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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - my cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm coming back with a new recording

To realize it I choose to find an open choral sound.

I used Bright Double in Voicelive 2 and sent the signal in mono to Reaper in two different track one dry and one wet.

I was not very satisfied about an harmonic choice, so I took a second take.

When I went to comparing them I discovered that in the refrain they worked very well joined together as a natural harmony and not artificial one.

I mixed them all, then finalized with a mastering compression process...

I hope you like it :)


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Great cover.

Vocal sound great.

My only criticisms are on the mix.

The vocals could be louder or more forward in the mix, and the snare from your baking track is really harsh sounding and quite distracting.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I agree with sound26. The singing is great, on pitch, you pronounce the lyrics correctly, from what I can hear. And the problem with the mix is the articulation. Too much de-esser and the sybilants sound mushy. It took the fire out of the p's and b's, too. And make the vocals a little more prominent by dialing back the accompaniment, just a smidge. I mean no more than .25 to .5 dB.

And some might say, "Ron, you are one to talk." I am king of the crappy mix. But I have been studying and learning about that recently. Which doesn't make me good, all of a sudden. But I can now describe what I hear, a little better.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

no no.. thanks..

everything help to improve performance.

Having a good feedback on performance is already a good thing.

About the recording

I'm doing it without professional knowledge..

I have no antipop (and that could help)

It's recorded at home in a normal room and not in a silenced room.

Monitoring with headphones and without monitors.

It's my 3rd recording with this setup, the first two where made with a condenser mic through direct acquisition.

For this recording I decided to use my Voicelive 2 gear and it's MP-75 mic to try to have my usual live sound with me...

At the same time.. the result was to realize something more "post produced" putting together 2 takes... etc...

I'm learning trying to transfer on a recording the same feeling and energy I usually have in live...

As till now everytime i tried to record directly live performance... I never liked it.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Trust me, Nightfly, I know where you are coming from.

I stink at recording and mixing. So, when it comes to just hammering out a song, I play it on guitar. And I record "live," meaning I am playing guitar and singing at the same time. It gives me a more blended sound, I think. Though my thinking could be in error.

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