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Queen of the Reich full song!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Be nice yo. This is the best take I've got. All in all I'm fairly happy with this. I feel like I could probably make a good composite/studio vocal and I could probably perform this live. I can do the slide in the beginning sometimes, but didn't here.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Cajones grande for taking on this song. You do better when you don't plug your ear. Often when people do that to check their pitch, it's because they can't hear the tonal quality, the correct intonation. And then, when you do that, you cut your volume because now, all of a sudden, you sound loud. Same with cupping the ear. Your pitch control is good when you don't plug your ear. You are just unsure of yourself.

The lower parts sound disconnected. So, take how you set up for the high notes and do that with the low notes, as well, and see what happens.

I think you did quite well with this song.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks guys!

The ear thing is definitely a nervous habit, it gives me a sense of grounding for some reason. I typically either do that, or make gestures with my hand. The harder the song is, the more I do it. I usually also sing with my eyes open. I tried closing them some on this take as an experiment. I'd say it was a success. The sense of grounding is similar.

That D4-G4 range... I can use the same modified vowels and placement as I do for the higher notes if I can muster the breath support while also letting go, but it's just not always there.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey man,

You definitely have the notes; however, you should absolutely work on your vocal technique. I see A LOT of tension and strain when you sing, this can lead to many vocal health problems. There are a variety of falsetto technique excersizes you can do to help improve your range and the ease of the accessablity of your higher range.

Some problems I saw were:

Placement of jaw when you went for the higher notes, you "pressed" your vocal chords, (pressing your jaw downward to cause tension). This tightens your vocal chords and helps with to achieve that sharp high pitched Rock n' Roll Scream. This can do more harm than good and can over stress your vocal chords. This also fatigues your voice faster.

I agree with the previous comment about the finger in the ear thing. Cuts your volume. Bad habit! We all have bad habits in the beginnings. I personally have poor tongue placement haha

Confidence! You have a great voice bro. Loosen up some more and you will be amazing! Great Job, keep at it! :D

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