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Posts posted by Gsoul82


    ​   Yeah, It kind of gets confusin" when you sing songs from many different genres. People tell you to find your own voice but with my voice different styles of singing and different effects can make a huge difference. Vocal programs will talk about things like Edge, distortion, vibrato, placement, Support glottal compression. The way I get these things are more like finding another character who uses them.

       Many of the songs I posted had issues because I used the voice that I thought was my natural voice, after hearing the comments and readjusting things to not use my voice I had better reviews. I am now learning to NOT use my own voice(The one I thought was natural) and FIND one that gives a better reflection of the song I am singing. OR use one that WORKED in the past.

       I may try that Phil Collins song again now that I have been playing with distortion.

    ​Yeah, I think everyone needs exploratory freedom. However you desire to sing, that should become your voice. I know this is the way everyone who's been successful has done it. Some people do succeed in sounding just like somebody else, but you can often tell those people apart, because everyone has their own tendencies.

    For a long time, I hated my head voice. My chest voice thickened up after a while, but my head didn't, because I didn't use it enough. It's unaffected. I can do some things to manipulate it's natural sound, but the texture isn't naturally occurring. Now I realize that part of my voice seems to be what's making people say I sound a little like Neville. Just like I keep saying you sound like somebody I heard before. There's always somebody to link you to,

  2.    I was going to give this one a few days first....There are not too many people who can take that much MDEW at one time. :lol:

    ​I'm getting pretty used to your voice now. Still trying to remember and figure out who the guy I heard before that sounds like you is. It just goes to show, you think you're using your own voice, but there's always someone out there sounding a bit similar.

  3. I got some problem to start a new topic and Adolph is kind enough to try a solve that issue. So is it ok to post my Highway star- training clip here?

    It was a rainy morning today here in Finland and i had some time so i tryed this month challenge. I´m not too happy with the result, it´s a very hard song for me but here it is anyway


    ​Big pat on the back to Pekka for stepping up and putting a recording out first! All recordings for the challenge, whether they're rough drafts or final versions, should go in here, so you weren't wrong to put it in here. It's good that this is a hard song for you. It will be a difficult song for others, including me, so we're all being challenged here. Don't worry about this not being to your standards. All final recordings have to be in by June 2nd PST, so you've got around 17 days to do something better.

  4. Very nice, Denis. You've got the energy. Only thing I can really say is that I hope you're not feeling it in your throat when you get raspy. Other than that, very good.

       Wow, is about the only word I can say right now. :o How can you do that sitting down?

      I really liked that vibrato you have in there. It has a unique speed to it. Hard to describe but I like it.

    ​Singing while sitting down was tricky for me at first too. Just sit up straight and make sure you can fully engage your diaphragm. I do most of my stuff sitting down now.

  5. Hi there. Long story short, I have a hereditary high-frequency hearing loss -- high tones sound louder to you than they do to me; lower tones, as a result, sound louder to me -- and I'm curious to hear how I sound to normal-hearing people; do I need to enunciate more, do I need to "lighten or darken" the "color" of my voice (not sure how to say this), etc. You guys have given me great advice before, but I've recently had my hearing aids turned up, so I'm having to "retune" my ears, and you can help me do that! :)

    My main problem is that my tone sounds totally different to me if I'm not wearing hearing aids. I sound like a straight-up tenor with them, but without them, I sound like I have a baritone... color/tone, even if the notes are in the tenor range. Hopefully this is making sense; I'm not well-versed in musical terminology.

    This also obviously affects how I sing. Where I used to over-enunciate (because it sounded like proper enunciation to me; everyone else sounded like they were mumbling), I now feel like I'm under-enunciating. I barely open my mouth when I sing anymore, because if I do more, it feels like I'm overdoing it. 

    I'd kinda like to have a general conversation about singing with hearing loss, but I'm not sure where I'd go for that. In the meantime, please let me know what you think!

    As an aside, I'm planning to record some covers that actually have instrumentals. I didn't include the instrumentals for Save Room or Otherside of the Game because they're copyrighted, and I couldn't find one for Sun In My Mouth. 


    ​Hey Better,

    Welcome to the forum. Please go ahead and add a picture to your profile. It helps the community. Thank you.

    I listened to the Erykah Badu song and Save Room. You've got a cool tone. I don't think diction is really a problem, although you should always be mindful of that, because I can hear what you're singing clearly here. Intonation is right. Color seems appropriate.

    I know you said things sound louder to you, but I'd be interested in hearing you do something louder with more power. I see you like to use your lower ranger a lot, and you like R&B, so maybe something from Anthony Hamilton, as a suggestion?

    I do agree you should work on range, but that goes for everybody. Who couldn't benefit from a bigger range?

  6. Sounds Good GSoul82. I'd love to hear something from you with a backing track and full musical intent. These snippets are like appetizers. I am ready for the meal.


    ​Haha. I guess I'm just lazy. Whenever I'm in the mood to sing something, I'll just record and get it done in a few minutes. Then post it. I really do need to start using this production software though.


    GSoul82, your voice is like soft velvet. So beautiful. I liked it very much.

    ​Appreciate it. I probably wouldn't have done it if you hadn't made a topic on it. Then I really started listening to the song, and I liked it. This seemed a bit too light, in my opinion. I sang most of it in clear voice (no kind of effect), and I rarely do that, but that's part of the appeal for me. I want to get used to doing things I don't normally do.

  7. Hey all,

    Around a week ago, I talked Pekka into doing this song, because I heard something in his voice that reminded me of this guy. Pekka is a Rock guy, and this is considered an R&B song, so it was an interesting thing. Ronws came into Pekka's topic and mentioned  that Bolton used to actually be a Rock singer, but his career wasn't going anywhere, and so he ended up giving Soul a try. Being that we're doing the whole monthly challenge thing every month and pushing genre boundaries, I thought it would be cool to get into songs from crossover artists, like Bolton. Especially since this month it happens to be a Rock song and Bolton is a Rock artist who crossed over to R&B, which is my area. This was spur of the moment, but I might really work on this and put it to music. It only has two verses.

  8. ​"G" if your interested, I can give you some very basic Logic Pro X lessons ... but if you want a real pro teacher, I recommend this guy... he is my teacher and is a real pro.  He does skype lessons... tell him I referred you!


    ​Thanks, Rob. I think I'll try to mess around with it first and then ask you if I have any questions. I haven't even tried to use it yet, lol.

  9. ​Thank you Pekka!!! :)

    ​Thank you very much Magika!! 

    ​Thank you Soul! I´d never heard about Eric Benet until spotify suggested me to listen to him from what I usually play on it, what probably answer your question about me being a ballad type of guy :D 

    "Lately" is a beautiful song also a really good one to work out the first and second bridge

    Yeah, the guy is amazing. One of the reasons I put so much work into my falsetto. You did very well with this.



  10. Research intervals and scales in music theory for harmony work.  Generally major or minor 3rds (3 and 4 notes up) and 5ths (7 notes up or 5 notes down)  and octaves (12 notes up or down) are most common are most common.

    Major and minor 7ths, 4ths, and major or minor minor 6ths come next most often, The sourest sound is a minor second (1 semi tone up or down). Every harmony point has a flavor. Minor harmonies tend to sound sadder or more tense, while major harmonies tend to sound brighter or more freeing. If you have any kind of instrument it would be very helpful.




    Yeah, I played piano for a few years so I know about it.

  11. Thanks for support G!!! But that tool is alot more than mearly autotune. It has power to transpose a voice up to whole step up and down and preserving timbre. It can also lower the amplitude on vibrato. If there is a very wide vibrato in your recording it can tone it down. 

    This is kind of why it took me until now to get interested in this software stuff. I don't like the tricks and all. If my natural voice can't do it, I don't want it to sound like I can on recording. What I'm really interested in is making some cool harmonies and backup vocals. It's common in the stuff I listen to.

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