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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I haven't had time to record or even sing lately due to my work schedule and overtime. Today I got an unexpected day off and had to play catch up with work at home; ie, grass cutting. After cutting the grass in close to 90 degree weather I quietly got drunk. After drinking enough I decided to record :D Mistake? Maybe. You decide....I'm fearless...lmao.

This was one shot. I set up the equipment, sang it once and was done with it.

Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah Tommy, I like this. That was cool. You sound really into it and your voice is nicely expressive. Maybe you should drink record more often.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Ok...I'll let you off ;) lol

To be honest, I would love to re-post "Georgia On My Mind" which is in my song list linked in my signature, but I have posted so many versions of that here on the forums that even I am about to puke!!! But I thought that last one came out really good. Then again I'm a little biased right? :D

Thanks for the listen and comment bro! :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron. Beer, I only had one. It was the pint of Vodka that go me ;) I recorded this song once a couple of weeks ago but didn't like it. I hadn't planned on singing yesterday as I was too busy and it already got late. Then after a few drinks...well....you know how it goes. :D But it was a hit and run; no warmup no nothing. No do overs.

I also did another version of "Have You Ever Loved a Woman" but I'm still not happy with it. I'll post it tomorrow. Maybe :)

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