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Texas Flood

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice one Tommy, again with vocal tone being very similar this style just suites you perfect. I heard much more vibrato in your phrases this time which i loved.

Two things for me that could be better imo is just watching for the pitch on the "wheeeeen it's" kinda sounded a little bit like hit and hope but i think that could be that the backing is a little quiet for you. you got a bit of a pop mix going on with the voice being much bigger than everything else. maybe try dropping it 5db.

cool tone on the backing track too eh?



  • TMV World Legacy Member

oh i meant to ask, do you play these songs live with a band?



  • TMV World Legacy Member

oh i meant to ask, do you play these songs live with a band?

:D The only place I sing is in a small room in my house when recording and in my car. I've sung out 3 times in my life. Once 6 years ago, once last September and the last time last February. All Karaoke and all on cruises.

Since then (Feb) I've been looking to improve. :)

I think you mean "weeellll (well) :D Actually I didn't like it either. I don't normally stretch it out like Stevie does but thought I'd stick closer to the track this time and also extend the note to match the beat/progression. But I wasn't really happy with it. Actually I wasn't happy with the whole first two lines. But it was getting late and i already ran into a few problems I had to fix so i wasn't wasting anymore time and re- recording.

Thanks for the listen and tips, much appreciated :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I couldn't hear the problems. Maybe it's just been a long day and I was enjoying the song and forgot to be critical of each minute second in the recording. My bad.

Good stuff, Tommy. I still stink at this being "tough love" thing. I like hearing a good song and this is a good song and I liked the way you sang it. So, sue me.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yea that's right....I should be pissed off at you you bastard. How dare you like my song :lol:

Thanks Ron.

Actually I may remix it tomorrow at work (I don't have the file here today). I just remixed Georgia which I posted below and re did the link. I added a little reverb. I did the same with "The Weight" which isn't posted but I sent you a copy last week (it's in my Soundclick list anyway), I now remixed that. I re-mixed it today as with Georgia. Compression and reverb. I thought Georgia came out good if you get a chance to listen again in the other thread from last week.

I'll try Texas Flood tomorrow although I may like the raw sound of it better than any reverb. We'll see.

I have another Stevie Ray Vaughan song recorded for a couple of weeks already. "Life By The Drop" which i recorded at the same time I did Cold Shot. But I'm not sure how I like it and I may take a break from posting songs for a bit anyway. I've done too many :D

Thanks again Ron.


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