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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys,

I need some help. My wedding anniversary is in September but my wife and I are very big on the day we met which is July 30th. When we got married our wedding song was Thank You by Led Zeppelin.

I want to do this song for our 30th anniversary of when we met but I want it to be good. I'm having a little trouble with it and there is one spot in particular that sounds horrible to me. Anyway, my point is that I did a preliminary version for you guys to listen to and make suggestions on how I could improve it. Also, I was wondering if someone could take the MP3 when I make the final version and mix it? Is that possible? You know, maybe clean it up since my recording skills suck. :) I still have almost 2 months so there is time to work on it and the vocals.


Here it is.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The high part, which I decided to lower to my more comfortable range. "For you to me are the only only one."I didn't like "for you to me" and was debating even going lower and changing that whole sentence note wise. So any input is helpful. I played around with that part about 10 different ways before coming up with that way of singing it.

Keep it? Ditch it? Think it's ok?

I have made recordings here that I liked and then made a CD of it but it doesn't sound the same when I play it in the car. It sounds like it was in a tunnel. My wife is deaf in one ear so headphones don't do her any good. It is better with full surround sound for her. But I can't seem to got anything mixed good enough to transfer to a CD. That is where I also need ideas/help.

Thanks for listening Kieth.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Send me the backing track and the vocal track (separatly) as mp3's and I'll see if I can figure out how to help ya


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Send me the backing track and the vocal track (separatly) as mp3's and I'll see if I can figure out how to help ya

Thanks Kieth. There's no rush, I have almost 2 months. I'll get it to you at some point. I might re-record it and try a different approach to that one line. Thanks.

I used natural reverb. :D I usually sing into a closet full of clothes then add reverb later. This time I sang facing away from the closet and about 2 feet from the plaster wall.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The only thing I could hear was a difference in vowels. You used more sound for the phrase "For you to me." Plant used more of an ee sound.

Tomayto, tomahto, potayto, potahto. I think your version is good, just as it is.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron. I might do it over just to see if I can get it a little better. We'll see. I tried splitting the tracks (I've done it before with other songs I've done) but for some reason it isn't working on this song. When I separate the tracks there is still music in the vocal track and vice versa.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

No gloss there brother. She is my best friend. :)

That is why we really celebrate when we met. The story is long, but interesting. Thanks for the comment Vocalist D, I haven't heard from you in awhile and miss your comments on my songs :)

Thanks for listening.

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