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Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, all.

New to the forum, looking to get some feedback about my voice.

Here's a link to my cover of "I Have Nothing": http://soundcloud.com/oh-2-the-no/whitney-houston-i-have-nothing

While I welcome suggestions and tips of all sorts, I'm really interested in suggestions about vocal attack (especially in head voice), articulation, avoiding strain or tension, and keep a relatively neutral larynx in the upper echelons of head voice (I can keep it relatively neutral up to Bb4; it's up-hill from there).

Heads up; on the fourth repeat of the chorus, things get a tad pitchy...:/


  • TMV World Legacy Member

welcome oh2theno :cool:

your voice is great. sweet tone, support, control. The only thing missing from this for me was the element of you really going for it it all sounded a little safe like you didn't want to wake the neighbours.

take some risks you have got the voice for it buddy.



  • TMV World Legacy Member

I agree with Jonathan on this. I think it was good as far as pitch and tone but it was just a little layed back which lessened the feel and emotion of the song. Good job though. It just needs more emotion.

Well in my opinion anyway :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

@Keith I'm sorry that you couldn't listen from your mobile. Maybe you could try it the next time you are by a computer.

@John and Tommy Thanks for the feedback. I definitely was holding back since it was pretty late in the evening and I was in my dorm room (though my roommates are hard pressed to show that same respect--but that's a whole 'nother story...). I will definitely try to be more emotive and take more risks (thanks John!).


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