right killer, I'll explore that register a little more(I use to sing up there and was able to get some interesting rasp, but I've lost control haha). I also took your advice to heart and really focused on creating breathing room in this song. I just purchased myself a beautiful new Martin 00015m guitar today, so I'll record these songs again(this time with an incredible guitar) and I'll keep you guys updated. You guys inspire me as well; when I see that people actual take an interest and encourage me it makes music so much more fulfilling and helps me to keep on track. Thanks bono I try to keep away from repetition and that drag factor, it's really an exciting journey to navigate through chord progressions too.  
  12. Sorry for the poor recording quality, it's not finished yet . 
  13. Wow, I was not expecting this kind of response at all, you're all very kind and you all startled me. You're right about the nightmare Ronws, I had a minor heart attack for a second haha! Thanks for the feedback everyone, I will get a professional recording(maybe fine tune some things) and copywrite it. I like Bon Jovi's quote, I better get writing. Happy New Years by the way . 
  14. So I wrote a new song today, some of you might have listened to my song "Don't be Strong," this new one is a little different. Please share your thoughts kind people
  15. Ah Yes, I completely agree with you; he had a responsibility to the health of his family, sadly he just disposed all of his sadness onto them. I feel sorry for the family and the heartache it must have caused, and how lost his children must feel. I have not heard of Commander Cody or Lost Planet Airmen, I'll check them out . 
  16. Thanks everyone, I wasn't expected such kind encouragement and enlightening feedback. I understand what you're saying Ronws, I also get annoyed when an artist becomes more diplomatic or fame hungry; they lose their sense of intimacy with their music, and they stray from their original work. But, we must also account for the fact that many artists enjoy trying new things and experiment, because that's an element of art as well; however I do notice that to many it becomes more impressions than progression and their incentives are selfish. I do notice this with Kurt Cobain; however we could be wrong. His act of suicide is unarguably selfish, but I do feel sympathy for him because he was an extremely sensitive individual. Such sensitive people in history have been extremely introspective and have provided great messages and a place of solace for other hurting souls. It's truly a shame that the weight of the world can sometimes be too much to bear for these individuals- Nick Drake, Elliot Smith, Kurt Cobain. Nick Drake and Elliot Smith I admire very much because although both were extremely sensitive and suffered from depression, they managed to find comfort in their music and never really strayed from their style too much. To Elliot Smith fame didn't really matter much to him and I love him for that mindset, but for Nick Drake he would always gripe about his lack of popularity- how can we blame him though, producers and many people proclaimed that he was a genius, but yet he had absolutely no money. This is depicted in his song Hanging on a Star. He tried to market his music, as KillerKu was stating, with his Bryter Lyter album, but to no avail at the time. The problem with these artists, who are all very sensitive, is that they become too introspective that they can't minimize the clamor of their mind...coupled with rejection and different demands for music, they start to feel like an outcast or different than the world. If only they looked towards a solution, such as love, instead of their problems...then maybe they would have lived longer- maybe someone would've saved them. I know before Nick died(whether incidental or intentional who knows) he was very frustrated, because he felt like his music wasn't reaching anyone or helping anybody's lives. That thought alone can be heartbreaking, because that's what artists strive for. If only Nick stayed alive just a little longer I think he would've been fine if he saw his popularity explode and his music shaping peoples lives and helping them through things. 
  17. Thanks man I agree the style really works well with Gomez, but it doesn't seem very authentic with me. I guess I need to work on becoming a little more genuine with my singing. Nick Drake's style is my greatest admiration/aspiration for music. I really adore that almost soft, passive method of singing, but I'm not innate or endowed with that kind of voice...I feel my voice is more on the aggressive side, which can clash with what I like to play. So I'm trying to find ways of perhaps softening my voice some or developing both style; however I don't think that's something I can do, because I would be working against what I was born with. I suppose you've been a mirror to me in some regards...I've finally had the opportunity to see myself artistically through someone. Maybe I should stop emulating and just try to become an artist, instead of asking to become one. Anyways here's one of favourite Nick Drake songs
  18. Thanks a lot for the input man I appreciate it , yah I guess I was trying to get a more airy sound similar to the lead singer from Gomez(here's the feeling I was trying to go for, but didn't do very well at haha ) How about this song that I wrote...do you think this better suits me(not the best recording because I recorded really late at night)
  19. I apologize for the poor recording quality. Lyrics= Don't be strong my friend. Don't hold on to it again. For even the rivers cry now and again. The leaves may fall, but they'll grow back. So let the tears come surging through. A day not new is one held on to. I'm fine is a phrase often poorly used. A day's not new, if you hold on too. A day not new, is one held on to. I kind of forget some lyrics in my recording haha, oh well . I've also added a lot more to the song instrumentally, so I'll upload a revised copy later.
  20. I haven't been able to find a clear explanation for this, I think head voice is the register which has a clean transition from chest voice and falsetto is the disconnected one, but I'm not sure .
  21. It's a really cute song man, I like it . Would you mind giving me some insight on this song I wrote
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